Lack Of Compassion Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lack-of-compassion" Showing 1-24 of 24
Shannon L. Alder
“Being kind to someone, only to look kind to others, defeats the purpose of being kind.”
Shannon L. Alder

Anna Funder
“Most people have no imagination. If they could imagine the sufferings of others, they would not make them suffer so.”
Anna Funder, All That I Am

Shannon L. Alder
“People that hold onto hate for so long do so because they want to avoid dealing with their pain. They falsely believe if they forgive they are letting their enemy believe they are a doormat. What they don’t understand is hatred can’t be isolated or turned off. It manifests in their health, choices and belief systems. Their values and religious beliefs make adjustments to justify their negative emotions. Not unlike malware infesting a hard drive, their spirit slowly becomes corrupted and they make choices that don’t make logical sense to others. Hatred left unaddressed will crash a person’s spirit. The only thing he or she can do is to reboot, by fixing him or herself, not others. This might require installing a firewall of boundaries or parental controls on their emotions. Regardless of the approach, we are all connected on this "network of life" and each of us is responsible for cleaning up our spiritual registry.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Until you have stood in another woman’s stilettos, you will never begin to know the year of pain she felt breaking them in.”
Shannon L. Alder

Ruby Wax
“Why, when you have a mental disease, is it always considered an act of imagination? Why is it that every organ in your body can get sick and you get sympathy except the brain?”
Ruby Wax

Shannon L. Alder
“Sometimes, we expect life to work a certain way and when it doesn’t we blame others or see it as a sign, rather than face the pain of the choices we should or shouldn’t have made. Real healing won’t begin until we stop saying, “God prevented this or that.” Often in our attempt to protect ourselves from pain, we leave things to fate and don’t take chances. Or, we don’t work hard enough to keep the blessings we are given. Maybe, we didn't recognize a blessing, until it was too late. Often, it is the lies we tell ourselves that keeps us stuck in a delusion of not being responsible for our lives. We leave it all up to God. The truth is we are not leaves blowing toward our destiny without any control. To believe this is to take away our freedom of choice and that of others. The final stage of grief is acceptance. This can’t be reached through always believing God willed the outcomes in our lives, despite our inaction or actions. To think so is to take the easy escape from our accountability. Sometimes, God has nothing to do with it. Sometimes, we just screwed up and guarded our heart from accepting it, by putting our outcome on God as the reason it turned out the way it did. Faith is a beautiful thing, but without work we can give into a mysticism of destiny that really doesn't teach us lessons or consequences for our actions. Life then becomes a distorted delusion of no accountability with God always to blame for battles we walked away from, won or loss.”
Shannon L. Alder

Sometimes, this disapproval of how you are managing your pain crosses over to disbelief that
“Sometimes, this disapproval of how you are managing your pain crosses over to disbelief that you are in as much pain as you say you are. They don’t believe that your pain is a legitimate enough reason to rest or nap or cry or take narcotic medications or not go to work or to go to the doctor. They might think that you are making too big of a deal out of it. They doubt the legitimacy of the pain itself.

This kind of stigma is the source of the dreaded accusation that chronic pain is “all in your head.” It’s as if to say that you are making a mountain out of a molehill.”
Murray J. McAlister

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“People like it when others fail and suffer. They get assured they are not alone in that predicament”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom

Ruby Wax
“This disease comes with a package: shame. When any other part of your body gets sick, you get sympathy.”
Ruby Wax

Shannon L. Alder
“Nowhere in the bible did it say, “Only show compassion and empathy to those you can trust.” If we did that, we would be burying homeless people every day.”
Shannon L. Alder

Erin Merryn
“She was so upset about a blog that maybe a total of six people read yet had no compassion for her granddaughters who had suffered the physical and emotional pains of sexual abuse and whose lives were changed forever. The two cannot even be compared, yet when someone is in denial about what happened, they cannot perceive what is true. It seemed too hard for her to let her mind go there and believe her grandson could do such terrible things.”
Erin Merryn, Living for Today: From Incest and Molestation to Fearlessness and Forgiveness

Shannon L. Alder
“Tears terrify people more than anger because they attach to your heart and leave angels of mercy to shout in your mind.”
Shannon L. Alder

“a psychiatrist without compassion is a terrifying thing indeed”
Jamie Deckoff-Jones

Nathan  Hill
“They turned on the television and saw some news story about another goddamn humanitarian crisis, another goddamn civil war in some godforsaken place, and saw images of wounded people or starving children and felt a bright, bitter anger at the children for invading and ruining the only moments of relaxation and "me time" the neighbors had all day. The neighbors would get a little indignant here, about how their own lives were hard too, and yet nobody heard them complaining about it. everyone had problems - why couldn't they just quietly deal with them? On their own? With a bit of self-respect? Why did they have to get everyone else involved? It's not like the neighbors could do anything. It's not like civil wars were their fault.”
Nathan Hill, The Nix

“A leader who allows their subordinates to suffer as proof of who is the boss likely quenches their thirst with salt water from a rusted canteen.”
Donavan Nelson Butler, Master Sergeant US Army

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“How many human beings have to die before some people understand the gravity of the situation?”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Ljupka Cvetanova
“You are seeing too many signs "Shop for rent"? Turn around you. You will be surprised how many of the people you know have a sign in their eyes : "Life for rent”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Some people will rip out your heart with a steak knife then say, “Oops, sorry, do you need a plaster?”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

“The death of unit morale is always precipitated by the neglect of a Soldiers and families health and welfare.”
Donavan Nelson Butler, Master Sergeant US Army

Margaret Thatcher
“Nowadays there really is no primary poverty left in this country. In Western countries we are left with the problems which aren't poverty. All right, there may be poverty because people don't know how to budget, don't know how to spend their earnings, but now you are left with the really hard fundamental character—personality defect.”
Margaret Thatcher, Margaret Thatcher In Her Own Words

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Some folks are so busy stuffing their face that they don’t see their neighbor starving.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Listen to Your Conscience: That's Why You Have One

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Those with hearts of stone will have dry eyes.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman