Inspiring Author Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inspiring-author" Showing 1-23 of 23
Dorothy Koomson
“But that's the thing about all of this," he says gently but urgently, "we survive. After each known down, each earth shattering blow, we get up again. Even though we walk through hell, and it feels like all we do is walk through hell, we do eventually make it to the otherside. Scarred. Mostly broken. But we survive. And then we start to rebuild ourselves. We're never the same, but we do rebuild ourselves. Because something like this is just another way in which we change. We all have to change.”
Dorothy Koomson, Goodnight, Beautiful

Dorothy Koomson
“Putting everything on hold to achieve the one thing you think will make you happy will actually mean that you're miserable along the way to getting there, and when you get there, you might find that the thing wanted doesn't make you as happy as you thought it would. Or worse, you've completely forgotten how to be happy.”
Dorothy Koomson, The Woman He Loved Before

Imania Margria
“My heart is on the brink of a world so foreign that it feels like a fantasy. Blessed do I feel when I think of your heart which is so warm that it melts the frozen world we live in. Blessed I am with all of you that I hold near and dear to my heart.”
Imania Margria, Secrets of My Heart

Dorothy Koomson
“I want to tell her that this isn't 'love'. that 'love' doesn't stay the same, it changes like we do, it is shaped by our experiences, by what we do, who we meet, what we learn. I'd like to explain that falling in love now is not how it'll be forever, and even if you stay with the same boy for the rest of your life, this incarnation of love won't stay the same, it never does.”
Dorothy Koomson, The Flavours of Love

Imania Margria
“Primo, si deve ricordare che il vostro sogno può essere realizzato con o senza che qualcuno di aiuto.
Secondo, il miglior aiuto proviene dal vostro cuore e dalla vostra mente.

(First, you must remember that your dreams can be realized with or without others' help.
Second, the best help comes from your heart and mind.)”
Imania Margria

Adiela Akoo
“A drop of PURE LOVE contains an ocean of transformative power”
Adiela Akoo