Life Hacks Quotes

Quotes tagged as "life-hacks" Showing 1-30 of 32
Merlin Franco
“Remember, your destiny has been foretold long ago. You just have to stand up and seize it.”
Merlin Franco, Saint Richard Parker

Merlin Franco
“The best way to make a line appear shorter without touching it is to draw a longer line next to it. It works with grief, too.”
Merlin Franco, Saint Richard Parker

Kamand Kojouri
“Disappointment is a blessing. If you were never disappointed, you'd never know what was important to you.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“The more we surrender to what cannot be, the better we control what can be.”
Kamand Kojouri

Greg Egan
“We learn precisely enough to keep us from wanting to know any more”
Greg Egan, Axiomatic

Graeme Simsion
“I was not concerned about the dancing—I was confident that I could draw on my experience from preparing for martial arts competitions, with the supplementary advantage of an optimum intake of alcohol, which for martial arts is not permitted.”
Graeme Simsion, The Rosie Project

Suzy  Davies
“Fairy tales are a kind of life coaching; they show us the obstacles we face, give us wands and potions and magick spells, wicked witches, animal familiars, castles, godmothers, giants, woods with fairy queens, and elves. But we know, deep down, in the Land before Words, fairytales give us courage; we know this magic - we were given it at birth.”
Suzy Davies

Anastasia Bitkova
“The ability to make others feel good about themselves will take you further than proving that you are the smartest one in the room.”
Anastasia Bitkova

Linda Anthony Hill
“What's important to you may mean nothing to me and what's important to me may mean nothing to you. And that's okay.”
Linda Anthony Hill

Shivi Goyal
“Just let it go, Please don't come back.
Devils of Mind!”
Shivi Goyal, Love vs= Weed: Shades of a poison, called Love

Avijeet Das
“When I work, I work with discipline. But when I play, I play hard and rough!”
Avijeet Das

“There are two possible outcomes for an injured person,
succumb to his/her injury
fight harder and come out stronger with a scar as a trophy...”
Hanish Kodali

“It sounds honourable to talk like you have your entire life mapped out with each day planned. There’s no problem with making plans and having goals; however, as followers of Jesus we have to keep in mind that God is free to change the course or destination as he so chooses. That’s why we are followers of Jesus, not followers of our own plans." (Life Hacks, p.32)”
Jon Morrison

Hemant Pandey
“You realise power of money and love when you lose them. You realise power of money more when you lose love along with it!”
Hemant Pandey

Robert T. Kiyosaki
“Whenever you feel ‘short’ or in ‘need’ of something, give what you want first and it will come back in buckets. That is true for money, a smile, love, friendship. I know it is often the last thing a person may want to do, but it has always worked for me. I just trust that the principle of reciprocity is true, and I give what I want”
Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Avijeet Das
“Our mind can become a great ally or a sinister foe. You must listen to the voice inside your head. At times, you may hear many voices at once. Practice silence of mind. And try not to listen to all the voices in your head. But listen to the one voice that really matters. The one that is telling you to stay calm.”
Avijeet Das

Avijeet Das
“Don't waste your time and energy in hating anyone. Just move on. You are better than that person.”
Avijeet Das

Stewart Stafford
“Life Cycles by Stewart Stafford

From fair youth’s day,
To dark-spotted age,
The blooms of May,
Usher out winter’s sullen maze.

When the bars of the juvenile cage are splayed,
And our stars have run their course,
The debt of carefree times gets repaid,
As we from this earthly plain divorce.

We crawl to walk and stoop alone,
As the dead remain uncured,
Until Time grants us further loans,
Immortality is a bloodline secured.

© Stewart Stafford, 2021. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Vicki Grant
“He kissed her forehead. She leaned into the crook of his arm. They rode like that for a while and then Hildy said, "Ever feel like a complete screw-up?"
"Yeah. Daily. But I also shit daily. In both cases, I flush, wash my hands, and blame the stink of the last guy.”
Vicki Grant

Stewart Stafford
“Knowledge is knowing many things. Wisdom is applying that knowledge to life as logical solutions and new perspectives.”
Stewart Stafford

Jenő Rejtő
“Most megpillantom szemben, a szudáni vadászoknál Tuskót. Névsort olvas! Az egyetlen mód, hogy ne hiányozzon a névsorból: ő olvassa!”
Jenő Rejtő, Az elátkozott part

JetSet (Josh King Madrid, JetSetFly)
“Believe that your intuition will give you the answers when you ask yourself questions. Give your question to your intuition rather than trying to think it through or analyze it.”
Josh King Madrid, JetSet Life Hacks: 33 Life Hacks Millionaires, Athletes, Celebrities, & Geniuses Have In Common

Napoleon Hill
“Невежеството и страха са единствените врагове, от които човек трябва да се спасява!”
Napoleon Hill, Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success

Mitta Xinindlu
“Never write people off. Surprisingly, it could be your worst enemy that saves your life.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Sometimes life has to interrupt us sufficiently in order to get itself out of our way.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Much of life hangs in what I call the ‘other side’ of living. These are the areas of our lives we are preoccupied with at night and, yet,
we’re never taught enough about these dominant aspects of human existence when growing up. Partly because of this lack of healthy exposure, we feel ill-equipped, embarrassed and quite helpless when
we personally stumble upon these difficult, challenging grey areas. We often feel swallowed whole by them.”
Samantha Lourie

Stewart Stafford
“See Me In One by Stewart Stafford

Crave not aged flight,
Your titian crown ringed,
With cherubim cheeks,
In child's play, winged.

I shed this life's skin,
My texts echoing guide,
Find flesh through them,
Righteous wordage sighed.

In forest dark, I found you,
All before, a stillborn nought,
Of everything in ardour rendered,
Your form, pride's ransom bought.

© Stewart Stafford, 2024. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

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