Self Doubt Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-doubt-quotes" Showing 1-21 of 21
“A person’s greatest limitations are not genetic, but imposed by self-doubt, insecurities, indecision, and timidity.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Uncertainty within thyself may lead to a vigorous destruction in your life...”

Kristen Kehoe
“We can ask for forgiveness, from a god, from a friend, a lover, even ourselves. We can ask for forgiveness from all of the people we’ve wronged, but we can never get back the one thing we’re truly hoping to find when we asked: our innocence—the person we were before that piece of us was taken, ripped away and shattered at our feet, leaving us to learn how to pick ourselves back up and move past it.”
Kristen Kehoe, Dropping In

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The reason why you doubt yourself so much is that you have never seen yourself in action.
You have never seen yourself breaking limits.
You have never seen yourself standing in the spotlight and getting cheered by the audience.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions

Iona Baird
“It's all I can do,
Give him something he'll regret losing
The villains in my head already told me,
That you'd never be mine”
Iona Baird, All My Bones that Bleed

Stephen Richards
“When you mark where your self-doubt is, then you can begin to conquer it.”
Stephen Richards, Anything You Wish: Beyond Limits

Stephen Richards
“If there is something you think you can do well, perfect the action.”
Stephen Richards, Anything You Wish: Beyond Limits

F.D.  Lee
“It was one thing to believe in yourself, but quite another to bet.”
F. D. Lee, The Fairy's Tale

Roxane Gay
“In graduate school, early on, I once overheard a classmate talking in her office as I walked by. She didn't know I was there. She was gossiping about me to a group of our classmates & said I was the affirmative-action student...Rationally, I know it was absurd, but hearing how she & maybe others saw me hurt real bad...I stopped joking about being a slacker. I tripled the number of projects I was involved with. I was excellent most of the time. I fell short some of the time. I made sure I got good grades. I made sure my comprehensive exams were solid. I wrote conference proposals & had them accepted. I published. I designed an overly ambitious research project for my dissertation that kind of made me want to die. No matter what I did, I heard that girl, that girl who had accomplished a fraction of a fraction of what I had, telling a group of our peers I was the one who did not deserve to be in our program.”
Roxane Gay, Bad Feminist

Jackie Cantoni
“By spotlighting your fears, you can conquer and move past them. Address each fear head on, for new found focus and clarity.”
Jackie Cantoni, ARE YOU READY? A GUIDE TO BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOU: A Self-Help Book for Becoming Your Best Self

“I must wake up from my slumber. I have stayed too long on this mountain of detailed self-analysis, protracted self-doubt and crippled action. I must stand up from where I have fallen, knowing that a fall is not a calamity; remaining on my back is. I must now exchange my negative and retrogressive thoughts for new thoughts that amplify God's will about me. I know I will never venture out unless I believe I can win. I am beginning to come to terms with the reality that those who win in life choose to win. They don't necessarily fall less, but they rise up more. They don't have less self-doubts but they believe more than they doubt.”
Abiodun Fijabi

“Whenever I find myself doubting whether I can face another battle, I simply remember the doubts I had in the past and how difficult the future battles seemed to be. Then, I look to where I am now and see everything I’ve faced, all the battles I won. All of them had a common element: I overcame fear rather than it overcoming me. Self-doubt, yeah, maybe, but I refuse to let that stop me. How about you do the same?”
Charles F Glassman

Anthon St. Maarten
“To expand the horizons of your utmost destiny you have to venture beyond the confines of fear, doubt and negativity.”
Anthon St. Maarten

“You know the voice inside your head that taunts you whenever you try to be optimistic? It criticizes you when things get tough. It whines and repeats negative mantras like “You can’t do it. You’ll never be loved. You’re going to look stupid.”

Let's call that voice Self-Doubt. Every negative thought you've ever had about yourself came from Self-Doubt. Whenever you focus on what Self-Doubt says, you activate the feelings those thoughts created in you. When you remember and dwell on these negative thoughts, Self-Doubt strips you of your confidence. Self-Doubt is like a manipulative man. It tries to belittle you and steal your happiness. It wants to leave you scared and insecure.

The only way to silence Self-Doubt is by consciously activating another thought. In other words, remove a negative thought by replacing it with another thought.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got Game: A Smart Girls Guide to Having the Upper Hand over Men in This Game Called Love

Jeanette LeBlanc
“Dear Writer,
Sometimes we treat the negative voices in your head - the ones who say we can’t do this writing thing, we’re not as good as so-and-so, nobody will read what we write - as if they are voices that deserve respect.

As if they speak from some great authority & know what is true.

As if they don’t take our silence as tacit acceptance of their whispers to hammer away at our deepest insecurities.

To hell with that.

You tell that voice that she’s had her turn, it’s no longer her time. It’s time to shut the hell up & be quiet for once. Life is too short - & your art too precious - to waste it on bullies.

Make no mistake, she IS a bully. Ignoring bullies makes them louder, more insistent on getting in your face & shutting you down.

No more.

Fact. Bullies don’t speak truth from a place of power, but they are really good at convincing us that they do.

They actually just hone in on our weaknesses with extraordinary precision and speak lies from a place of false bravado.

They expect us not to talk back, gain their power by our acceptance of their words. When we don’t speak they take that as permission to get louder.

Not this time.

This time you stop & write down what the voice is saying. Then you cross that shit out with the biggest, blackest marker you can find and tell her she needs to listen.

This time, you talk back, draw yourself up to the fullness of your power. Root down into the depth of your truth. Coax that flame in your belly until you feel it fire up your whole being.
Then you tell her YOUR truth. In writing, so it won’t be forgotten.

Tell her she’s wasting time. That you’ve got art to make. That you’re done with her lies & attempts to undermine your power & silence the stories that live inside you. Tell her whatever the hell you want, but do it with all of you. Be willing to go past what you even believe and have your own back this time. Write exactly the words you need to say, which also happen to be exactly the words that you need to hear.

And then be done with it. And write. After all, that voice wouldn’t ever be this loud if she didn’t know you had something important to say.

So say it, writer. The world is waiting for you.”
Jeanette LeBlanc

“Life can seem unpredictable and overwhelming at times, but I want to remind you that the only thing stopping you from achieving your dreams is yourself! Doubt will always stand in the way of success – don't let it get the best of you.”
Felecia Etienne, Overcoming Mediocrity: Limitless Women

Andrew Pacholyk
“A clear mind is an uncluttered path in which you can rediscover the majesty you've masked with indifference and self-doubt.”
Andrew Pacholyk, Barefoot ~ A Surfer's View of the Universe

“The weight of doubt can be a heavy compass, forever spinning. But sometimes, amidst the questioning, a quiet voice murmurs, "You are here. You are giving it your all. And that is the truest north.”
Monika Ajay Kaul