Mind Reading Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mind-reading" Showing 1-22 of 22
Sarah J. Maas
“I'd forgotten that human minds are easy to shatter as eggshells," Rhysand said, and ran a finger across the base of my throat. I shuddered, my eyes burning. "Look at how delightful she is - look how she's trying not to cry out in terror. It would be quick, I promise.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Rebecca Yarros
“So, Tairn hasn't channelled to you, either, right?' Liam asks, a look of uncertainty, vulnerability on his face.

I shake my head. 'I think he has commitment issues,' I whisper.

'I heard that.'

'Then stay out of my head.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

M.A. George
“Wow…At least I can rest assured that you definitely can’t read my mind,” I remarked. “Clearly you know nothing about me…because the surest way to keep me from doing something is to tell me I have no other choice.”
M.A. George, Relativity

Sarah J. Maas
“Even as he said my most private thoughts, even as I burned with outrage and shame, I trembled at the grip still on my mind. Rhysand turned to the High Lord. "I'm curious: Why did she wonder if it would feel good to have you bite her breast the way you bit her neck?"
"Let. Her. Go." Tamlin's face was twisted with such feral rage that it struck a different, deeper chord of terror in me.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses eSampler

“Stop assuming people can read your mind. Communicate yourself.”
Akiroq Brost

Frank  Sonnenberg
“People can’t hear what you don’t say. Thinking isn’t communicating.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Liane Moriarty
“Oh, come on now," she said mildly, as a car suddenly pulled into the lane in front of her. She lifted her hand to toot the horn and then didn't bother. Note how I didn't scream and yell like a mad person, she thought for the benefit of that afternoon's psychotic truck driver, just in case he happened to have stopped by to read her mind.”
Liane Moriarty, The Husband's Secret

Kimberly Kinrade
“Time held no meaning as my mind darted in and out of memories. Past and present collided to create a full-sensory collage out of my life: playing hide-n-seek with my best friends Luke—who always cheated by walking through walls when he was about to be caught—and Lucy; Mr. Caldrin critiquing my sketches and offering ideas to make them more realistic; targets changing faces, blending into the same person, their thoughts rippling through my mind like waves. Through it all, a demon stalked me from the shadows of my memories, never quite showing its face, but crouching, waiting.

And then I dreamed....”
Kimberly Kinrade, Forbidden Fire

Dean Koontz
“You're spooky," he said, "You knew what I was thinking."
"That not spooky," she said, "That's married.”
Dean Koontz, The Bad Place

Donna Goddard
“Although we each believe our thoughts are specific and personal, our thoughts, fears, and desires are typical to all egos and commonly shared. In this way, it is relatively easy to read the thoughts of most humans with just a few subtle cues. Thoughts tend to run along the same worn tracks leading to the same worn conclusions. Combining this knowledge with an understanding of the types of thoughts that individuals at different levels of consciousness gravitate towards will, with experience, lead to becoming a most astute mind reader.”
Donna Goddard, The Love of Devotion

Syrie James
“The moment my head touched my pillow, I heard Nicolae in my mind:
'So: my little theatricals were well received?'
'You made an excellent impression,' I replied in thought, with a little smile.
'I feel you smiling. I wish I was there to see it.'
I stifled a surprised gasp. 'How does this bond work between us? Can you read my thoughts at any time, or only if I send them to you?'
'I can read your mind at any time now, my darling.”
Syrie James, Dracula, My Love: The Secret Journals of Mina Harker

Rachel Hartman
“It was hard to fool someone who could tell what you were thinking.”
Rachel Hartman, Seraphina

Amit Kalantri
“Sleight comes with exercise, subtlety comes with experience.”
Amit Kalantri

Frank  Sonnenberg
“A good intention is like an idea that you keep to yourself. If you don’t do something with it, it’s like it never existed.”
Frank Sonnenberg, The Path to a Meaningful Life

“No one waits to trap him in a lie. He is told what lies he is getting ready to tell.”
Alcoholics Anonymous

