Love Philosophy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "love-philosophy" Showing 1-13 of 13
Vishwas Chavan
“Love is an unconditional gift, and not a bargain.”
Vishwas Chavan

“used to see people in love . seeing them ,used to say -how heavenly it is ,they looks so happy in love. now i touched by love- and don't say the same .”

“used to see people in love . seeing them ,used to say -how heavenly it is ,they looks so happy in love. now i toughed by love- and don't say the same .”

Aysha Taryam
“We all think we understand love yet we fail to see that no two loves are the same”
Aysha Taryam

Scott Davis Howard
“I fully realize that all men and women who are in love lie to themselves to one degree or another. Love, I’ve found, whitewashes its object. Any blemishes, crevices, or cracks are filled with pure and bright illusion, the root of which is vanity. Only over time does this brightness wear off.”
Scott Davis Howard, Three Days and Two Knights

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“You'll never find love if you're looking up in the sky”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Every SOUL someday has to be SEPARATED from the BODY like the LOVE and the LOVERS”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“Love is the obsession of desiring intimacy from a specific person, I love you is telling that particular person that you appreciate it.”
Akram Chla

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“In today’s world it’s easy to lose track of time
& otherwise get caught up in what’s going on.
So many families split up, so many loved ones
Lose track of who they are. Why they came
Divorcing a memory they can never truly run
away from.
In today’s world it’s a blessing to know you. To
get facial recognition & assurance with your
every smile.
Not every moment can be as perfect as we
expect it,
Yet we are appreciative and try not to take the
For granted. Just as the saying goes, “Not
everyone knows what
They have.” It’s those refreshing moments that
remind us
Of God’s praise. Not at all excusing us for the
times we become
Absentees when we’re needed most, or simply
lose track
Of time, there are so many things that factor into
who we are,Our upbringing, things we experience, The
shapeless void
Of a missing father.
While that effect is monumental, we respond
without responding.
Silence sometimes the most powerful form of
In response to communication.
In today’s world it’s not that uncommon, placing
something else
Instead as priority, forgetting the bigger if not
biggest issue.
For better or worse, the most memorable part of
any union.
We take it at face value forgetting that we’re all
kids at some point
Or another. It’s not impossible to revert back as
we’re all human
At the end of the day.
That doesn’t at all excuse us for the times we
aren’t present,
not just for ourselves. But for our partners, our
friends, our families
the priority of accepting love as a walking and
breathing testimony.
Our hands the door of faith, as we journey to the
alter our lips
Have formed.In today’s world it’s a blessing to know you & to
get facial recognition
As well as reassurance every time I look at you.
No matter how much we mumble or grumble. I
am forever grateful
to have met the love of my life.
Everything I’ll ever need no matter how much
time passes.
You’re all I’ll ever need”
Kewayne Wadley, Late Nights On Venus

Yarro Rai
“We fall for their beautiful and handsome body then expect their soul to be the same.”
Yarro Rai