New Age Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-age" Showing 211-240 of 479
Larry  Gottlieb
“I speak a bit about physics in this book. I do so in order to see if I can convince you, as I have been convinced, that what we call common sense, our shared “knowledge” of the world we live in, is not a good indication of how the world actually works, let alone what it actually is.”
Larry Gottlieb, Hoodwinked: Uncovering Our Fundamental Superstitions

Larry  Gottlieb
“I have suggested that we can choose to regard the world as an interpretation of information provided by our senses, as opposed to a durable, external entity that will outlast us. If you’re focusing upon a description of the world, and you know it’s only a description, you can experiment with changing that description. This new view offers us a powerful choice of how to look at our lives.”
Larry Gottlieb, Hoodwinked: Uncovering Our Fundamental Superstitions

James Redfield
“And what quantum physics has shown is that when we look at these patterns of energy at smaller and smaller levels, startling results can be seen. Experiments have revealed that when you break apart small aspects of this energy, what we call elementary particles, and try to observe how they operate, the act of observation itself alters the results--as if these elementary particles are influenced by what the experimenter expects. This is true even if the particles must appear in places they couldn't possibly go, given the laws of the universe as we know them: two places at the same moment, forward or backward in time, that sort of thing.”
James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

“The most favourite food of goats is a plant which has thorns all over it. But they munch on it so softly and artfully that thorns just add to the taste just as heat adds to the taste of coffee. That is the only way to win over duality: Drink life sip by sip, one moment at a time.”

Larry  Gottlieb
“The barrier between ourselves and a greater range of possibilities of experience is a contradictory belief, a filter that removes those possibilities.”
Larry Gottlieb, Hoodwinked: Uncovering Our Fundamental Superstitions

Sara Wolf
“I’m here, at the end of the world.
And the beginning of a new one.”
Sara Wolf, Send Me Their Souls

“Your spiritual journey won't be all nice and flowery. Your inner demons will come to the surface and make you feel terrible before leaving you permanently.”

“When you exchange energy with some places (soul-places) or people (soulmates), you feel that you're not just flesh, blood and thoughts; you're something beyond. That should be the beginning of your journey to find who you're, not the beginning of the spiral of fantasies.”

“When Kali unfurls her tongue with ferocious expression, she is embarking upon spiritual deliverance.”
Alana Fairchild, Kali Oracle

“Flow with the universe and there will be bliss. Try to flow with the expectations of people and there will be pain and suffocation. Because you belong to the whole universe, not a few people.”

“If there is 50kg load on your head, you can let go of it. But here the question is of letting go of your entire self. If you save even a bit of yourself, the magic won't happen. Instead you will twist yourself. So many twisted minds and egos out there!”

Gad Saad
“Despite such laudable attempts to infuse rationality into the various arenas ripe for hope peddling, most people remain easy prey to the messages of hope.”
Gad Saad, The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About Human Nature

“When you see thing through a window of 100 years, everything seems meaningless and depressing because nothing is going to stay for that long. Through the window of present moment, everything looks beautiful and divine.”

“A product coming from some other country is valued so much. Sunrays that come to us from a star far away are taken for granted.”

“If you directly learn some meditation technique, you won't be able to do it when you need it the most (when life is painful). Before learning techniques, build faith in God/Universe. But alas! These days people idolize Karna, not Arjuna.”

“When you feel depressed, you tend to look down. Look up at the point where earthly objects meet the sky. You will feel powerful because everything within this point is your reality. You are its creator. Everything else is just shadows dancing in your head.”

“When you're depressed, you don't feel like taking a bath or cleaning the room. But you feel good after doing it. Same with meditation. You must do it when you don't feel like doing it.”

“Start a love affair with the universe and it will show you the secret hues and colours and patterns that it never shows to others.”

Germany Kent
“The whole word is familiar with Zoom now.”
Germany Kent

Sol Luckman
“The higher forces that guide our lives are not always gentle, but their intention is ever to instruct.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

“While you're alive, you say you can't let go of anything. But if you die today, nothing will stop for you. Life will go on. Those who are dependent on you will find a replacement. Then why don't you let go of things while you're alive and live freely?”

“You can't see what is beyond the universe. But you can see the universe from beyond. Because you're beyond.”

“Have a look at things around you: phone, fingers, body, clothes, furniture, plastic, metal, stone... There are atoms dancing in every single thing. Why can't you see the underlying canvas of this 3D painting? Why can't you see the painter, the God?”

“While trying to align yourself with people, don't misalign yourself with the universe.”

“Good men are as common as virgin women.”
VaeEshia Ratcliff-Davis

“No effort is required to keep things at room temperature. Similarly, No effort is required to merge with the Supreme Truth. Your mind is doing all possible efforts to avoid the Truth.”

“Invisible rivers of magic run through the rigid causal structures, for those who can see, for those who can see.”

“When you look at a bird as a bird enthusiast, you only see its species, colour, sound etc. When you look at it as a naked soul, you see God looking at you through its eyes. The difference is of intimacy.”

“Living in the present moment or "here and now" is the most rewarding job in the world. You get rewarded with magical experiences.”

Nameetta Sood
“Dual is the way to painless life..”