Richard L.  Ratliff
“You read my words and instantly we are both connected”
Richard L. Ratliff

“There is nothing we can do or not do that successfully conceals our intentions from the dogs, it seems. ... I'd like to think they can read our minds but then it would really be scary because I'm not sure souls as tender, wise, and honest should be subjected to human perfidy.”
Roger Welsch, A Life With Dogs

Amanda Ashley
“Saintcrow's image immediately sprang to the forefront of her mind. Piercing dark eyes. Broad shoulders. A massive chest. Long, long legs. Large hands... She shivered, remembering the touch of those hands in her hair, on her skin. The way his tongue had ravaged her mouth...
"Vampire." She forced the word past her lips. "Vampire," she repeated, more forcefully this time.
But first a man. Saintcrow's voice slid through her mind like honey warmed by the sun. A man who wants you. Who burns for your touch. Who hungers for your sweetness.”
Amanda Ashley, As Twilight Falls

Lynne Ewing
“I'm here to talk to Serena only," he said firmly.
Then the air filled with a sweet, musky fragrance and a delicate hand covered the face of Jimena's watch. He looked up into Serena's eyes. She leaned against Jimena, her arm around her friend, and smiled at Stanton. She was wearing tight jeans and a sheer long-sleeved pink shirt over a thin T. Her hair was curled and glistened in the sun. She looked more beautiful than ever.
He smiled, wondering why he hadn't sensed her approach. Maybe she had learned some new skill to hide her presence.
She gently probed his mind without trying to hide her happiness at seeing him.
"I need to talk to you," he said, interrupting her before she could probe too deep. He didn't want her to see how much he had missed her.”
Lynne Ewing, The Sacrifice

Iain M. Banks
“Look into the bastard's mind."

"I can't do that, Ziller."

"Why not?"

"It is one of the very few more-or-less unbreakable rules of the Culture. Nearly a law. If we had laws, it would be of the first on the statue book."

"Only more-or-less unbreakable?"

"It is done very, very rarely, and the results tend to be ostracism. There was a ship called the Grey Area, once. It used to do that sort of thing. It became known as the Meatfucker as a result. When you look up the catalogs that's the name it's listed under, with its original, chosen name as a footnote. To be denied your self-designated name is a unique insult in the Culture, Ziller. The vessel disappeared some time ago. Probably killed itself, arguably as a result of the shame attached to such behavior and resulting disrespect."

"All it is is looking inside an animal brain."

"That's just it. It is so easy, and it would mean so little, really. That is why the not-doing of it is probably the most profound manner in which we honor our biological progenitors. This prohibition is a mark of our respect. And so I cannot do it."

"You mean you won't do it."

"They are almost the same thing."

"You have the ability."

"Of course.”
Iain M. Banks, Look to Windward

Sarah J. Maas
“Lucien cleared his throat. 'She meant no harm, Tam.'

'I know she meant no harm,' he snapped.

Lucien held his gaze. 'Worse things have happened, worse things can happen. Just relax.'

Tamlin's emerald eyes were feral as he snarled at Lucien, 'Did I ask for your opinion?'

Those words, the look he gave Lucien and the way Lucien lowered his head- my temper was a burning river in my veins. Look up, I silently beseeched him. Push back. He's wrong, and we're right. Lucien's jaw tightened. That force thrummed in me again, seeping out, spearing for Lucien. Do not back down-

Then I was gone.

Still there, still seeing through my eyes, but also half looking through another angle in the room, another person's vantage point-

Thoughts slammed into me, images and memories, a pattern of thinking and feeling that was old, and clever, and sad, so endlessly sad and guilt-ridden, hopeless-

Then I was back, blinking, no more than a heartbeat passing as I gaped at Lucien.

His head. I had been inside his head, had slid through his mental walls-”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

“In my clinical experience, always trusting your feelings or jumping to conclusions that you know what others are thinking, without any supporting evidence, are seen as examples of cognitive distortions.”
Dr Val Thomas, Cynical Therapies: Perspectives on the Antitherapeutic Nature of Critical Social Justice