Mindfulness Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mindfulness-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 450
Merlin Franco
“Bhagwan says that running after money will never bring happiness, and finding true happiness is to touch the center of one’s soul. I can have all the money in this world and still be unhappy. Likewise, I can have no money and still be happy. Happiness is just a state of mind. I choose to be happy.”
Merlin Franco, Saint Richard Parker

Merlin Franco
“Everything he says is new to me. But something about it sounds so familiar, like a passive knowledge I had always known before. I want this liberation, this boundless love!”
Merlin Franco, Saint Richard Parker

Germany Kent
“Think about every good thing in your life right now. Free yourself of worrying. Let go of the anxiety, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.”
Germany Kent

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“When you feel that others are lacking and failing ....
first assess the skill, style, quality, results, mindset,
support, professionalism and spirit with which
you yourself play the game.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Aura Biru
“Love weighs nothing, but it’s such a heavy thing to carry alone.”
Aura Biru

Nataša Pantović
“Mindfulness increases the awareness of the Nature of the Mind. If we learn to Control our Mind and Listen to our Souls we can consciously choose to be Joyful instead of sad, Peaceful and Loving, Alert and Relaxed.”
Natasa Pantovic Nuit, Mindful Being

Nataša Pantović
“We train ourselves all through our life to waste energy following our inner narratives. We are often unconsciously driven by our fears, worries and fantasies. Enter the space of Awareness of the present moment with no emotional filters, no regrets nor hopes, no daydreaming and no nightmares.”
Natasa Pantovic Nuit, Mindful Being

“The mind has greater power than a computer.
The heart has greater power than an engine.
The soul has greater power than a reactor.
The tongue has greater power than a sword.
The eye has greater power than a camera.
The ear has greater power than a recorder.

The feet are a greater invention than the car.
The hands are a greater invention than the carriage.
The nose is a greater invention than the vacuum.
The mouth is a greater invention than the megaphone.
The stomach is a greater invention than the refrigerator.
The skin is a greater invention than clothes.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“We need to maintain an awareness of our awareness, of what we are paying attention to, in order to discriminate between higher and lower forms of love.”
Paul O'Brien

“If a disciple is old,
a master should be mature.
If a disciple is young,
a master should be accessible.
If a disciple is brave,
a master should be fearless.
If a disciple is shrewd,
a master should be wise.
If a disciple is strong,
a master should be powerful.
If a disciple is learned,
a master should be enlightened.

If a disciple is contented,
a master should be joyful.
If a disciple is faithful,
a master should be devoted.
If a disciple is tolerant,
a master should be peaceful.
If a disciple is intro inspective,
a master should be self-aware.
If a disciple is focused,
a master should be determined.
If a disciple is exceptional,
a master should be perfect.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Acknowledge others,
and you will be acknowledged.
Welcome others,
and you will be welcomed.
Cherish others,
and you will be cherished.
Esteem others,
and you will be esteemed.

Despise others,
and you will be despised.
Reject others,
and you will be rejected.
Ignore others,
and you will be ignored.
Disregard others,
and you will be disregarded.

Hear others,
and you will be heard.
Understand others,
and you will be understood.
Help others,
and you be will be helped.
Love others,
and you will be loved.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Sri Amit Ray
“Dance of life has three components: expression, repetition of certain patterns, and rhythms. When you are mindful, you will know your rhythms, patterns, and expressions.”
Sri Amit Ray, Power of Exponential Mindset for Success and Leadership

Russ Kyle
“Detachment from the outcome frees us from the constraints of our limited perspectives, opening the door to possibilities we may have never imagined.”
Russ Kyle, Manifestation Mindset: The 12 Universal Laws of Creation

“With acceptance, what happens is that our mind creates a psychological pause between an event and our action. That pause is the equanimity, poise and calmness from which we can then think objectively to act wholesomely.”
Kathirasan K, Mindfulness for the Family

“With acceptance, what happens is that our mind creates a psychological pause between an event and our action. That pause is the equanimity, poise and calmness from which we can then think objectively to act wholesomely.”
Sunita Rai, Mindfulness for the Family

“Mindfulness helps you to be grounded in the present moment with acceptance so that you can effectively plan what you want in the future.”
Kathirasan K, Mindfulness for the Family

“Mindfulness helps you to be grounded in the present moment with acceptance so that you can effectively plan what you want in the future.”
Sunita Rai, Mindfulness for the Family

Eric Overby
“Immiscible with the Congregation

I am a drop of oil in this bucket of water.
We are immiscible
about the immutability, Infallibility,
and inerrancy of their ideas.
They live in the polarities
of good and bad, heaven and hell,
a god and a devil, Christian and not.
But life is too nuanced, history too complex;
my mind is too neutral to mix.

Are there any more drops of oil in here?
Someone that has actually looked into the water
and can’t be mixed into the multitude?

Each week, the congregation is baptized in the idea that everyone needs an outside entity.

What I need is to know myself.
To be
aware of the arising of the mind.
To notice what is appearing
and to watch it dissipate.
To know
that I am not the trail of thoughts
that I get caught in.
I need to watch thoughts arise,
To let them go,
and to pay attention
to the thread.
What I need is not outside,
but it’s not necessarily inside either;
it is the awareness itself
of what is happening
in both places.

What I need is what is.

That is my salvation. That is what I need.
I am saved with each moment that I am aware.

Eric Overby, Tired Wonder: Beginnings and Endings

Eric Overby
“What I need is not outside,
but it’s not necessarily inside either;
it is the awareness itself
of what is happening
in both places.

What I need is what is.

That is my salvation. That is what I need.
I am saved with each moment that I am aware.”
Eric Overby, Tired Wonder: Beginnings and Endings

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“Be patient: life will reveal itself (to you) one breath, moment, day and season at a time.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“To look at any substantial issue or situation at first glance / surface level alone and make a judgement is as unwise as only looking at someone’s face for a brief moment and think that you truly know them.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

“If I ever had to ask for it, I don't want it anymore....sincerely.”
Kierra C.T. Banks

Ritu Negi
“Knowledge holds the power
But It's Memory that possesses it.”
Ritu Negi

“The world may be in a hurry, but in the space between breaths lies the opportunity to connect, appreciate, and love.”
Yvonne Padmos

“The mind is a silent force shaping worlds within and without — cultivate mindfulness, intentionality, and positivity in your thoughts.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“And i often thought about life with great discernment, that I aught not run headlong into love. I contemplated how we are born with closed hands and an open heart. Yearning for the sweet touch of compassion, and the mystery and depth of what we often call love'

An Observance of life by Leonie Anderson”
Leonie Anderson

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