Inner Thoughts Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inner-thoughts" Showing 1-24 of 24
John Green
“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't.”
John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

Sarah J. Maas
“She was shaking so badly that she tucked her hands into her pockets and clamped her lips together to lock up the words.
But they danced in her skull anyway, around and around.

You should have gotten Dorian and Sorscha out the day the king butchered those slaves. Did you learn nothing from Nehemia's death? Did you somehow think you could win with your honor intact, without sacrificing something? You shouldn't have left him; how could you let him face the king alone? How could you, how could you, how could you?”
Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows

F. Scott Fitzgerald
“Isn’t Hollywood a dump — in the human sense of the word. A hideous town, pointed up by the insulting gardens of its rich, full of the human spirit at a new low of debasement.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald

“What do you do when you’re in a room of vampires and the most dangerous one tells you that you
know too much? You bolt. What did I do? I hyperventilated.”
Tijan, Davy Harwood

“Isn't everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?”
before sunrise

Gena Showalter
“Honestly, I'd rather be anywhere else. Even home, where my dad begins almost every conversation with, "You should lose the black clothes and wear something with color." Puh-lease. Like I want to look like every Barbie clone in Hell High, a.k.a. Oklahoma's insignificant Haloway High School. Ironically, Dad doesn't appreciate the bright blue streaks in my originally blond/now-dyed-black hair. Go figure. That's color, right?”
Gena Showwalter

Drishti Bablani
“Your inner thoughts aren't truly hidden. Their essence reflects in your energy. Energy speaks what you don't.”
Drishti Bablani

“By understanding the value system the world preferred, remembering and feigning it, I was able to convince others that I was free of problems. I simply had to participate enthusiastically in the boring conversations my classmates were having.”
Otsuichi, Goth

N. Michaels
“Five days to get to know Mr. Sensuality... while we're sharing a suite... I'm in sexy hell.”
N. Michaels, Emerald Eyes

J.R. Ward
“But that was the beauty of inner thoughts. No one had to know your weaknesses. And once you'd finished dwelling on them, you could toss them into the mental trash bin they belonged in.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Reborn

Ron Baratono
“When life becomes scattered and completely a faction of what it once was, and everything you thought was once true, seems false. Your heart feels empty, as it leaves your chest. Your mind is blank. Your emotions become so overwhelming you can hardly speak. You’re thinking you have a broken heart when in reality you heart, body and soul are rearranging your inner thoughts, feelings and the way you’re going to except things from now on. You’ll become stronger then you ever imagined. All you need is time. Give yourself time.”
Ron Baratono

“But when emotions get strong, humans have to do something. Some people encase their emotions by playing or exercising, whereas others calm their emotions by breaking things. People in the latter group could let their feelings out just by breaking furniture or the like. But Morino was unable to direct those feelings outward, so she'd directed them at herself.”
Otsuichi, Goth

“I write because I have to write, like a singer who has to sing or a musician who has to make music. I write not so much as to have people read my writing, I write to connect, to engage, to feel less alone. I also write to allow others to feel related to what I’m writing about, to laugh, to cry, to identify within themselves similar feelings and to evoke a memory.

I used to think my journey was so unique yet it’s not, and for that I am grateful.

If I can’t be a rock star, then I will be a write star even if in my own eyes.”
Shelley Brown-Weird Girl Adventures from A to Z

“My greatest fear in that moment was that my silence might be misunderstood as disinterest, disregard, or disrespect — that my anxiety would be perceived as apathy.”
Sean Norris, Heaven and Hurricanes

Ron Baratono
“Don’t let the painting of your life be blurred with regret and unspoken words, that’s been resting on your lips for so very long. Say what you have to say and find peace. The colors of the rainbow are yours if you’d only set yourself free.”
Ron Baratono

“I don’t understand skinny jeans. I don’t understand why people like them, wear them, or buy them. If I want something to hug my calves that tight, I would get a dog that follows me around and humps my legs all day.”
Shelley Brown-Weird Girl Adventures from A to Z

Anne Brontë
“Never a new idea or stirring thought came to me from without; and such as rose within me were, for the most part, miserably crushed at once, or doomed to sicken or fade away, because they could not see the light.”
Anne Brontë, Agnes Grey

“Living inside this head was a torture of endless looping thoughts and self-hatred. Like many women, my suffering manifested itself through my relationship with my body that transcended self-hatred into self-destruction. There’s no need to go into any more detail about what it was like. What I do want to offer is that there is hope.”
Shelley Brown-Weird Girl Adventures from A to Z

“I have decided to use my voice to tell you stuff that you may not otherwise know. Not to scare you or make you feel bad, but to inform you so you’re not totally taken by surprise as I have been. Maybe it’s my own ignorance. Maybe it’s lack of cable. After all, don’t they talk about this shit on Dr. Oz? By the way, how many of us can relate to a person who would be an audience member of daytime talk show?”
Shelley Brown-Weird Girl Adventures from A to Z

Elizabeth Berg
“There were no formulas to account for the idiosyncratic yearnings of a human heart, no ways to extract from someone feelings that lived as matter-of-factly as blood and bones inside of him. In the end, Griffin thought, we are only who we are.”
Elizabeth Berg, Say When

“Whispers of the heart and echoes of the mind are discreet yet powerful; pay close attention to them.”
Emmanuel Apetsi

Marilyn Shae
“He looks so sexy, perfectly managed goatee, and his hair is growing out a little. I can see his gorgeous, soft brushed-back curls. I wonder if he is gonna cut it again. His teeth are so white. I love his smile and those dimples. Why is he looking at me like that? She wonders.”
Marilyn Shae, Crashing In

Marilyn Shae
“I love you so much it's unexplainable. My heart beats and aches for you. When you aren't around, I'm suffocating, buying time until I can be with you again.”
Marilyn Shae, Crashing In