Islam Quotes

Quotes tagged as "islam" Showing 181-210 of 2,144
Idries Shah
“Three Things
Three things cannot be retrieved:
The arrow once sped from the bow
The word spoken in haste
The missed opportunity.

(Ali the Lion, Caliph of Islam, son-in-law of Mohammed the Prophet),”
Idries Shah, Caravan of Dreams

Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall
“...The Qur'an cannot be translated. ...The book is here rendered almost literally and every effort has been made to choose befitting language. But the result is not the Glorious Qur'an, that inimitable symphony, the very sounds of which move men to tears and ecstasy. It is only an attempt to present the meaning of the Qur'an-and peradventure something of the charm in English. It can never take the place of the Qur'an in Arabic, nor is it meant to do so...”
Pickthall M. Marmaduke, The Meanings of the Glorious Qur'an

Alija Izetbegović
“اقرأ هذه الآية:﴿... الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ...﴾إنها تتكرر بصيغتها أو معناها في القرآن أكثر من خمسين مرة، كأنما تؤكد لنا ضرورة توحيد أمرين اعتاد الناس على الفصل بينهما. إن هذه الآية تعبّر عن الفرق بين الدين (الإيمان) وبين الأخلاق (عملُ الصالحات) كما تأمر في الوقت نفسه بضرورة أن يسير الاثنان معًا. كذلك يكشف لنا القرآن عن علاقة أخرى عكسية بين الأخلاق والدين، فيوجه نظرنا إلى أن الممارسة الأخلاقية قد تكـون حافـزًا قويًا على التدين:﴿لَن تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّىٰ تُنفِقُوا مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ ۚ ﴾، فمعنى الآية هنا لا يقول: «آمن لتصبح خيِّرًا» وإنما على العكس يقول: «افعل الخير تصبح مؤمنًا». وفي هذه النقطة نرى إجابة على سؤال: كيف يمكن للإنسان أن يقوّي إيمانه؟ والإجابة هي: «افعل الخير تجد الله أمامك».”
علي عزت بيجوفيتش, الإسلام بين الشرق والغرب
tags: islam

Thomas Sowell
“It takes no more research than a trip to almost any public library or college to show the incredibly lopsided coverage of slavery in the United States or in the Western Hemisphere, as compared to the meager writings on even larger number of Africans enslaved in the Islamic countries of the Middle East and North Africa, not to mention the vast numbers of Europeans also enslaved in centuries past in the Islamic world and within Europe itself. At least a million Europeans were enslaved by North African pirates alone from 1500 to 1800, and some Europeans slaves were still being sold on the auction blocks in the Egypt, years after the Emancipation Proclamation freed blacks in the United States.”
Thomas Sowell, Black Rednecks and White Liberals

“When the sun shall be folded up; and when the stars shall fall; and when the mountains shall be made to pass away; and when the camels ten months gone with young shall be neglected; and when the seas shall boil; and when the souls shall be joined again to their bodies; and when the girl who hath been buried alive shall be asked for what crime she was put to death; and when the books shall be laid open; and when the heavens shall be removed; and when hell shall burn fiercely; and when paradise shall be brought near: every soul shall know what it hath wrought.”
Anonymous, القرآن الكريم

“None of you believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.”
Prophet Muhammad, The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhari - Arabic-English

Samuel P. Huntington
“Islam's borders are bloody and so are its innards. The fundamental problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilisation whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power.”
Samuel P. Huntington

Imam Ja'Far Al-Sadiq
“Verily, knowledge is a lock and its key is the question.”
Imam Ja'Far Al-Sadiq

عائض القرني
“Whatever has befallen you was not meant to escape you, and whatever has escaped you was not meant to befall you.”
Aidh bin Abdullah al-Qarni

“Islam teaches tolerance, not hatred; universal brotherhood, not enmity; peace, and not violence.”
Parwez Musharraf

Michael Muhammad Knight
“The earth isn’t spinning because you told it to do so. Your intestines aren’t digesting by your command. You’re made up of a trillion cells who don’t ask your permission before offering their rakats. And we think submission is applying strict discipline to our worship? We think surrender is about not eating a pig? It’s just not that small to me. i can’t fit my deen into a neat little box, because to me everything comes from Allah. Birds sing Allah’s name. to say Allah is in this book and not that… do you know who you’re talking about? the Allah that made you from a clot and clothed in flesh… Allah is too big and open for my deen to be small and closed.”
Michael Muhammad Knight

