Horror Books Quotes

Quotes tagged as "horror-books" Showing 1-18 of 18
Clive Barker
“Allí el placer era dolor, y viceversa. Y él lo conocía tan bien que era como sentirse en casa.”
Clive Barker, The Hellbound Heart

Horror writers...trouble writing? The Force cannot help you. You must tap into the dark side.
“Horror writers...trouble writing? The Force cannot help you. You must tap into the dark side.”
A.K. Kuykendall

Chris Mentillo
“Even though it’s pleasing to boast about achievements I have earned in my generation, nothing makes me more content in the world than just having the exciting opportunity to share my passion of work with the public. What is even more exhilarating, is being able (having the capability) to spend quality time with my loving wife, (Gloria) and family doing what I love most in the world -- writing. Their total well-being and health, along with my health too means everything to me. I have had my fair share of narrow escapes in my life to know how important my family, and health are to me. I will never take that for granted again – ever.”
Chris Mentillo, Obliterated: Everything is About To Change

A.K. Kuykendall
“I'm having a hard time describing how to asphyxiate someone while singing Frank Sinatra's Fly Me To Moon. Now if I use the advice you kindly give me in a manner other than to write a story, well, and there ain't no sugarcoating it; you're an accessory.”
A.K. Kuykendall

Stephen King fans are the enlightened ones. Their opinion of your work could never be
“Stephen King fans are the enlightened ones. Their opinion of your work could never be bad. Mr. King has shown them, in so many ways what to look for. Good or bad, accept their counsel and build on it. It's not about you. It's about the story.”
A.K. Kuykendall

Haley Newlin
“I urge readers to step out of their comfort zones and delve into the winding and fierce journey of self-realization that horror imprints on those brave enough to crack the book's spine.”
Haley Newlin, Not Another Sarah Halls

Tyeshia Sturgis
“Expand your mind and explore every possibility. Use your pen as your voice and express your heart through the words on your paper.”
Tyeshia Sturgis

“A look of confusion, of bewilderment, came over his face. His eyes turned glassy, unfocused. Twitching a few times, he murmured something inaudible and then chuckled like an idiot. As blood pooled in his eyes and escaped from his lips in rivulets, he completely lost his balance and fell forward.”
Ryan Lawrence

“Squinting, he focused with laser-like intensity to see what he could of the corpse below. He marvelled at the kaleidoscope of colours and textures the mangled body had created all over the urban canvas.”
Ryan Lawrence

“Not everything was recent; some of the evidence dated back decades. The body count was high, and it made him want to vomit. He had always known Joseph kept up-to-date, comprehensive files on every move he made, that was no secret, but this was something beyond clerical. It was controlled paranoia, autocracy, and true villainy.”
Ryan Lawrence

“I was annoyed to find that I was not alone.”
James R. Montague, Worms

Jonathan  Dunne
“The last thing the 14-year-old wanted to do now was stay in the room with the two people he had once trusted with his life. Now, he didn’t trust his life with them.”
Jonathan Dunne, Hotel Miramar

“All those dumb spooky movies like Friday the 13th, they all start in a house or a forest, or an abandoned cabin, or whatever, so you end up thinking you have to be scared of them. But you don’t. Not really. That whispering voice is never in the woods.”
S.E. Tolsen, Bunny

“Contemplation filled the air as a chill rolled through the room. Silence descended as the four of us turned to study the board as one. It's overlapping pages, threadbare twine, and handwritten scrawl, overloaded with information, inundating with questions, each more pressing than the last. Were we looking for a lone killer? If so, had our eyewitnesses glimpsed him in the night? When and where would he strike next? And why? And, grimmest of all, after Kelly, what would it look like?" ~ Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline, The Ripper Lives: To Catch a Killer”
Kevin Morris, The Ripper Lives: Jack the Ripper Series I - The Living and the Dead

“I tried to act unphased, fighting back a cold sweat. At least the smell of blood was long gone, but that was little relief. It felt like we’d been travelling a straight line, yet daring a glimpse back, I saw with horror the light of the entrance was now completely absent in darkness, so much thicker and more terrifying than night’s black cloak. It was the dark of the earth we found ourselves trapped by, a dark that would claim us all in the end, and we were walking deeper still with a man who seemed disturbingly at ease amongst the crypt’s inhabitants. More than once, he swept the light into our eyes and away, leaving us dazzled, which made each inevitable return of his hulking form all the more ominous. What fearful things might we discover if we ran, I wondered? Even ignoring that, how far could we get against someone who filled the space like him and carried our only means of sight? As it has been said, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man reigns as king. I looked to Macnaghten for reassurance and was met only by an empty void. ~ Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline, The Ripper Lives, Into the Black (4/10)”
Kevin Morris, The Ripper Lives: Jack the Ripper Series I - Into the Black

John (ronin) Evans
“I have no naive notions of good and evil. While Kentucky is not the deep south, there is enough of that type of outlaw mentality in the rural areas that Hollywood movies based on corrupt backwoods cops have some credibility. Making someone disappear in the country is actually far easier to do than in a place like New Jersey. Lots of heavily wooded areas and farms to dispose of a body, should one happen to need to. The look in his eyes had scared me. There was clearly something behind them, something I didn’t want to ever see in the full light of day. Things of nightmares. There are places, dark damp hidden places, where things like that dwell, and to look upon them would drive a person mad with fear.”
John (ronin) Evans, Midnight Falls