Indigo Children Quotes

Quotes tagged as "indigo-children" Showing 1-19 of 19
“We all have the ability to heal ourselves; I know, I have done so...
In the morning, know that you are Loved, You Are Love and You Love”
Lisa Bellini

Sahara Sanders
“Being born as an Indigo, the most difficult mission is to be strong enough to retain your true "self" while living in human stereotype society. Having to pretend, to act "the same as others," can only make you so deeply unhappy and hurt—feeling as though your "wings" have been cut off.”
Sahara Sanders, INDIGO DIARIES: A Series of Novels

Jacqueline Woodson
“In your life, if you're lucky enough, you are born during a moment in time when the world is ready for the change you're bringing.”
Jacqueline Woodson

“I am the Constellation of my own”
Artist Emerald

Louise Courey Nadeau
“Come summer rain and winter snow,
My love is there wherever you go;
Over mountains high and oceans deep,
My love will guide you awake or asleep.”
Louise Courey Nadeau, Magelica's Voyage

Vadim Babenko
“Once again I realized: the aura of Indigo does not save and does not protect. It can become a magic carpet, turn into seven-league boots or a heavy cross – but it’s not a guardian angel to deflect troubles with its thin hand.”
Vadim Babenko, Semmant

Sahara Sanders
“Among typical Indigos, you can find exceptionally open-minded individuals who develop the world to greater levels. Some are respected authorities. Others, sadly, are less successful; unable to withstand the huge responsibility and pressure that come with the precious gift of being special.”
Sahara Sanders, INDIGO DIARIES: A Series of Novels

Sahara Sanders
“I am an alien in my own family; the society where I live considers me as a “nerd” and “strange.”
Sahara Sanders, Gods’ Food

Sahara Sanders
“I just didn’t ever fit to match the crowd, no matter how hard I tried.”
Sahara Sanders, Gods’ Food

Sahara Sanders
“Indigo People pierce the shadowy border between reality and the paranormal…”
Sahara Sanders, INDIGO DIARIES: A Series of Novels

Sahara Sanders
“She raised her eyes to the heavens and asked God for a miracle to happen to help her escape the troubles at home. Actually, Emily wasn’t sure whom exactly she was talking to, whoever or whatever was there in the sky, and yet she, for some reason, couldn’t remember for sure when and how she discovered this magic way to change the reality, but intuitively, she felt some unexplainable and very strong soul-to-soul connection to whatever warmhearted senior forces she was talking to.”
Sahara Sanders, INDIGO DIARIES: A Series of Novels

Sahara Sanders
“The “idea generators” were normally Emma and Billy, who were full of inspiration for organizing something cool, starting from becoming the local naturalists, and to creating the variety of explicit plans on what they can do on saving the surrounding and the world, performing as much logic as their age allowed them. Such special characteristics often got them into different types of circumstances and troubles… still, same time turning their great time spent together into an unforgettable time.”
Sahara Sanders, Gods’ Food Novel

“Have no fear, most of the Indigo children that are struggling are the children that have had a very difficult time trying to live up to societies Indigo myth that developed around them”
Tasha Heart

Sahara Sanders
“Another feature distinguishing Emily from the multitude was a kind of special sensitivity that couldn’t be explained from a stereotypical point of view. It was natural for her to make decisions based on so-called sixth feeling instead of logic. Sometimes, she simply felt and knew that it was right to act in a certain way, or that something particular was going to happen in the closest future.
It’s interesting that, when she tested decisions made up by intellect and the ones when followed intuition, the latter always won. But how could she explain it to an average person, like those surrounding her in everyday life?”
Sahara Sanders, Gods’ Food

Robin Sacredfire
“One of the most interesting laws of planet earth is called the law of mirroring. I'm one of the 144 thousand chosen ones to ascend to paradise and I keep meeting people that are not but arrogantly believe they are. Now, how can I know which one is the reflection and which one is the illusion? They need religion to feel safe while I was born with the knowledge of a thousand galactic civilizations inside of me. They think I accept their religion, whatever it is, not realizing that it's their religion that matches me. I have already surpassed planet Earth. I came here to give these humans a second chance. And yet, the ones closer to get it, think they're the ones offering me a second chance. Isn't this interesting? I think this is fascinating. This planet is truly fascinating. I could say utterly stupid, but I don't want to depress myself about it. I rather call it fascinating. I just wonder if their dogs often think they own humans too, while humans believe they own dogs, as the law of mirroring is present in everything seen down here.”
Robin Sacredfire

Aimee Bender
“You took him out of school. But you didn't give him something better than school.”
Aimee Bender, The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake