Struggles In Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "struggles-in-life" Showing 1-30 of 71
Suman Pokhrel
“Trying to seem calm and struggling to smile
a life, silently
keeps living me.”
Suman Pokhrel

“My life is devoted to pulling me underground
yet, I stand strong on my battleground
determined I am
not to let my life defeat my pride.”
Sanu Sharma

Sarah Gailey
“No one would look at the seams that held me together and guess that they were scars.”
Sarah Gailey, The Echo Wife

Steven Seril
“There’s a beauty in struggle,” Neela had once said. “As awful as it may sound at first. It’s the friction that creates fire. It creates bonds stronger than steel. It pushes people—it forces people—together. If life were so perfect, there would be no reason or purpose at all. If there was no conflict, there’d be no journey. Without a mountain, there’d be no climb. That’s the beauty of it. Azure, do you know what I mean?”
Steven Seril, The Destroyer of Worlds: An Answer to Every Question

Todd Perelmuter
“Without struggles, there would be no striving to be better, to overcome, to acquire the skills and strength to evolve as people. These are struggles that make us beautiful. Without difficulty, without suffering, no one would be on the path to self-actualization.”
Todd Perelmuter

Hagir Elsheikh
“I try to be an inspiration to those who think that it’s “easier said than done.” I am living proof that no matter what life throws at you and no matter how hard it was in your past, or how much you are struggling now in your present, it is you who dictates your future. If you fall down, get up again.”
Hagir Elsheikh, Through Tragedy and Triumph: A Life Well Traveled

Hagir Elsheikh
“I am grateful for my struggle because it made me who I am today. It also taught me there is nothing that I can’t do and nothing is impossible, as long as I am willing to try as hard as I can.”
Hagir Elsheikh, Through Tragedy and Triumph: A Life Well Traveled

Juno  Dawson
“It's a struggle, life. Everyone is struggling with something. It's why we've got to be kind to each other, even when it's really fuckin' hard. You just don't know. You can't tell by looking. You can't tell by looking.”
Juno Dawson, Stay Another Day

“Just like a ship at sea, our lives can encounter rough waters. But with the right crew, we can weather any storm.”
Jeff Ocaya

Cristina Henríquez
“Ada had always believed that her mother, in rebuilding the house only three miles from where it had once been, had kept her world piteously small, but maybe what mattered, Ada thought as she gazed at it now, was not how big or how small her mother's world was, but that her mother had managed to keep it at all. It must have been no trifling thing to carve out a space of her own, to protect it and hold within it the people she loved.”
Cristina Henríquez, The Great Divide

Steve   Hamilton
“The Pacific Ocean is angry, rolling over in an emerald coral foam, as he walks the grainy salt and pepper beach. He feels abandoned by both time and light. He had attempted to escape, only to travel to Vancouver after the unexpected passing of a friend. The Globe and Mail obit was just a few scribbled lines about his friend, a man identified by his profession and the opportunities and dreams that he had left behind. Kazan wanted to avoid a similar fate. He knew it was a desperate move. He should have given it more thought. Now, he blames Briar for the move. She is the cause of his fractured life. He struggles to even partially recall how they met.”
Steve Hamilton, A Scandal of the Particular

Darcy Luoma
“So, on March 17, 2016, when life handed me the highest and worst “mountain” I’ve ever had to climb, I was ready. While I never could have imagined the horrible events that unfolded would be part of my life story, I later realized I had trained for that moment my whole life. This book is my training plan. And my hard-earned gift to you.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Neelam Saxena Chandra
“And you made me understand that
The real triumph lay
Not in being born a princess
But in struggles
Which had the power to transform
Even the steel into silver…”

Avijeet Das
“The Strugglers"

He was born on a Friday. And it was raining that day. He still does not know whether the Gods were happy or sad at his arriving on earth.

He saw the world. He saw sadness. He saw misery. He saw the struggle of his dad and mom. They both struggled to give a good life to their children.

He started becoming serious in life. He started winning awards in academics and in quiz competitions to begin with. Then he tried essay competitions and debates. His sole aim was to win awards to make his parents feel proud of him.

He wanted to become an IAS officer to make his family (uncles, aunts, cousins) feel proud of him. He came to Delhi to prepare for the Civil Services. He thought he will do a job and not be dependent on his parents, and still clear the Civil Services. It did not happen. He lost out on becoming a Civil Servant of the people.

He tried a few odds jobs. He eventually became a Teacher, Poet, and Writer.

His inspirations to writing - his Mom who manages to write Poetry even now along with her struggles of life, Sylvia Plath, Maya Angelou, Franz Kafka, Roald Dahl, Jack Kerouac, Charles Bukowski, Ernest Hemingway, and all the other poets, artists, writers, and strugglers in Life.”
Avijeet Das

Germany Kent
“You don't know the background story of resilience, struggles and strength of beautiful and outgoing women. All you see is what is showcased.”
Germany Kent

Abhijit Naskar
“No Struggle No Life (The Sonnet)

Ain't no life without struggle,
Ain't no heart without heartbreak.
Ain't no destination without the journey,
Ain't no courage without some dread.
Ain't no clarity without some confusion,
Ain't no serenity without suffering.
Ain't no contentment without disappointment,
Ain't no resilience without failing.
Ain't no mindfulness without mindlessness,
Ain't no uplift without some devastation.
Ain't no knowledge without ignorance,
Ain't no salvation without self-annihilation.
Ain't no I without the Us, without the We.
Ain't no We, unless the norm is nonbinary.”
Abhijit Naskar, High Voltage Habib: Gospel of Undoctrination

Avijeet Das
“There was a time, when I came to Delhi from my hometown and I have survived on Parle G biscuits for the whole day.”
Avijeet Das

“Adversity is not a roadblock, but a detour. It's up to us to find a new path forward.”
Jeff Ocaya

“Success is not just about reaching the destination, but about the journey through the ups and downs. It's up to us to enjoy the ride.”
Jeff Ocaya

“The path to success is not a walk in the park, but a climb up the mountain. It's up to us to keep pushing higher.”
Jeff Ocaya

“The journey to success is not about avoiding rough seas, but about learning to surf through the waves.”
Jeff Ocaya

“When the winds of change blow, it's up to us to adjust our sails and keep moving forward.”
Jeff Ocaya

Stewart Stafford
“The Edge by Stewart Stafford

Hanging on the jagged edge,
Taunted to plunge in the deep,
Surfing wild on stormy winds,
Cold sweat at pain's brief sweep.

Nestled in some whirling gusts,
Gooseflesh skin from chilly hands,
A mask for a mimicry ball,
An everyman's muddled land.

Rising from some inner call,
Not a fugazi in Kismet's window.
The path still fogged from sight,
I climb higher, to touch the rainbow.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Avijeet Das
“When I stand in front of my students and tell my students to never give up their passion to chase dreams in life, I speak with conviction and purpose. And I try to live up to my words. And that's why I am here to struggle for my passion. I am here to keep believing in myself and keep trying to achieve my dreams in life. Live your dreams. Breathe your dreams. Never give up on your dreams.”
Avijeet Das

Virginia Woolf
“A thousand such voices are always crying aloud in Oxford Street. All are tense, all are real, all are urged out of their speakers by the pressure of making a living, finding a bed, somehow keeping afloat on the bounding, careless, remorseless tide of the street. And even a moralist, who is, one must suppose, since he can spend the afternoon dreaming, a man with a balance in the bank—even a moralist must allow that this gaudy, bustling, vulgar street reminds us that life is a struggle; that all building is perishable; that all display is vanity; from which we may conclude . . .”
Virginia Woolf, The London Scene: Six Essays on London Life

Scott    Gordon
“You just try to get through the day. The small stuff—waiting on a bus, eating, having a simple conversation—is too much to bear, and you fight to make it through the next minute without screaming. You look around at people going about their day—smiling, laughing, having meaningless encounters and conversations as if living was effortless, and you curse yourself and your mind and you wonder if someday things will get easier, and you become terrified of what will happen if they don’t.”
Scott Gordon, Head Fake

Scott    Gordon
“Toby’s pain, cut with his guilt and sorrow, raced in my veins as if I’d shot up with it, finally overwhelming me and knocking me out.”
Scott Gordon, Head Fake

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