Wise Sayings Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "wise-sayings-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 630
“When I was young, I wanted power.
Now that I'm old, I want peace.
When I was young, I wanted titles.
Now that I'm old, I want contentment.
When I was young, I wanted money.
Now that I'm old, I want happiness.
When I was young, I wanted excitement.
Now that I'm old, I want calm.
When I was young, I wanted praise.
Now that I'm old, I want respect.

When I was young, I wanted houses.
Now that I'm old, I want fulfillment.
When I was young, I wanted cars.
Now that I'm old, I want satisfaction.
When I was young, I wanted possessions.
Now that I'm old, I want experiences.
When I was young, I wanted medals.
Now that I'm old, I want mastery.
When I was young, I wanted lackeys.
Now that I'm old, I want companions.

When I was young, I wanted amusement.
Now that I'm old, I want rest.
When I was young, I wanted beauty.
Now that I'm old, I want substance.
When I was young, I wanted fame.
Now that I'm old, I want legacy.
When I was young, I wanted command.
Now that I'm old, I want freedom.
When I was young, I wanted authority.
Now that I'm old, I want influence.

When I was young, I wanted reputation.
Now that I'm old, I want character.
When I was young, I wanted treasure.
Now that I'm old, I want truth.
When I was young, I wanted confidence.
Now that I'm old, I want conviction.
When I was young, I wanted lovers.
Now that I'm old, I want friends.
When I was young, I wanted excess.
Now that I'm old, I want joy.

When I was young, I wanted degrees.
Now that I'm old, I want wisdom.
When I was young, I wanted university.
Now that I'm old, I want nature.
When I was young, I wanted prominence.
Now that I'm old, I want humanity.
When I was young, I wanted accomplishment.
Now that I'm old, I want laughter.
When I was young, I wanted greatness.
Now that I'm old, I want health.

When I was young, I wanted resources.
Now that I'm old, I want strategies.
When I was young, I wanted contacts.
Now that I'm old, I want competence.
When I was young, I wanted followers.
Now that I'm old, I want students.
When I was young, I wanted crowds.
Now that I'm old, I want intimacy.
When I was young, I wanted empires.
Now that I'm old, I want dignity.

