Ovation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ovation" Showing 1-4 of 4
Michael Bassey Johnson
“The reason why you doubt yourself so much is that you have never seen yourself in action.
You have never seen yourself breaking limits.
You have never seen yourself standing in the spotlight and getting cheered by the audience.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“To deserve a standing ovation, you should not bend, you should stand”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

James  Pack
“Life is a performance. Earn an ovation.”
James Pack

“When ovation drowns. When the klieg lights fade. When the drum beats stop. The real you stares you in the face as you dialogue with your soul. In this moment of solitude, you are forced to ask yourself, “who was that guy that just drew a huge applause, that kept the television cameras rolling and that sent the drummers into a frenzy?” If that guy is a stranger to you, then you know you have the arduous task of reconciling the real and the imaginary you, or forever forego your happiness.”
Abiodun Fijabi