Jackal Quotes

Quotes tagged as "jackal" Showing 1-30 of 36
Julie Kagawa
“Oh, don't mind me," came an extremely sarcastic voice near the wall. “You two go ahead and make out–I'll just sit here and bleed quietly.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“I have good news and bad news The good news is that the jeep is still where we left it, and I got the damned thing working again."

"What's the bad news?"

"Something took my fuzzy dice.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“I sheathed my blade and glared at him. "And here I almost thought you weren't a complete bastard."

"Well, that's your mistake, not mine.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“Now we're going to save a bunch of dirty meatsacks from a bunch of dirty cannibals? Why don't we rescue some orphaned kittens and put food out for stray puppies while we're at it?”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“Next time you two decide to go on a bloody killing spree, at least send me an invitation so I know that you care.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“This would be so much easier if [Allie] hadn't killed the jeep."
"For the last time," I growled at [Jackal]. "I just pointed out the street that wasn't blocked off. I didn't leave those nails on the road for you to drive over.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“You know,” Jackal said, kicking a rabid in the face, sending it reeling, “it seems that whenever I’m with you, I’m constantly fighting my way into places I really don’t want to be. The sewers, the Prince’s tower, a bloody freaking church.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“This is the most I have ever been in the sewers in one place. If someone had said to me a month ago, 'Hey, Jackal, guess where you'll be spending most of your time in New Covington? Ankle-deep in shit!' I would've ripped their lips off.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“Because I know that you, at least, won’t turn on me if something better comes along,” he elaborated. “Because you have that disgusting sense of loyalty that keeps getting you into trouble. And because you aren’t half bad in a fight, either.” His expression moved between arrogance and pity. “I figure I can be the smart, practical, logical one and you can be the pretty, hotheaded, overemotional one, and between us, we’ll be ready for anything.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“Seeing as this is probably my last hurrah, I don't suppose I could get you two bleeding hearts to massacre a village with me? For old time's sake. - Jackal”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“Don't tell me you fell something for the little . . . oh.' The vampire blinked, then curled his lip back, disgust and pity crossing his sharp features. 'Oh, sister. Really? That's just sad.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“Well, I can answer that,” Jackal said breezily, and bared his fangs in a lethal grin. “He can die. Painfully. After I rip his other arm from the socket and shove it so far down his poetry-spouting piehole that he chokes on it. What I don’t understand is why we’re standing up here yapping away when we should be down there kicking in his door. So, come on, team.” Jackal’s gaze was mocking but dangerous. “Let’s go kill ourselves a psychopath.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“Aw, isn’t that sweet.” And Jackal sauntered into view, smirk firmly in place. “But don’t wait around on my account. It’s not like I can’t wait for yet another riveting night of listening to you people whine at each other. Oh, woe is me, I’m a vampire. I’m a horrible monster who eats babies and murders bunnies, boo hoo hoo.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“Puppy, I am getting so tired of listening to you whine about this,” he snarled at Zeke. “This isn’t rocket science. If you don’t want to be a monster, don’t be a bloody monster! Be an uptight stick in the mud like Kanin. Be a self-righteous bleeding heart like Allison. Or you can stop agonizing about it and be a fucking monster.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“Rescuing bloodbags and saving puppies.” He sighed. “That sounds about right for this group. You bleeding hearts are going to be the death of me, I just know it.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“Amazingly, Jackal staggered to his feet, holding his stomach with one hand, the stake still clenched in the other. "You're a freaking insane 'person', you know that?" he snarled at Sarren, who calmly picked up a pipe and advanced on him. "So the whole time you were sitting on that research, you decided, 'hey, instead of curing Rabidism, I'm just going to make a superplague and wipe everything out! That'll show them!'" He sneered, curling his lips back in a painful grimance. "But you'll have to pardon me for not jumping on your little DESTROY THE WORLD train. I happen to like this world, thanks.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“So, anyway." Jackal's impatient voice broke through our cold standoff. "Not to interrupt this riveting family drama, but are we going to go hunting anytime soon, or are you two going to glare at each other until the sun comes up?”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“Surprisingly, it was Jackal who finally smiled and stepped back, raising his hands. "Okay, bloodbag," he said, looking past me to Zeke. "Fine. I can be civil. For now. Observe." He made a great show of looking around the chamber. "Nice place you got here. Love what you've done with it. If I'd known, I would've brought a housewarming gift. A shag rug to go with the lovely piles of garbage.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure
tags: jackal

Julie Kagawa
“Oh, woe is me, I'm a vampire. I'm a horrible monster who eats babies and murders bunnies, boo hoo hoo”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song
tags: jackal

Julie Kagawa
“(...) Would it kill you to have a little faith in your older brother?'
'It might”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“Comment number one - how much do you weigh to snap the bridge like that? I thought you Asians were supposed to be petite and dainty.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure
tags: jackal

Julie Kagawa
“Wait, I'm confused," Jackal said as we began walking back the way we came. "Did the entire world just get turned on its head? Now we're going to save a bunch of dirty meatsacks from a bunch of dirty cannibals? Why don't we rescue some orphaned kittens and put food out for stray puppies while we're at it?”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Stephen Moles
“Anubis is associated with the mummification and protection of the dead for their journeys through Denver International Airport to the afterlife. He is usually portrayed as being half human and half jackal, and holding a metal detector in his hand ... Anubis is employed by the Department of Homeland Security to examine the hearts of all travellers to make sure they have not exceeded the weight limit for psychological baggage ... He is also shown frisking mummies and confiscating firearms and other contraband. It doesn't take much to tip the scales in favour of a dead body cavity search or an afterlifetime travel ban.”
Stephen Moles, The Most Wretched Thing Imaginable or, Beneath the Burnt Umbrella

Pierce Brown
“We all want to be special. It must ache to discover you are not.”
Pierce Brown, Dark Age

Julie Kagawa
“Yeah, this is the psycho's handiwork, but he could've done this just for the jollies. You sure he knows we're coming?”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“Silly me, thinking you actually had potential. I thought, Finally, she's realized she's a vampire. Now we're getting somewhere. But now you're just a big fluffy bunny with sharp teeth.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“Even Sarren can't take out a whole city of armed, bloodthirsty minions.' He curled a lip in disgust. 'And if he can, then you'll have to excuse me, because at that point I'm going to say the hell with you both, you can chase after Sarren without me.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“And you,” Jackal interrupted, turning on me, “are part of the problem. Bitching and crying because he’s not acting like a human anymore. Here’s a news flash, sister. He’s not human anymore. He doesn’t need you holding his hand every time a kitten dies. Maybe when he was a mewling, pathetic meatsack, he needed some kind of protection, but he’s one of us now. Or he would be, if you didn’t act like it was the end of the world because he likes the taste of blood. Stop treating him like a mortal and let him be a bloody vampire.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song
tags: jackal

Julie Kagawa
“But for the love of piss, make some sort of decision. If you don’t want to eat babies and nail bloodbags to walls, that’s your choice. What Sarren did or made you do in the past has nothing to do with it now. You’re a vampire. Do whatever the hell you want.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song
tags: jackal

Julie Kagawa
“You know, it seems that whenever I'm with you, I'm constantly fighting my way into places I really don't want to be. The sewers, the Prince's tower, a bloody freaking church.”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song
tags: jackal

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