“قدّر الله سبحانه وتعالى على ها الجسد أن تنطفئ نضارته مؤقتاً، حتى يقتنع الإنسان بضعفه، وبأنه لا جول له ولا قوة”
علي بن جابر الفيفي, لأنك الله: رحلة إلى السماء السابعة

Wafa Sultan
“Why does a young Muslim, in the prime of life, with a full life ahead, go and blow himself up in a bus full of innocent passengers? In our countries, religion is the sole source of education, and this is the only spring from which that terrorist drank until his thirst was quenched. He was not born a terrorist, and did not become a terrorist overnight. Islamic teachings played a role in weaving his ideological fabric, thread by thread, and did not allow other sources—I am referring to scientific sources—to play a role. It was these teachings that distorted this terrorist, and killed his humanity; it was not [the terrorist] who distorted the religious teachings, and misunderstood them, as some ignorant people claim. When you recite to a child still in his early years the verse 'They will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternative sides cut off,' regardless of this verse's interpretation, and regardless of the reasons it was conveyed, or its time, you have made the first step towards creating a great terrorist.”
Wafa Sultan

Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud
“Keadaan universiti-universiti di negara-negara Islam yang mengajar agama dan tamadun Islam telah menjadi amat lemah kerana ketiadaan koleksi perpustakaan yang lengkap, program akademik kukuh, penyeliaan serius dan bersifat terlalu berpihak kepada politik. Segelintir institusi pengajian tinggi yang baik, dirosakkan oleh perasaan hasad, dengki dan fikiran sempit.”
Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud, Rihlah Ilmiah: dari Neomodernisme ke Islamisasi Ilmu Kontemporer

“A believer shall not be stung twice out of the same hole.”
Prophet Rickey Price
tags: islam

Gore Vidal
“I regard monotheism as the greatest disaster ever to befall the human race. I see no good in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam -- good people, yes, but any religion based on a single, well, frenzied and virulent god, is not as useful to the human race as, say, Confucianism, which is not a religion but an ethical and educational system.”
Gore Vidal, At Home: Essays 1982-1988

Wahiduddin Khan
“...according to the teachings of Islam, war is to be waged not against the enemy but against the aggressor. (p. 49)”
Wahiduddin Khan, The True Jihad: The Concept of Peace, Tolerance and Non Violence in Islam

علي الطنطاوي
“نحن المسلمين !
ديننا الفضيلة الظاهرة ، الحق الأبلج.
لا حجب ولا أستار ولا خفايا ولا أسرار.
هو واضح وضوح المئذنة . أفليس فيها ذلك المعنى ؟
هل في الدنيا جماعه او نحلة تكرر مبادئها وتذاع عشر مرات في اليوم
كما تذاع مبادئ ديننا نحن المسلمون ،على ألسنة المؤذنين :
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمداً رسول الله”
علي الطنطاوي, قصص من التاريخ
tags: islam

محمد الصوياني
“الإسلام لا يرتبط بأرض ولا وطن .. لا يرتبط بشخص ولا حتى أمة .. الإسلام عظيم فسيح .. فسيح”
محمد الصوياني
tags: islam

“فكما خلقتك من عدم فأنا وحدي الذي أرفع عن جسدك السقم!”
علي بن جابر الفيفي, لأنك الله: رحلة إلى السماء السابعة

“ليس هناك آهة إلا ويسمعها، ولا ألم إلا ويعلم موضعه، ولا زفرة إلا ويرى نيرانها في الفؤاد”
علي بن جابر الفيفي, لأنك الله: رحلة إلى السماء السابعة

Elizabeth Farrelly
“Larsson was an active and lifelong feminist, partly for personal reasons but also because he saw that ending gender slavery was as crucial to next-stage evolution as ending race slavery was to the last stage. It's a noble fight, not least because the various fundamentalisms threatening Western democracy are united in their urgent need to re-cage women's sexuality.”
Elizabeth Farrelly

