Musician Quotes

Quotes tagged as "musician" Showing 211-240 of 353
Marilyn Manson
“I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.”
Marilyn Manson, The Long Hard Road Out of Hell

“I don't give a fuck, God sent me to piss the world off.”

Franz Liszt
“Music embodies feeling without forcing it to contend and combine with thought, as it is forced in most arts and especially in the art of words.”
Franz Liszt

Neil Gaiman
“And remember whatever discipline you're in, whether you're a musician or a photographer, fine artist or a cartoonist, writer, a dancer, a singer, a designer... whatever you do, you have a thing that's unique. You have the ability to make art.”
Neil Gaiman

Sarah J. Maas
“I skipped between the dancers, twirling my skirts. The seated, masked musicians didn’t look up at me as I leaped before them, dancing in place. No chains, no boundaries—just me and the music, dancing and dancing. I wasn’t faerie, but I was a part of this earth, and the earth was a part of me, and I would be content to dance upon it for the rest of my life.
One of the musicians looked up from his fiddling, and I halted.
Sweat gleamed on the strong column of his neck as he rested his chin upon the dark wood of the fiddle. He’d rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing the cords of muscle along his forearms. He had once mentioned that he would have liked to be a traveling minstrel if not a warrior or a High Lord—now, hearing him play, I knew he could have made a fortune from it.
“I’m sorry, Tam,” Lucien panted, appearing from nowhere. “I left her alone for a little at one of the food tables, and when I caught up to her, she was drinking the wine, and—”
Tamlin didn’t pause in his playing. His golden hair damp with sweat, he looked marvelously handsome—even though I couldn’t see most of his face. He gave me a feral smile as I began to dance in place before him. “I’ll look after her,” Tamlin murmured above the music, and I glowed, my dancing becoming faster. “Go enjoy yourself.” Lucien fled.
I shouted over the music, “I don’t need a keeper!” I wanted to spin and spin and spin.
“No, you don’t,” Tamlin said, never once stumbling over his playing. How his bow did dance upon the strings, his fingers sturdy and strong, no signs of those claws that I had come to stop fearing … “Dance, Feyre,” he whispered.
So I did.
I was loosened, a top whirling around and around, and I didn’t know who I danced with or what they looked like, only that I had become the music and the fire and the night, and there was nothing that could slow me down.
Through it all, Tamlin and his musicians played such joyous music that I didn’t think the world could contain it all. I sashayed over to him, my faerie lord, my protector and warrior, my friend, and danced before him. He grinned at me, and I didn’t break my dancing as he rose from his seat and knelt before me in the grass, offering up a solo on his fiddle to me.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

“Music is what our soul sounds like when it sings.”
Xila Toro

Amy Winehouse
“I don't think I knew what depression was. I knew I felt funny sometimes and I was different. I think it's a musician thing. That's why I write music. You know, I'm not like some messed up person. There is a lot of people that suffer depression that don't have an outlet, you know what I mean? That can't pick up a guitar for an hour and feel better.”
Amy Winehouse

Bruce Springsteen
“Clarence once mentioned to me during a negotiation but he should be paid not only for playing but for being Clarence.”
Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run

Julian Barnes
“Уметност припада сваком и ником. Уметност припада сваком времену и не припада ниједном. Уметност припада онима који је стварају и онима који је доживљавају. Уметност је шапат историје, који надјачава шум времена. Уметност не постоји ради уметности: она постоји за добро људи.”
Julian Barnes, The Noise of Time

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“We love music deeply, but why? Put simply: music makes lives, shapes lives, expresses all shades and
stages of life - and even saves lives.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Mehmet Murat ildan
“An illusionist can make himself disappear; a musician can do the same thing: When he plays a piano, after a while we start seeing only the music, not the man!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

James Hauenstein
“When all else fails, there is music. When that fails you, there is beer.”
James Hauenstein

“Nobody needs saving, just a little bit of empathy”
John O'Callaghan

“There's always another side to the story but nothing compares to the glory of our own short sighted, one sided glorious view”

Ava Dellaira
“Sometimes your music sounds like there’s too much inside you.
Maybe even you couldn’t get it all out.
Maybe that’s why you died.
Like you exploded from the inside.”
Ava Dellaira, Love Letters to the Dead

“It’s the lifestyle that’s being packaged and sold rather than the actual meaning.”
Rain Cooper

Ibi Kaslik
“Even though we've devoted our lives to music, we both know that the most important things happen without a soundtrack.”
Ibi Kaslik, The Angel Riots

“My job is to entertain people by playing my music well. You shouldn't really be upset because people like you, should you?”

“I try to make the music give people a chance to become engrossed with what they hear enough to possibly experience things they've probably experienced on their own but don't normally let themselves go so as to feel them fully.”

“When I write I like to give equal justice to lyrics, too. I want the song to have meaning for me so I can make it have meaning for the audience.”

“Food is merely a platform for condiments.”
Peter Marshall

“Nihilism isn’t sustainable as a magic feather. I don’t want to be able to sleep at night because I don’t care about what’s happening tomorrow.”
Liz Harris (Grouper)

Bruce Springsteen
“I would spend my life on the road logging hundreds of thousands of miles and my story was always the same. . . man comes to town, detonates; man leaves town and drives off into the evening; fade to black. Just the way I like it.”
Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run

Bruce Springsteen
“As Branford Marsalis said in a beautiful essay he write upon Clarence's death, C was blessed with 'the power of musical intent.”
Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run

Bruce Springsteen
“I can feel the love I'm a part of surrounding me and flowing through me; I'm near home and I'm standing hand in hand with those I love, past and present, in the sun, on the outskirts of something that feels almost like... being free.”
Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run

“Music is a safe kind of high”

Elvis Costello
“It was a real party of swells.”
Elvis Costello, Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink

“A y regarder de plus près, ces textes approchent l’essentiel de valeurs que bon nombre de jeunes gens ont oubliées ou refusent de voir.”
Fatemeh Parisa