Invective Quotes

Quotes tagged as "invective" Showing 1-3 of 3
Mercedes Lackey
“Ow!' was the first thing out of her mouth, followed by a steam of articulate and literate curses that were neither blasphemous nor prurient.She'd had years to develop a vocabulary of invective that wouldn't offend anyone. It was the sort of thing a princess had to do if she was going to be able to adequately vent her feelings.”
Mercedes Lackey, Fortune's Fool

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Though some may see their shortcomings as the greatest evil from the pit of hell, while some throw invectives at God for bringing them into a cruel, problematic world. These shortcomings are transient, the greatest evil does its work and needs no interrogation, their invectives are just a waste of time, and the world is the most sweetest to those with a functional taste buds.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

“Use of the same word as a joke among friends and its repeated use as an invective are so different. What are friends who cannot hurl absurdities at each other in jest and what is the point in camaraderie if the same word is hurled repeatedly as an innuendo. The intent is the only difference between friend and foe.”
R. N. Prasher