Sayed Qutb
“وتتبدّل الأحوال ويقف المسلم موقف المغلوب المجّرد من القوة المادية، فلا يفارقه شعوره بأنّه الأعلى، وينظر إلى غالِبِه من عل ما دام مؤمنا، ويستيقن أنها فترة وتمضي، وإن للإيمان كرّة لا مفر منها، وهبها كانت القاضية فإنّه لا يحني لها رأسا، النّاس كلهم يموتون أما هو فيستشهد، وهو يغادر هذه الأرض إلى الجنة، وغالِبه يغادرها إلى النار، وشتان شتان، وهو يسمع نداء ربه الكريم: {لا يغرنك تقلب الذين كفروا في البلاد، متاع قليل ثم مأواهم جهنم وبئس المهاد، لكن الذين اتقوا ربهم لهم جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها نزلا من عند الله وما عند الله خير للأبرار} [آل عمران: 196 - 198].”
سيد قطب, معالم في الطريق

راغب السرجاني
“ويأتي يوم أحد لتتفاقم الماساة ويشتد الخطب، وتعظم المصيبة، ويقتل القرشيون سبعين من خيرة الصحابة، ويمثل القرشيون بأجساد الشهداء -وفي مقدمتهم حمزة رضي الله عنه- في مخالفة واضحة لأعراف وقيم الجزيرة العربية، ويتقطع الرسول -صلوات الله وسلامه عليه- ألماً وهو يرى أجساد أصحابه ممزقة على أرض أحد، ويتربصون به -صلى الله عليه وسلم - شخصياً، ويجرحونه في كل موضع من جسده حتى لا يقوى على القيام في صلاة الظهر فيصلى جالساً، وتتفجر الدماء من وجهه -صلوات الله وسلامه عليه-، وتُبذل المحاولات المضنية لوقف النزيف، ويُحَاصَرُ الرسول -صلوات الله وسلامه عليه- وبعض أصحابه في الجبل..

إنها لحظة من أشد لحظات حياته -صل الله عليه وسلم - شدة وقسوة..!!

في هذا الجو من الألم والحزن والضيق، يمسح -صلوات الله وسلامه عليه- الدم عن وجهه ويقول :" رب اغفر لقومي فإنهم لا يعلمون"

إنه يعاملهم معاملة الأب الحنون الذي يرى اينه عاقاً ومنحرفاً ومؤذياً له وللمجتمع، فيرفع يده للسماء ليدعو له، لا ليدعو عليه.”
راغب السرجاني, فن التعامل النبوي مع غير المسلمين

Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani
“Dear Friend, Your Heart is a polished mirror. You must wipe it clean of the veil of dust which has gathered upon it, because it is destined to reflect the light of divine secrets.”
ʿAbd Al-Qadir al-Jilani, The Secret of Secrets

Goenawan Mohamad
“Rifangi hanya menawarkan sehelai pembalut putih yang steril, tapi manusia bukan cetakan tunggal mumi Adam di atas bumi, yang ditaruh dalam gelas, tanpa sejarah, tanpa ketelanjuran kebudayaan.”
Goenawan Mohamad
tags: iman, islam

محمد الصوياني
“عمل ودعاء .. هذا هو منهج نبي الله وهذا هو توكله على الله”
محمد الصوياني
tags: islam

Imran Khan
“Allah exalts whom he wills!”
Imran Khan
tags: islam

Mosab Hassan Yousef
“As long as we continue to search for enemies anywhere but inside ourselves, there will always be a Middle East problem. Religion is not the solution. Religion without Jesus is just self-righteousness. Freedom from oppression will not resolve things either. Delivered from the oppression of Europe, Israel became the oppressor. Delivered from persecution, Muslims became persecutors. Abused spouses and children often go on to abuse spouses and children. It is a cliché, but it’s still true: hurt people, unless they are healed, hurt people.”
Mosab Hassan Yousef, Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices

A. Helwa
“REMEMBER: Prayer is not about punishment or reward; it is about cultivating a genuine connection with God. The deep purpose of prayer is not to obtain a certain outcome; rather, it is about having an intimate conversation with your Lord.”
A. Helwa, Secrets of Divine Love Journal: Insightful Reflections that Inspire Hope and Revive Faith