Inspirational Life Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inspirational-life-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 141
C. JoyBell C.
“It is only when you accept how different you all are, that you will be able to see how much the same you all are. Don't expect anybody to be the same as you, then you will see that you are in many ways the same as everybody.”
C. JoyBell C.

“Great wisdom is achieved by being open to the world. The world does not open unless you are willing to be open.”
Alephonsion Deng

“anyone with enough compassion has the power to transform and redirect someone else's troubled life.”
Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt

Goderdzi Chokheli
“იშვიათად თუ ვინმე იტყვის, შემთხვევით გავჩნდი ამ ქვეყანაზეო და თუ იტყვის ვინმე, ისიც ან ძალიან გამწარებული თავის სიცოცხლით, ან ისე, სიტყვის გულისათვის, არც ერთ შემთხვევაში არა სჯერათ და არც უნდათ დაიჯერონ თავიანთი სიცოცხლის შემთხვევითობა, იმიტომ რომ ადამიანი, უპირველეს ყოვლისა სიცოცხლეა, სიკვდილი კი რაღაც სხვა არის, მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ ისიც ადამინთა საკუთრებაა. ადამიანები ყოველთვის ცდილობენ, ვინმეს სიკვდილი, უცხო, შემთხვევით სიკვდილად მონათლონ. ამით, თითქოს, სიკვდილს ბრალს სდებენ. სამართალს მოითხოვენ... საზღვარს უწესებენ და სიცოცხლეს აეზებენ მასზე, ნახე, შენს სამფლობელოში ქურდულად შემოიჭრაო.
დროულ სიკვდილს მშვიდად იღებს კაცი. ასეთ დროს სიმშვიდე, სიბრძნე და მდუმარება ახლავს სიკვდილს.
შემთხვევით, უცხო სიკვდილზე საზარელი კი არაფერია. ეს, რა თქმა უნდა, ისევ და ისევ ცოცხლებისთვის. სიკვდილის მესაკუთრენი კი, უმეტესწილად, ისეთი მშვიდი სახეებით წვანან, მნიშვნელობა აღა აქვს, ვინ რომელი სიკვდილითაა მკვდარი. ორივე სახეობას ისინი, რაღაცნაირ ჰარმონიაში მოჰყავს და ცოცხლათათვის გაუგებარი, არაამქვეყნიური ნეტარების ბეჭდით უსხივოსნებს სახეებს.”
Goderdzi Chokheli, მღვდლის ცოდვა

“Why would we want to date stupid controlling men when we could be having a far better time with our mates?”
Melanie Chisholm, The Sporty One: My Life as a Spice Girl

“Do never entrust someone, because if you can not keep it to yourself, do not expect that others do the same.”

“With the same pen you can design a bomb to destroy and cause havoc, or build a generation to educate others, promote justice, and create a better world.”
Mireille Saba Redford

T.J. Klune
“Sometimes, it’s the smallest things that can change everything when you least expect it.”
T.J. Klune

“Life is all about acceptance as it is not pleasant to be an outsider.”
Hari krishnan Nair, WHO AM I: Author Hari Krishnan Nair

“Life doesn't allow others know what we are looking around for. Often we are unaware of it ourselves.”
Hari krishnan Nair, WHO AM I: Author Hari Krishnan Nair

“We ignore to live our life to the fullest for pleasing others expectations.”
Hari krishnan Nair, WHO AM I: Author Hari Krishnan Nair

“Life is like a odyssey and in odyssey desiring love is a sign of weakness. if not handled proportionately then folks will take undue advantage.”
Hari krishnan Nair

“Life always reveals us about our decipher potential which we realize after reaching the destiny.”
Hari krishnan Nair, WHO AM I: Author Hari Krishnan Nair

“Life is a series of mistakes that, one day, if you don't give up, will lead to something good. For some are sooner and for others are later but that day will definitely come.”
Mayur Givane (MYR)

Ken Poirot
“Whatever the obstacle, you can overcome it and achieve success as long as you just keep moving forward.”
Ken Poirot

“Life is about small moments....

