Middle Grade Reads Quotes

Quotes tagged as "middle-grade-reads" Showing 1-21 of 21
“Attending to your own words and ideas as well as those of others is an admirable trait in any person, but a necessity in a leader.”
Jennifer Frick-Ruppert, Spirit Quest

Lewis Carroll
“Sometimes, I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
– Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll”
Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Jessica  Lawson
“If only life were a book, and I could choose precisely what part I played.”
Jessica Lawson, Nooks & Crannies

“Next to the day when I was almost shot by that arrow, the worst day of my life was when I was almost eaten.”
Jennifer Frick-Ruppert, Spirit Quest

“That’s it, Skyco. That is the way to be a hunter. Never be in a hurry, never rush things. Wait until the prey is within your grasp, then strike swiftly and strike hard. Don’t miss or it may be a long time before another opportunity appears.”
Jennifer Frick-Ruppert, Spirit Quest

Jessica  Lawson
“The horses came to an abrupt halt, jolting the children so that they were torn from their seats and flung together like trapped trout.”
Jessica Lawson, Nooks & Crannies

Jessica  Lawson
“Do you know, I was rather excited about this whole weekend, and now I can't wait to get home. Feed the cats, write school papers. That sort of thing."
Tabitha said nothing. She had no home to return to.
"Don't you want to go home? That's right, though, you said you would be leaving the country."
"Just my parents are leaving. I'm orphanage bound," Tabitha told him, studying the kitchen tiles. "I'm to be a washer girl at Augustus Home."
"A washer girl?" Oliver blinked, incredulous. "You can't mean it."
Tabitha kept her eyes focused on the red squares, observing how they fit neatly together to form a single unit of floor. Her parents had taken away her ability to fit in anywhere. She felt the boiling sensation in her belly again, and she finally recognized it. It wasn't sadness or fear or guilt. It was anger, and it wanted very badly to be released.
"No, I don't believe you." Oliver shook his head. "Nobody is that horrible."
"They are," Tabitha affirmed quietly. "They are horrible, horrible people and even worse parents." She stared at him in wonder, letting a hot rush course through her. "Do you know that's the first time I've said that aloud?" Her heartbeat quickened. "And I think perhaps they deserve my disfavor. They've earned it, the same way I tried for years to earn their love.”
Jessica Lawson, Nooks & Crannies

“It was hard to help others if you hadn’t figured out how to help yourself.”
Elizabeth Atkinson

“They had argued a lot, but then suddenly they stopped fighting and began speaking calmly to each other, like they were strangers. That’s when I knew something was really wrong.
Mo eventually explained that she and my father were simply different peas meant to live in separate pods. You would think two adults could figure that out before they got married and had kids.”
Elizabeth Atkinson

Shaylene King
“Telling the truth isn't always easy to do but it will always be the right thing to do”
Shaylene King, Liberty Lane and the One-Girl Rebelution

Pam Torres
“Dogs see the bigger picture—everything as a whole, not broken pieces of glass that need fixing.—Madison”
Pam Torres, It's NOT Just A Dog!

D.K. Segraves
“The 2015 edition updates the 2013 edition with more than 40 pages of new content.”
D.K. Segraves, Eagles Watch

Darwun St. James
“Something snatched onto Crickets’ left leg, and it was rapidly pulling her into the depths away from the wharf. Air-bubbles restricted her view in the pre-stirred water, as she kicked furiously against the high strength of her unknown assailant. Being from Louisiana, Cricket’s first instinct told her she was going down to a certain-death by Alligator!”
Darwun St James, CRICKET

Suzy  Davies
“Snow was blowing, windwards. The powder swirled, like white dust from the cosmos, about his head and feet. - The Girl in The Red Cape: A Mystical Sled Ride”
Suzy Davies

J.W. Lynne
“Fourteen-year-old Connor Hansen raced at full speed through the shiny, sterile emergency room hallways of Westley Hospital. He was excited ... and terrified. He was about to do what he had been training for almost his entire life. But if he failed, someone would die. Paramedics rushed toward him, pushing a bright-yellow gurney that carried a bloodied, lifeless man whose heart had stopped beating. It was Connor's job to get the man's heart started again. Connor was a doctor.”
J.W. Lynne, Kid Docs

“My dear children, words can heal, and words can hurt. Use them wisely, and you'll find that you can create wonders with them.”
Myra Kaur, An Angel's Calling

J.A. Browne
“I thought you said silver foxes were, like, a good-looking old bloke?
They're rare. Not endangered. Yet.
Blokes or foxes?”
J.A. Browne, Hannah and the Hollow Tree

J.A. Browne
“Hannah's mouth falls open. She looks across to where my resting body lies, then back at me. Her eyes never meet mine. She thinks I'm dead.”
J.A. Browne, Hannah and the Hollow Tree

J.A. Browne
“Gran, seriously, you are one scary old bird.
Er, firebird. Not old bird, if you please.”
J.A. Browne, Hannah and the Hollow Tree