Hope Poems Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hope-poems" Showing 1-5 of 5
Kamand Kojouri
“They want us to be afraid.
They want us to be afraid of leaving our homes.
They want us to barricade our doors
and hide our children.
Their aim is to make us fear life itself!
They want us to hate.
They want us to hate 'the other'.
They want us to practice aggression
and perfect antagonism.
Their aim is to divide us all!
They want us to be inhuman.
They want us to throw out our kindness.
They want us to bury our love
and burn our hope.
Their aim is to take all our light!
They think their bricked walls
will separate us.
They think their damned bombs
will defeat us.
They are so ignorant they don’t understand
that my soul and your soul are old friends.
They are so ignorant they don’t understand
that when they cut you I bleed.
They are so ignorant they don’t understand
that we will never be afraid,
we will never hate
and we will never be silent
for life is ours!”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“Let my silence grow with noise
as pregnant mothers grow with life.
Let my silence permeate these walls
as sunlight permeates a home.

Let the silence rise from unwatered graves
and craters left by bombs.
Let the silence rise from empty bellies
and surge from broken hearts.

The silence of the hidden and forgotten.
The silence of the abused and tortured.
The silence of the persecuted and imprisoned.
The silence of the hanged and massacred.

Loud as all the sounds can be,
let my silence be loud
so the hungry may eat my words
and the poor may wear my words.

Loud as all the sounds can be,
let my silence be loud
so I may resurrect the dead
and give voice to the oppressed.

My silence speaks.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“I see your pain
as clearly as I feel my own.
I will share your burden
so you feel it less.
Do not hate this world.
Do not hate these people.
I will share my hope
so you feel it more.
I want you to see our love
as clearly as I feel yours.”
Kamand Kojouri

Christine Evangelou
“Little Light

There is this little light within,
Her name is Hope,
And I know that as long as I can feel her there,
Just beneath my skin,
Sending her waves within the labyrinth of my mind,
She is snugly at peace within my heart,
And I have a chance.”
Christine Evangelou, Pieces: A Poetry Anthology

Abhijit Naskar
“No Pain, No Hope (The Sonnet)

Heavier the pain, greater the hope,
But the language of hope is not inaction.
Real hope brings a sense of responsibility,
Whereas imitation hope induces stagnation.

Heavier the pain, stronger the purpose,
But all purpose is fiction without footwork.
Real purpose does not let you sleep at night,
Imitation purpose keeps you aloof from work.

Crueler the punishment, braver the love,
It is no love that avoids punishment.
Only half lovers try to keep pain at bay,
Soaked in pain true lovers emerge triumphant.

Crazier the torture, sweeter the memories.
There is no character if there is no crisis.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission