New Age Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-age" Showing 241-270 of 479
“When the car is fast, you get excitement but lose control of direction. This fast world is exciting but we’ve lost control of our own life.”

“Your mind is a great lawyer. It can defend as well as prosecute your beliefs. Sadly, you use its services only as a defense lawyer and the outside world automatically becomes the prosecutor.
Challenge your beliefs yourself. Be your own prosecutor.”

“Whatever you want in life - spiritual knowledge or materialistic things - the outside world can only give you a recycled version of what you already have.

If you want something new, the seed has to come from within you. That seed then becomes the things you want.”

“The woman said, “Feel the aura of the moon, it’s so strong tonight.” The man said, “I feel nothing. You are just imagining it.”

Every cell of her body is a door through which moon is allowed to enter. While he opened a door only in a few brain cells. She is experiencing the aura while he is imagining the absence of aura. Don’t give too much importance to your brain cells. Every inch of your body is a miracle.”

“Soul awakens when it stops identifying with the body+mind. But in many seekers their mind stops identifying with the body. That is a painful situation because they are neither here nor there. Society seems meaningless to them and awakening remains elusive to them.”

“The core of your inner self is like a pomegranate. When it emains untouched, life remains superficial and unsatisfactory. To open it and deseed it, there has to be one sharp cut, one devastating experience in life. After that you must remain still. You should not run for bandage. You should not try to fill the cut with addictive things. Then the right hands will find you and delicately open you and deseed you. Magical things will come out of you that you never thought were inside you.”

“Your life script is like a newspaper cutting. On the front, there is a clean cut article detailing your life, but on the back side there are some random news items which have nothing to do with your life.

If you are clueless about what’s happening in your life, you are reading it from the back side. Aware souls read it correctly so that whatever is in the script (mind) manifests outside.”

“Aware souls start seeing number patterns like 11:11, 12:21 that work as a reminder: Stop taking this illusion seriously, you’re a soul, not body-mind.”

“Things used to be so much easier.”
Jordan Hoechlin

Kevin R.D. Shepherd
“There are currently many gurus and 'psychotherapists' getting rich at the expense of uncritical followings and clients who are becoming increasingly illiterate. Illiteracy is very much in the interests of the 'New Age' bandwagon, and also convenient to the commercial publishers who so regularly dish up the sordid offerings of commercial writers.”
Kevin R.D. Shepherd, Meaning in Anthropos

“Your legs, hands, eyes etc. have come together in ONE PLACE to create a system which is called a “Body”. It helps you fulfill your desires.

Your friends, family, co-workers, leaders etc. have come together in ONE TIME to create a system which is called “life”. The day you start feeling that you are the brain of this system, the day you start feeling that you are the origin of everything around you, everyone will seem to be working to fulfill your desires.”

Sujit Kumar Mishra
“Continuity of work is the Higher priority of success.”
Sujit Kumar Mishra

Sujit Kumar Mishra
“Poverty is no religion in the world. They need support for growth only.”
Sujit Kumar Mishra

Sujit Kumar Mishra
“The kindness of the Silence eye is no voice.”
Sujit Kumar Mishra

Sujit Kumar Mishra
“if people are successful or unsuccessful in his life there are so many reasons.”
Sujit Kumar Mishra

Sujit Kumar Mishra
“The effect is the power of the Attraction of People.”
Sujit Kumar Mishra

Sujit Kumar Mishra
“Need Creating Hunger of people for his Goal.”
Sujit Kumar Mishra

Sujit Kumar Mishra
“Achievement is the gift of your growth and consumption of life.”
Sujit Kumar Mishra

“New Age says 'Follow your heart and do whatever makes you happy.' Christianity says 'Follow and obey Jesus, for the heart is deceitful.”
Doreen Virtue, Deceived No More: How Jesus Led Me out of the New Age and into His Word

“New Age says you get into heaven by 'being a good person'; Christianity says it's not your works that save you --- it's God's grace through your faith in the life, death, and resurrection of our Savior Jesus (who was the only sinless and truly good person to walk the earth). God's love doesn't give us a license to do whatever we please.”
Doreen Virtue, Deceived No More: How Jesus Led Me out of the New Age and into His Word

“New Age says there are many paths to God. Christianity quotes Jesus' own words: 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' (John 14:6)”
Doreen Virtue, Deceived No More: How Jesus Led Me out of the New Age and into His Word

“yoga: the Hindu practice of bowing to pagan deities through poses called 'asanas', a practice made popular in the West by New Agers. Even if a Christian were to use Scripture or hymns, each of these postures is still designed to worship pagan deities. Many yoga studios are filled with pagan statues and the use of blasphemous Sanskrit chanting.”
Doreen Virtue, Deceived No More: How Jesus Led Me out of the New Age and into His Word

Kevin R.D. Shepherd
“There are currently very few writers in either East or West who demonstrate much understanding of mystical ranges, and hence the values here are largely in abeyance. The typical 'Western Mysticism,' of the modern variety, is an excuse for narcissism and banality. Its vaunted therapy is sometimes classified, appropriately enough, as Neo-Reichian. It is arguably suitable fare for an increasingly illiterate audience who are narrowing down their alternatives to one only: ignorance of real values.”
Kevin R.D. Shepherd, Meaning in Anthropos

Kevin R.D. Shepherd
“Many people who want a worthwhile alternative to current societal attitudes will have to become much more literate in order to be able to gain a critical sense that distinguishes viable values from crippling ones. Few people read Plotinus and other temperate writers of the past, and so it is little wonder that philosophy is not understood, and that mysticism has become a con game. Most professed seekers of 'values' fall victim to the sentiments of 'New Age' psychotherapy and Western Occultism. With Aleister Crowley an advanced yogi and Wilhelm Reich a visionary genius, it is anybody's guess what further Western monstrosities will be created in illiterate climates.”
Kevin R.D. Shepherd, Meaning in Anthropos

Kevin R.D. Shepherd
“Anthropography is my contribution to the vacuum created in education by specialist academe and the 'New Age' commercial machine.”
Kevin R.D. Shepherd, Meaning in Anthropos

Laurence Galian
“Without naming anyone if you think for a moment, you will realize that some of the most well-known names on the spiritual 'lecture circuit' are scientists, not spiritual masters. A Ph.D. after one's name is almost mandatory to be considered an expert in some New Age circles, and the initials M.D., are almost equivalent to a kind of contemporary spiritual priesthood.”
Laurence Galian, 666: Connection with Crowley

Thomas Howard
“The myth sovereign in the old age was that everything means everything. The myth sovereign in the new is that nothing means anything.”
Thomas Howard, Chance or the Dance? A Critique of Modern Secularism

“Many old souls are stuck here because of their attachment to the ancient past. Some are directly attached: For them religion is all about nostalgia of ancient times.

Others are indirectly attached: They despise the ancient past. They must have seen the dark side of religion in their previous births. So now they call themselves spiritual, not religious.”

Paul C.W. Davies
“El atractivo místico de la nueva física ha cautivado a mucha gente de mente religiosa o filosófica que ve en los recientes descubrimientos una liberación del mundo materialista e impersonal producto de la moderna sociedad tecnológica.”
Paul Davies, Superforce

“The present moment is eternally new.
Happy New Moment.”