Life On Earth Quotes

Quotes tagged as "life-on-earth" Showing 1-24 of 24
C. JoyBell C.
“Many people don't fear a hell after this life and that's because hell is on this earth, in this life. In this life there are many forms of hell that people walk through, sometimes for a day, sometimes for years, sometimes it doesn't end. The kind of hell that doesn't burn your skin; but burns your soul. The kind of hell that people can't see; but the flames lap at your spirit. Heaven is a place on earth, too! It's where you feel freedom, where you're not afraid. No more chains. And you hear your soul laughing.”
C. JoyBell C.

Lewis Mumford
“Only when love takes the lead will the earth, and life on earth, be safe again. And not until then.”
Lewis Mumford

Mouloud Benzadi
“One of the signs of insanity is the belief that life after death matters more than life on Earth!”
Mouloud Benzadi

Rose Rosetree
“Amazing Earth School can be a world of illusions or a world of reality. Which will it be for you?
The answer depends on your discernment, and then how you use your freedom of choice. Definitely you can give yourself a chance to pursue — and attain — Spiritual Enlightenment.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

“What I’m praying is that you will choose those beautiful possibilities over any self-annihilating alternatives. My whole life on earth has been the weaving of a single powerful spell. The best part of all my magic was loving you.” (as spoken by the character Valerie Hyerman)”
Aberjhani, Songs from the Black Skylark zPed Music Player :

John Irving
“...worst of all were the highly unlikely science-fiction novels, or the equally implausible futuristic tales.
Couldn't my mom and Nana Victoria see for themselves that I was both mystified and frightened by life on Earth?”
John Irving, In One Person

Michael Brooks
“We are pouring huge amounts of energy into the biological effort to understand where life came from, how it arose on planet Earth, because it matters to us; it is, perhaps our deepest question. Really, it boils down to this: Are we special? The best summation has been attributed to the science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke: "Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we're not," he said. "In either case the idea is quite staggering." Clarke is right. If we are alone, that's extraordinary. If we are not , that's even better. Were we to discover that we are one of many life-forms on a planet that is one of many inhabited worlds, we would have a new perspective on being human - on being alive, even. And if we discover that some of that life beyond Earth is intelligent, a whole new vista of possible human experience opens up before us.”
Michael Brooks, 13 Things That Don't Make Sense: The Most Baffling Scientific Mysteries of Our Time

“Stewardship is the hallmark of life on earth.”
Sunday Adelaja

Noora Ahmed Alsuwaidi
“Big problems need big solutions. This season is the hottest Summer the humans live all over the world, and the question is, "What should we do to cool the earth down and retrieve our normal lives back?"
The only answer I have is to plant the earth; each centimeter on the planet should be planted again. Earth is our home, if we didn't take care of it and of all who lives on it, then who will?”
Noora Ahmed Alsuwaidi

“I have lived far too much of my life with the end goal of eternal life in heaven, and so I missed a lot of life on earth.”
Laura E. Anderson, When Religion Hurts You: Healing from Religious Trauma and the Impact of High-Control Religion

Raheel Farooq
“The sense of alienation that inspires wonder, awe and fear in us is enough of a proof that life does not belong to the planet Earth.”
Raheel Farooq

“I’d rather spend a day on earth to fight with fear and trembling for an eternal days in Heaven with the Sovereign Lord God and the Lord Jesus Christ than to spend thousand years on earth, conform to its patterns, rejoice at the expense of the eternal joy of my soul and remain here on earth for eternal condemnation in hell fire!”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Jozef Simkovic
“God is not micromanaging the life of anybody on Earth, just like you are not micromanaging the life of one cell in your body. The Ultimate Creator is managing only the important parts of the whole, like you are moving your limbs or affecting other parts of your body with your thoughts and actions, by Gardener.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

Abhijit Naskar
“I am merely an insignificant creature on a microscopic blue dot in the vastness of space.”
Abhijit Naskar

August Strindberg
“La oss derfor lide uten håp om en eneste varig glede i dette livet siden vi, mine brødre, allerede er i helvete.”
August Strindberg, Inferno

August Strindberg
“Se her, mine brødre, en menneskeskjebne blant mange andre, og erkjenn at et menneskes liv kan ta seg ut som en dårlig spøk!”
August Strindberg, Inferno

Stewart Stafford
“It is a combination of man’s mental acuity and self-importance to try and attach any meaning to life. Why can’t we just be an extremely fortunate life form randomly hurtling through space on an ideally-positioned rock? If life has any meaning, it is the basic biological one of passing on our genes to the next generation before we die.”
Stewart Stafford

“The greatest achievement ever accomplished is life on earth.”
Wald Wassermann

“The greatest achievement ever accomplished in this universe is life on earth. Let's take care of it.”
Wald Wassermann

Abhijit Naskar
“Let's renounce our weapons and become a beacon of hope and hatelessness in the vastness of our universe. If any extraterrestrial race is observing us, let them know that the little blue dot may be tiny in size, but it holds unimaginable potential for greatness and glory. As the saying goes, big things come in small packages. Let them know, the tiny blue dot in a corner of the Milky Way, doesn't just hold intelligent life, it holds the life that knows the value of life.”
Abhijit Naskar, Monk Meets World

Alex M. Vikoulov
“Just like once, life on Earth complexified from unicellular organisms to multicellular organisms, we are becoming one Global Superorganism, at first rudimentary but more and more integrated over time, with distinct features like the Global Brain, a neural network of billions of hyperconnected humans, superintelligent machines, and trillions of sensors around the planet. The Global Mind, or the Syntellect, will emerge as a consequence, and that would actually constitute the Cybernetic Singularity.”
Alex M. Vikoulov, The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution

“Sun is the real star and the breadwinner of the solar family. It is the sun that provides the warmth, light, and everything necessary for sustenance and the progress of life of Earth.”
Ajaz Ahmad Khawaja

Steven Magee
“When the green auroras are much closer to the equator, it indicates the environmental radiation levels are far higher than normal. It is known to damage the genetics and is part of genetic evolution. At its worst it can shut down modern society, sterilize animals, induce cancer and kill off most life on Earth. It can get really bad!”
Steven Magee

Isaac Yuen
“What are we talking about when we talk about heart? As it may prove to be for coral polyps and tube sponges, the heart we obsess over in so many of our stories and sagas is not a mere pump or knot of muscle, but rather a core essence from which some cadence of being arises, thrums of ongoings that comprise the fierce living on this planet, this rock—itself a larger venture in the shaping of patterns into a strand of music three-plus billion years in the making, played out against the backdrop of an older community that may or may not be listening, a universal commonwealth from which Mystery with a capital M resides, even as it rises and falls to its own incalculable rhythm—all of which are very much beyond the scope of this guide.”
Isaac Yuen, Utter, Earth: Advice on Living in a More-than-Human World