Sarren Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sarren" Showing 1-6 of 6
Julie Kagawa
“He paused, gasping for breath, but continued in a soft, steady voice. "Allie, I...I love you.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“I get a little poetic sometimes. The moonlight does that to me.”
Julie Kagawa

Julie Kagawa
“I didn't hear the exact moment Sarren ended Zeke's life. I was just aware of his breathing, tagged at first, then seizing up, as if he could no longer gasp for her. And then, a long, agonizingly slow exhale, the last gulp departing his lungs, as Ezekiel's tortured breaths finally, irreversibly, stopped altogether.
"Good night, sweet prince." Sarren crooned, a velvet whisper.
The recording clicked off.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“Amazingly, Jackal staggered to his feet, holding his stomach with one hand, the stake still clenched in the other. "You're a freaking insane 'person', you know that?" he snarled at Sarren, who calmly picked up a pipe and advanced on him. "So the whole time you were sitting on that research, you decided, 'hey, instead of curing Rabidism, I'm just going to make a superplague and wipe everything out! That'll show them!'" He sneered, curling his lips back in a painful grimance. "But you'll have to pardon me for not jumping on your little DESTROY THE WORLD train. I happen to like this world, thanks.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure

Julie Kagawa
“Yeah, this is the psycho's handiwork, but he could've done this just for the jollies. You sure he knows we're coming?”
Julie Kagawa, The Forever Song

Julie Kagawa
“I won't tell yo anything," I choked out. "So you might as well kill me now."
"Everyone has a limit, little bird." He placed the flat of a blade against my cheek, the edges biting into my skin, I wanted to close my eyes, but I kept them open, glaring at Sarren defiantly, though my jaw hurt from clenching it so hard. "Let's if we can find yours.”
Julie Kagawa, The Eternity Cure