Levitation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "levitation" Showing 1-10 of 10
Curtis Tyrone Jones
“Sometimes we must gravitate towards madness before we can levitate on greatness.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Ana Claudia Antunes
“Silent our body is a sacred temple,
A place to connect with other people.
Can't we just stay any younger?
Really, we might keep it stronger,
Elated, rather than so tilted or feeble!!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic

J.M. Johnson
“During a late evening briefing, Jimmy listened as Harford told the group they would be teleporting. Harford’s briefing didn’t extend beyond saying the men might experience nausea, mild dizziness, and garbled sounds, and he couldn’t tell them more because each person’s experience of teleportation was unique. At last, Jimmy would find out what it was like, though the recent conversation with Vicar played on his mind. He wanted the answer to the one question that nagged him, but in the end, he didn’t ask how many men had died during teleportation. He reasoned that Harford wouldn’t tell him.”
J.M. Johnson, The Starbirth Assignment: Shifter

Sol Luckman
“Flying in his dreams was an exhilarating, breathtaking experience, sometimes literally, that tended to leave reality wanting, like riding a roller coaster compared to mowing the lawn.”
Sol Luckman, Snooze: A Story of Awakening

J.M. Johnson
“Researchers still don’t know what’s involved in Shifting. Have you heard of dark matter?’
‘I know the name but not what it is.’
‘It’s something like another dimension all around us. We can’t see it or touch it, but there’s five times more of it than what we call our world. It isn’t made of atoms in the way that we are. It’s at the edge of our understanding of the universe. It’s like black holes – you can’t view them, but you know they’re there because of the way things act when they’re in close proximity to one. It’s the same with dark matter. We think teleportation involves a dimensional shift.’
Jackie (J M) Johnson, Starbirth Assignment Shifter”
J.M. Johnson, The Starbirth Assignment: Shifter

J.M. Johnson
“He wondered if other Shifters had the same homing instinct for a teleportation departure point. It never lasted long, maybe a couple of hours, a half day at most, like a subconscious computer memory. It baffled scientists years after they had first examined Lock’s abilities. Nobody had come up with an answer for that ability and Lock was unaware of how he did it. It simply existed, like his other skills.”
J.M. Johnson, The Starbirth Assignment: Shifter

J.M. Johnson
“Something emerged from the air and slumped on the concrete floor behind Mosquera. The men near the table recoiled in horror. One gasped and stepped backwards, falling over a chair with a crash. Two others crossed themselves. Lock moved the fly so he could see past Mosquera. His blood ran cold. The lumpy mass on the floor looked as though the Devil himself had grabbed Miguel, squashed and scrambled his skin, muscles and bones, and dropped the mess back on the concrete. Like everybody else in the room, Lock was in shock. People didn’t die in teleportation, but the evidence was in front of him. What on earth had Mosquera used?”
J.M. Johnson, The Starbirth Assignment: Shifter

Victor LaValle
“But when Dorry reached the top of the fence, she didn’t hop over. Instead, she perched herself up there, in a crouch, like a gargoyle at the top of a building. Despite the nightdress the barbed wire was digging into her soles, but her face showed no pain. No exhaustion. No worry. Dorry had balanced herself in that crouched position and then, even more remarkable, she stood. Because it was night, the dull silver fence was practically invisible, so the old woman seemed to be floating eight feet above the concrete court. Dorry levitated.”
Victor LaValle, The Devil in Silver

Aldous Huxley
“How is true possession to be distinguished from fraud or the symptoms of disease? The Church prescribes four tests - the language test, the test of preternatural physical strength, the test of levitation and the test of clairvoyance and prevision. If a person can on occasion understand, or better still, speak a language, of which, in his normal state, he is completely ignorant; if he can manifest the physical miracle of levitation or perform unaccountable feats of strength, and if he can correctly predict the future or describe events taking place at a distance - then that person may be presumed to be possessed by devils. (Alternatively, he may be presumed to be the recipient of extraordinary graces; for in many instances divine and infernal miracles are, most unhappily, identical. The levitation of saintly ecstatic is distinguishable from the levitation of ecstatics demoniacs only in virtue of the moral antecedents and consequences of the event. These moral antecedents and consequences are often hard to assess, and it has sometimes happened that even the holiest persons have been suspected of producing their ESP phenomena and their PK effects by diabolic means.)”
Aldous Huxley, The Devils of Loudun

Roshan Sharma
“Your Personal identity created by the experiences of the past, simply floats on the awareness field of the mind, while all the important tasks of life, is performed by the subtle strings of the spirit.”
Roshan Sharma