When I was young, I wanted honor.
Now that I'm old, I want integrity.
When I was young, I wanted popularity.
Now that I'm old, I want loyalty.
When I was young, I wanted lovers.
Now that I'm old, I want children.
When I was young, I wanted strength.
Now that I'm old, I want youth.
When I was young, I wanted life.
Now that I'm old, I want Heaven.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“It is easier to teach saints than to learn from sinners.
It is easier to teach young students than to guide old fools.
It is easier to chastise saints than to caution sinners.
It is easier to shine in the dark than to glow in the light.
It is easier to multiply enemies than to accumulate friends.
It is easier to embrace your angel than to face your demons.
It is easier to fight an army of opinions than a single truth.
It is easier to rise with enemies than to fall with friends.
It is easier to fall into sin than to rise into virtue.
It is easier to rise from defeat than to rise from ignorance.
It is easier to survive a blow from a friend than a kiss from an enemy.
It is easier to conquer a thousand devils than a single angel.
It is easier to rise from love than to soar from hate.
It is easier to move mountains by faith than hills by your hands.
It is easier for stars to shine than for truth to glow.
It is easier to resist pain than to defy pleasure.
It is easier to appease the strong than to wrestle the mighty.
It is easier to tame the mind than to bridle the soul.
It is easier to fight an army than to grapple with your conscience.
It is easier to embrace the future than to understand the past.
It is easier for the sun to shine than for the moon to glow.
It is easier for small seeds to rise than for big trees to grow.
It is easier to heal a wounded heart than a broken soul.
It is easier to rule the mind than to conquer the soul.
It is easier to conquer your enemies than to master your fears.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“True wisdom is like an ocean; the deeper you go the greater the treasures you'll find.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“It doesn’t cost much to hate,
but it costs you everything to love.
It doesn’t cost much to fall,
but it costs you everything to rise.
It doesn’t cost much to doubt,
but it costs you everything to believe.
It doesn’t cost much to forget,
but it costs you everything to remember.
It doesn’t cost much to take,
but it costs you everything to give.
It doesn’t cost much to create,
but it costs you everything to destroy.
It doesn’t cost much to seek,
but it costs you everything to find.
It doesn’t cost much to command,
but it costs you everything to obey.
It doesn’t cost much to destroy,
but it costs you everything to build.
It doesn’t cost much to hinder,
but it costs you everything to help.
It doesn’t cost much to harm,
but it costs you everything to heal.
It doesn’t cost much to revenge,
but it costs you everything to forgive.
It doesn’t cost much to condenm,
but it costs you everything to sympathize.
It doesn’t cost much to assume,
but it costs you everything to prove.
It doesn’t cost much to ignore,
but it costs you everything to understand.
It doesn’t cost much to despise,
but it costs you everything to honor.
It doesn’t cost much to blame,
but it costs you everything to praise.
It doesn’t cost much to denounce,
but it costs you everything to appluad.
It doesn’t cost much to rest,
but it costs you everything to work.
It doesn’t cost much to surrender,
but it costs you everything to conquer.
It doesn’t cost much to lose,
but it costs you everything to win.
It doesn’t cost much to fail,
but it costs you everything to succeed.
It doesn’t cost much to rest,
but it costs you everything to work.
It doesn’t cost much to die,
but it costs you everything to live.
It doesn’t cost much to sit,
but it costs you everything to stand.
It doesn’t cost much to walk,
but it costs you everything to run.
It doesn’t cost much to jog,
but it costs you everything to soar.
It doesn’t cost much to follow,
but it costs you everything to lead.
It doesn’t cost much to give up,
but it costs you everything to persevere.”
matshona dhliwayo

“It is death that makes life precious,
darkness that makes light precious,
dirt that makes flowers precious,
storms that make rainbows precious,
pain that makes pleasure precious,
chaos that makes harmony precious,
space that makes matter precious,
clutter that makes orderliness precious,
chance that makes certainty precious,
eternity that makes time precious,
truth that makes reality precious,
silence that makes speech precious,
rest that makes motion precious,
opinions that make facts precious,
strife that makes peace precious,
curiosity that makes knowledge precious,
suspicion that makes evidence precious,
fear that makes caution precious,
slavery that makes freedom precious,
oblivion that makes existence precious,
yesterday that makes tomorrow precious,
and tomorrow that makes forever precious.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“You may have no computer,
but thank The Divine One for giving you a brain.
You may have no television,
but thank The Divine One for giving you an imagination.
You may have no counselor,
but thank The Divine One for giving you a conscience.
You may have no binoculars,
but thank The Divine One for giving you eyes.
You may have no megaphone,
but thank The Divine One for giving you a mouth.
You may have no defender,
but thank The Divine One for giving you hands.
You may have no food,
but thank The Divine One for giving you teeth.
You may have no car,
but thank The Divine One for giving you feet.

You may have no degrees,
but thank The Divine One for giving you talents.
You may have no job,
but thank The Divine One for giving you potential.
You may have no career,
but thank The Divine One for giving you inspiration.
You may have no money,
but thank The Divine One for giving you ambition.
You may have no possessions,
but thank The Divine One for giving you character.
You may have no titles,
but thank The Divine One for giving you honor.
You may have no magic,
but thank The Divine One for giving you intuition.
You may have no friends,
but thank The Divine One for giving you angels.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“It is only safe to mock a crocodile when you have crossed the river.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Don't leave a day without learning and keep trying.
You can't succeed more than what you know”
Onipede Ayomide

“Do not inherit enemies you have no quarrels with. It's a burden you do not wish to bear.”
Eduvie Donald

“Do not inherit enemies you have no quarrels with. It is a burden you do not wish to add to your life.”
Eduvie Donald

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