New Age Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-age" Showing 421-450 of 479
P.A. Speers
“I have heard that we are spirits having a human experience. Perhaps those of us who have no conscience are dark spirits having a human experience.”
P.A. Speers, Type 1 Sociopath - When Difficult People Are More Than Just Difficult People

Russ Kyle
“The fact that you woke up this morning is proof that this day has already been predetermined in your favor.”
Russell Kyle, Awakened Living: A Practical Guide to the Spiritual Life

Ilchi Lee
“...we can choose to be truthful even when the choice means personal loss. We can choose to undertake a great action - unselfish, courageous, daringly creative - that looks unreasonable and irrational to the eye of the Ego.”
Ilchi Lee, Change: Realizing Your Greatest Potential

Stefan Molyneux
“Spiritual": religion without any rules. All the comfort of fictitious friends with none of their demands.”
Stefan Molyneux

“If you cannot reach a state of utter oneness with each other, how do you expect to solve anything? Separate the world will crumble; together the world will thrive.”
Jennifer Ott, Serendipidus

Seraphine Abrams
“It takes wisdom to know when you've had enough, strength to make the decision and determination to see it through.”
Seraphine Abrams

“It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the "goyim" the very principle of god-head and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs”
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

“Consciousness is the core of humanity. It can be a curse or it can be a cure. Only humanity can decide how to break the curse and be the cure.”
Jennifer Ott, Serendipidus

Criss Jami
“A distaste for the new is not always fear of the unknown, but sometimes ambition. Some people don't like the new way simply because they never got a chance to master the old way.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

“Say what you will of religion, but draw applicable conclusions and comparisons to reach a consensus.

Religion = Reli = Prefix to Relic, or an ancient item. In days of old, items were novel, and they inspired devotion to the divine, and in the divine. Now, items are hypnotizing the masses into submission.

Take Christ for example. When he broke bread in the Bible, people actually ate, it was useful to their bodies.

Compare that to the politics, governments and corrupt, bumbling bureacrats and lobbyists in the economic recession of today. When they "broke bread", the economy nearly collapsed, and the benefactors thereof were only a select, decadent few. There was no bread to be had, so they asked the people for more!

Breaking bread went from meaning sharing food and knowledge and wealth of mind and character, to meaning break the system, being libelous, being unaccountable, and robbing the earth.

So they married people's paychecks to the land for high ransoms, rents and mortgages, effectively making any renter or landowner either a slave or a slave master once more. We have higher class toys to play with, and believe we are free.

The difference is, the love of profit has the potential, and has nearly already enslaved all, it isn't restriced by culture anymore.

Truth is not religion. Governments are religions. Truth does not encourage you to worship things. Governments are for profit. Truth is for progress. Governments are about process.

When profit goes before progress, the latter suffers.

The truest measurement of the quality of progress, will be its immediate and effective results without the aid of material profit.

Quality is meticulous, it leaves no stone unturned, it is thorough and detail oriented. It takes its time, but the results are always worth the investment.

Profit is quick, it is ruthless, it is unforgiving, it seeks to be first, but confuses being first with being the best, it is long scale suicidal, it is illusory, it is temporary, it is vastly unfulfilling. It breaks families, and it turns friends. It is single track minded, and small minded as well.

Quality, would never do that, my friends.

Ironic how dealing and concerning with money, some of those who make the most money, and break other's monies are the most unaccountable. People open bank accounts, over spend, and then expect to be held "unaccountable" for their actions. They even act innocent and unaccountable. But I tell you, everything can and will be counted, and accounted for.

Peace can be had, but people must first annhilate the love of items, over their own kind.”
Justin Kyle McFarlane Beau

Gudjon Bergmann
“Once we got closer to the origins of these Eastern practices, we found that the monks and swamis were just as dogmatic and paternalistic, just as literal and conservative in their approach to spirituality as the Christian priests and ministers we were trying to get away from.”
Gudjon Bergmann, More Likely to Quote Star Wars than the Bible: Generation X and Our Frustrating Search for Rational Spirituality

“Energetic cords are unconscious - often sentimental or compulsive - emotional ties to past and present relationships, pre-conditioned by our wounds. They are made of toxic emotions such fear, guilt, blame, hatred, obligation, grasping need or pain.”
Avril Carruthers, Freedom from Toxic Relationships: Moving On from the Family, Work, and Relationship Issues That Bring You Down

Aleister Crowley
“Those, therefore, who effect to despise "profane" Science are themselves despicable. It is their own incapacity for true Thought of any serious kind, their vanity and pertness; nay more also! their own subconsciousness sense of their own shame and idleness, that induces them to build these flimsy fortification of pretentious ignorance.”
Aleister Crowley, Little Essays Toward Truth

Robin Sloan
“Of course, of course. Drugs, music, a new age dawning … and you came for an old book.”
Robin Sloan, Ajax Penumbra 1969

Aysha Taryam
“We have reached the age of denial, we have become happiness seekers, afraid to feel. We are told to think positive, to seek only joy. Stores overflow with books selling you ways to rid yourself of ‘negative’ feelings.”
Aysha Taryam

Sol Luckman
“He knew perfectly well (even if he wasn’t inclined to admit it) that the material body had a spiritual aspect. He knew that “spirit,” however explained, was real, because of his own undeniable experiences—which, though he might suppress them, he couldn’t altogether erase from memory.”
Sol Luckman, Snooze: A Story of Awakening

“Once you discovered that it is ok to love yourself there will be a world opening up to you. You will experience the magic of this world, you will see its beauty in spite of all the troubles and you will be happy.”
Nynke Visser

“Happiness is just a state of mind, you don’t need any artificial or superficial matter to experience happiness. I believe that happiness is an instrument to cope and an instrument to change this world full of troubles. When you stop labelling happiness to a goal or an artificial or superficial matter you will be happy.”
Nynke Visser

“You need to experience fear in order to be capable of Universal love. If you can’t acknowledge fear, you can’t change it.”
Nynke Visser

“Once you become aware of knowledge and you are conscious of knowledge, there is no going back to the previous conscious state of mind.”
Nynke Visser

“Yes, I run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, I pray and I meditate as well. I just believe in the old saying “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”. Why I do this? Well, there is a deep-rooted imperfection in me which nested in my DNA and causes a linear interference that affects my consciousness. As a result I don’t feel at home at any religion and still I believe in God, the infinite energy of our creation.”
Nynke Visser

“We the people, the 99% don’t fit in the Hierarchy of Modern Society; the 1 % is not an expanding entity like the Universe, the 99% will never fit in.”
Nynke Visser

“I wonder are we the people really that high on these political agenda’s these day’s? Or are we merely pawns in the majestic Game of Thrones?”
Nynke Visser

“For one must label a thought with language for one can understand the meaning of the thinking mind.”
Nynke Visser

Debra Landwehr Engle
“While the world piles fear on top of light, our job is to remember that light within. When we do, whatever seems to conceal it ceases to exist”
Debra Landwehr Engle, The Only Little Prayer You Need: The Shortest Route to a Life of Joy, Abundance, and Peace of Mind