Obstacle Quotes

Quotes tagged as "obstacle" Showing 1-30 of 100
Roy T. Bennett
“The biggest wall you have to climb is the one you build in your mind: Never let your mind talk you out of your dreams, trick you into giving up. Never let your mind become the greatest obstacle to success. To get your mind on the right track, the rest will follow.”
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Idowu Koyenikan
“Whenever you are going through life’s challenges, remember that for iron to be cast into its desired form, it must first go through intense heat.”
idowu koyenikan, All You Need Is a Ball: What Soccer Teaches Us about Success in Life and Business

Vera Nazarian
“If you are faced with a mountain, you have several options.

You can climb it and cross to the other side.

You can go around it.

You can dig under it.

You can fly over it.

You can blow it up.

You can ignore it and pretend it’s not there.

You can turn around and go back the way you came.

Or you can stay on the mountain and make it your home.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Hyeonseo Lee
“I hope you remember that if you encounter an obstacle on the road, don’t think of it as an obstacle at all… think of it as a challenge to find a new path on the road less traveled.”
Hyeonseo Lee, The Girl with Seven Names: A North Korean Defector’s Story

Elizabeth Gilbert
“Clearing out all your misery gets you out of the way. You cease being an obstacle, not only to yourself but to anyone else. Only then are you free to serve and enjoy other people.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
“When something poses as obstacle to you,surmount it and use it as a miracle to move on to greater height.”
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha, Overcoming the Challenges of Life

Jack Paar
“My life is one long obstacle course with me as the chief obstacle.”
Jack Parr

Tahir Shah
“Venture to a remote corner of a faraway land and, from the moment you get there, every person and every thing becomes an obstacle, designed to entrap you, to stop you proceeding on your way.”
Tahir Shah

Israelmore Ayivor
“You got to insist on your success, resist every obstacle and persist in times of difficulty and you will get there.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Shaping the dream

Israelmore Ayivor
“Remember, without a goal, your stamina is useless no matter how you get trained. You may defend your integrity and attack your obstacles, but when you have no target in focus, you will score many zero number of goals...”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Israelmore Ayivor
“Opportunities can become obstacles, same way obstacles can become opportunities; it all depends on how they are being interpreted by the mind of a person.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Failure is not the deterrent for the next try. Rather, it is information that empowers the next step.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Arthur Golden
“Since the day I’d left Yoroido, I’d done nothing but worry that every turn of life’s wheel would bring yet another obstacle into my path; and of course, it was the worrying and the struggle that had always made life so vividly real to me.”
Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha

“Don't let your mind talk you out of your dreams, trick you into giving up; don't let your mind become the greatest obstacle to success. To get your mind on the right track, the rest will follow.”
Roy Bennett

Tahir Shah
“I am all for curses and superstition, but there's a point at which they start getting in the way. That point had arrived.”
Tahir Shah, In Search of King Solomon's Mines

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If we view the person next to us as an obstacle to our goals and fail to realize that they are the goal, we have become the obstacle.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

W. Timothy Gallwey
“In tennis who is it that provides a person with the obstacles he needs in order to experience his highest limits? His opponent, of course! Then is your opponent a friend or an enemy? He is a friend to the extent that he does his best to make things difficult for you. Only by playing the role of your enemy does he become your true friend. Only by competing with you does he in fact cooperate! No one wants to stand around on the court waiting for the big wave. In this use of competition it is the duty of your opponent to create the greatest possible difficulties for you, just as it is yours to try to create obstacles for him. Only by doing this do you give each other the opportunity to find out to what heights each can rise.”
W. Timothy Gallwey, The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance

Chapter 90: [This] Countryside
I swear by [this] countryside, you are a native settled on this land, as well as any parent and whatever he may father. We have created man under stress. Does he reckon that no one can do anything against him? He says: "I have used up piles of money!" Does he consider that no one sees him? Have we not granted him both eyes, a tongue and two lips, and guided him along both highroads? Yet he does not tackle the Obstacle!

What will make you realize what the Obstacle is?

It means redeeming the captive, or feeding some orphaned relative on a day of famine or some needy person in distress.

Then he will act like someone who believes, recommends patience and encourages mercifulness. Those will be the companions on the right-hand side, while the ones who disbelieve in Our signs will be companions on the sinister side: above them a fire will hem them in.”
T. B. Irving, A Translation Of The Meaning Of The Noble Qur'an

“When you commit and act despite feeling a bit scared, when you side-step or clamber (however clumsily) over obstacles and setbacks, when you seek out adversity to learn from suffering, not despite it, and when you scour your world for tiny reminders of things to be grateful for in life, you are on your way.”
Simon Marshall, The Brave Athlete: Calm the F*ck Down and Rise to the Occasion

“To identify our internal obstacles we can look for inconvenient facts, those uncomfortable truths about our performance that we don’t usually admit to. The word ‘inconvenient’ seems to strike the right chord – not too strong but not too weak. And calling them ‘facts’ means we can’t deny them.”
Ceri Evans, Perform Under Pressure

W. Timothy Gallwey
“It is only against the big waves that he is required to use all his skill, all his courage and concentration to overcome; only then can he realize the true limits of his capacities. At that point he often attains his peak. In other words, the more challenging the obstacle he faces, the greater the opportunity for the surfer to discover and extend his true potential. The potential may have always been within him, but until it is manifested in action, it remains a secret hidden from himself. The obstacles are a very necessary ingredient to this process of self-discovery. Note that the surfer in this example is not out to prove himself; he is not out to show himself or the world how great he is, but is simply involved in the exploration of his latent capacities. He directly and intimately experiences his own resources and thereby increases his self-knowledge.”
W. Timothy Gallwey, The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance

“But she was determined to do it, independent of all the circumstances and obstacles; she was this kind of person. Once she decided something, she was determined to do it and she did it.”
Jennifer Jordan

“One of the most difficult obstacles in you path is you.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

“One of the most difficult obstacles in your path is you.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

“Never become the obstacle that hinders your progress.”
Jeffrey G. Duarte

Sarah Schulman
“Escalation is the key consequence of refusing to problem-solve or negotiate, and it demands our attention as a central obstacle to peace and justice.”
Sarah Schulman, Conflict Is Not Abuse: Overstating Harm, Community Responsibility, and the Duty of Repair

“Every inconvenience, every setback, every trial, every obstacle, was not an occasion for anxiety and stress, but an opportunity to trust God to show up, teach us a lesson, or bring a divine appointment. Since they were always tuning into God’s frequency, they would often be on cue to contribute a harmonic note to the Creator’s beautiful melody. I realized that although my friends were still normal people prone toward impatience, stress, and anger, these healthy rituals of worship kept them from letting those tendencies and temperaments control their lives.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The most important thing you need to do to overcome a big obstacle on your way is to avoid the strong side of the obstacle and focus on the weak side of the obstacle!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

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