These small moments 80% of people don't pay attention to. But the thing is those moments. Can make u into the special person u are or can be. Dont blaze through life living in the future. Blaze through life living in the moment. Believe in yourself, Believe in heart, Believe in the world. No matter how dark anything can be. You can make it brighter..

Live in the moment and be yourself..”
Leage Niedling

Jeff Wheeler
“Studying is like rowing upstream; no advancement is the same as dropping back.
--Dawanjir proverb”
Jeff Wheeler, The Killing Fog

“When I was the little girl no one was adopting and I didn’t have the love of parents or the support of family, I found love in fairy tales. Today I write of love for that little girl & the many like her.”
Karen Keith

Amie Gabriel
“As women, like all forces of nature and works of art, our beauty is formed through refraction, revealed in dimension and contrast, shadow and light, our benevolence becoming both the result and the salve, the subject and lens. The road may be beastly but the result, if allowed, can be spectacular.”
Amie Gabriel, KINTSUKUROI HEART: More Beautiful For Having Been Broken

“You need to find a way of expressing your emotions without being emotional, if your intent is to build strong relationships.”

Corey M.P.
“Traveling is an escape from the norm. It’s a suitcase full of surprises and new adventures. It’s an adjustment to new time zones and new cultures. It’s a refreshing treat that makes you see things clearer. Smell better. Taste better. Traveling opens new doors and sometimes closes old ones. It makes you begin to either value what you have back home or realize that
maybe life is better lived somewhere else, sometimes even with someone else,
or alone. Traveling is a little detour that may lead you to another path and pull you out of old habits, forcing you to experience life, and not simply live by routines and schedules that only limit you and trap you into a cycle. Traveling makes you remember the food you ate, the sight you saw, the man you met a long time ago. Traveling is about meeting people that may
change your life, or whose lives you may change. Traveling is a hop, a skip,
or a leap toward something or somewhere new. Traveling can change you.”
Corey M.P., High

Elisabeth Åsbrink
“Dni, ktoré neboli ničím výnimočné, dni,v ktorých sa neudialo nič, čo by vybočovalo z priemeru, nič hodné povšimnutia. Holá každodennosť. Čosi, čo človeku začne chýbať, až keď sa to rozsype.”
Elisabeth Asbrink

“Overthinking will lead you into an illusion world.”
Mubbasher Ahmed

Mary  Crowley
“Life is a book of many chapters,
some exciting and some challenging. Embrace the good times and
ride the waves of everything else.”
Mary Crowley

“Sometimes trials don't go away until they teach us what we need to learn.”
Innantia H Magcanya

“Pearls don’t need paints before they glitter”
Tohs Iba Shino

“Part of what I always loved about being on the mountain was the feeling that anything could happen. I would stand there before every run and think anything is possible. I believe that I could win and that I could be whatever I wanted to be if I put my mind to it. That optimism—the potential to work hard and succeed—never failed to excite me. Now, that's how I feel about life. It's taken me a long time to get here, but now I see that the promise of the mountain is everywhere.”
Lindsey Vonn, Rise: My Story

Danielle Cobo
“Sometimes, when life seems to be falling apart, it may actually be falling into place. It’s in those moments of adversity that we have the opportunity to rise above and become the best versions of ourselves. Even in the darkest times, obstacles provide us with an opportunity to build resilience.”
Danielle Cobo, Unstoppable Grit: Break Through the 7 Roadblocks Standing Between You and Achieving Your Goals

Paulo Coelho
“I saw a death like a beautiful lady. She is saying "I am going to kiss you" and I say to her "Not now, please." But she says, "OK, not now but pay attention and try to get the best of every moment because I am going to take you." And I say, "OK, thank you for giving me the most important advice in life-To live your moment fully.”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

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