Likability Quotes

Quotes tagged as "likability" Showing 1-30 of 102
Lindy West
“Someone will always pop up to say, "You would be more effective if you were nicer." "You would have a more receptive audience if you adjusted your tone." "You catch more flies with honey." Well, I don't want flies. The most likable woman in the world is crawling with fucking flies.”
Lindy West, The Witches Are Coming

Lindy West
“Likability is a con, and we're falling for it[...] Is there such a thing as a likable woman? Can you think of one? And if she exists, could she be anything but the ultimate manifestation of everything we hate about the water we swim in, everything we're forced to be? Likability in a sexist, racist culture is not objective - it's compulsory femininity, the gender binary, invisible labor, whiteness, smallness, sweetness. It's letting them do it. If someone is universally likable, I don't trust that person.”
Lindy West, The Witches Are Coming

Lindy West
“So no, excuse me, we will not play likability anymore. It's an endless runner—a game with no progress and no finish line—that women are expected to chase, that keeps us from doing the real work, accruing the real power. Chasing likability has been one of women's biggest setbacks, by design. I don't know that rejecting likability will get us anywhere, but I know that embracing it has gotten us nowhere.”
Lindy West, The Witches Are Coming

Michelle Tillis Lederman
“It is through the strength of what is genuine that meaningful connections build into relationships.”
Michelle Tillis Lederman, 11 Laws of Likability

Emma Lord
“he doesn’t like me the way I like him. And if he did once, he doesn’t anymore.”
Emma Lord, You Have a Match

Michelle Tillis Lederman
“If you jump to conclusions about someone based on limited, proscribed interactions, you close the door to the possibility of deepening your connection.”
Michelle Tillis Lederman, The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking . . . Because People Do Business with People They Like

Michelle Tillis Lederman
“Communicating what we appreciate by saying nice things has powerful results for ourselves and those around us.”
Michelle Tillis Lederman, The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking . . . Because People Do Business with People They Like

“Likability is a soft skill that leads to hard results.”
Mo Bunnell, The Snowball System: How to Win More Business and Turn Clients into Raving Fans

Rachel Kushner
“ is easier to like difficult people when they are leaving, or already gone.”
Rachel Kushner, The Flamethrowers

“i do not want to be liked.
i want to be myself.

–– fiction”
Nayyirah Waheed, Salt

Michelle Tillis Lederman
“It is natural for us to form first impressions when we meet someone. The challenge is to remain open to letting the other perception to change.”
Michelle Tillis Lederman, The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking . . . Because People Do Business with People They Like

Michelle Tillis Lederman
“Whether with a new acquaintance or an existing relationship, stay open to the possibility that your perceptions aren’t entirely accurate; it just may give you the opportunity to strengthen the bond.”
Michelle Tillis Lederman, The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking . . . Because People Do Business with People They Like

Michelle Tillis Lederman
“Your body language can divulge your disinterest or, conversely, it can affirm your attentiveness and confidence.”
Michelle Tillis Lederman, The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking . . . Because People Do Business with People They Like

Michelle Tillis Lederman
“If you don’t believe the message you are trying to transmit, why should anybody else?”
Michelle Tillis Lederman, The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking . . . Because People Do Business with People They Like

Michelle Tillis Lederman
“If you don’t want people to make assumptions about you that they automatically consider as facts, be aware of not falling into the same habit.”
Michelle Tillis Lederman, The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking . . . Because People Do Business with People They Like

Michelle Tillis Lederman
“If you rush to judgement about someone, chances are that person may have the same reaction to you. Monkey see, monkey do.”
Michelle Tillis Lederman, The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking . . . Because People Do Business with People They Like

Michelle Tillis Lederman
“You can change the outcome of a situation by keeping an open mind and not pigeonholing other people into what you already believe about them.”
Michelle Tillis Lederman, The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking . . . Because People Do Business with People They Like

Michelle Tillis Lederman
“Good listening is a win-win.”
Michelle Tillis Lederman

Michelle Tillis Lederman
“Forget about the bully on your shoulder; now is the time to champion the cheerleader.”
Michelle Tillis Lederman, The 11 Laws of Likability: Relationship Networking . . . Because People Do Business with People They Like

A.D. Aliwat
“Personality has always been the key to success in the U.S., whether people like you or not.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

“Attractiveness comes from inner clarity.”
Jen Alvares

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