Photographers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "photographers" Showing 1-30 of 33
Mahatma Gandhi
“I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Elliott Erwitt
“I am a professional photographer by trade and an amateur photographer by vocation.”
Elliot Erwitt, Dog Dogs

A.J. Compton
“Adequate photographers use their sight, good photographers use their senses, and great photographers use their souls.”
A.J. Compton, The Counting-Downers

“Original art emanates in the mind ... and lessons society's confusion from self indulgence, avarice and greed to trust, hope and love.”
Louis Faurer

“If Life worked on auto mode then manual mode for photography would have never existed.”
Deeksha Mittal

David Levithan
“That's what makes it a good photograph. You think you know what's going on in her head. but the truth? No matter how good a photograph is, you can never tell what's going on in the person's mind. There's no way to get from here to there.”
David Levithan, Every You, Every Me

“Know everything. Say nothing.”

“The artistic creation of the poet, painter, photographer, and writer is a reflection of the artist’s inner world. The agenda of consciousness that spurs all forms of art is not to represent the outward appearance of things, but to portray its inward significance to the creator. A great poem, painting, photograph, and written composition fully express what the creator feels, in the deepest sense, about the distinctively depicted image that captured their imagination.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“There are different types of fancy photographers. Some are big, fun personalities like Mario Testino, who once told me, “Lift your chin, darling, you are not eighteen.” I enjoyed his honesty. Also, I’m pretty sure he says that to models who are nineteen.”
Tina Fey, Bossypants

Shaikh Ashraf
“The best thing I have always liked about photographers is that they perceive beauty in everything. Beautify everything with clicks; Sonam was that way, looking for beauty everywhere in every place, in every person, may be it was just a practice of photographers. What if all people really appreciate beauty in the world, themselves and other people, the beauty which makes them fall in love with who they truly are, when love of beauty arouses from hearts even the toughest dreams softens their way.”
Shaikh Ashraf, Friendship, Love & Sacrifice

“I believe all photographers want to be remembered for their images. They reflect a piece of their soul.”
Christopher Paul Flateau

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“All smiles for the camera are fake.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If you're waiting for a sign from the skies to become a great photographer, the extraordinary images that suddenly appear before you are exactly those signs you are looking for!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“When the unique beauty of nature, the photographer's amazing ability and the perfect light of the sun come together, a genius photo appears where art looks more real than the reality!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Photography is not only an art, it is an international language that everybody understands.”

Alison MacLeod
“Any good photo is a secret of a secret. It's the unknowable glimpsed within a glimpse, the puzzle in plain sight. It's the question that makes us look for an answer we're never going to find. An open case. An unsolved mystery. A good still is never still - it's restive, alive.”
Alison MacLeod, Tenderness

Viviana Giorgi
“Piera, la protagonista di Vuoi vedere che è proprio amore?, è una giovane donna che lavora. Professoressa di inglese alle medie, vorrebbe diventare fotografa...Chissà se ce la farà?
Ecco un breve estratto. Lui, Jean, si presenta non invitato a casa sua e lei, dopo molti se e ma, lo porta nella sua camera oscura. Non pensate male! O forse pensatelo.

"La seguì in una stanza illuminata solo da un paio di lampadine rosse. Un altoparlante collegato a un iPod stava diffondendo la voce di Paul McCartney.
Hey Jude.
Che fosse un segno del destino? Non che lui credesse a certe baggianate, ma quella era una delle sue canzoni preferite, di sempre.
«Ti piacciono i Beatles?» le chiese fingendo un’indifferenza che non provava.
«Oh sì. In genere adoro il rock classico. Ma i Beatles…»
«Sono i Beatles. Punto.»
«Punto, sono d’accordo. E Revolution è un grande album!»
«Sei una donna piena di sorprese» disse, pensando al genere di musica scadente che piaceva a Jasmine.
«Io? Piena di sorprese?» domandò ridendo, nello sguardo un luccichio improvviso.
Nonostante la luce rossa, fu quasi certo che Bambi fosse arrossita, e a lui piaceva da morire quando lei arrossiva. I suoi occhi sembravano diventare più grandi e lei cominciava a mordicchiarsi il labbro inferiore. Come stava facendo in quel momento.
«Benvenuto nella mia tana di fotografa dilettante» aggiunse lei dopo un istante.
Jean si guardò intorno. C’era tutto l’occorrente per sviluppo e stampa. Alcune foto in bianco e nero erano pinzate con mollette da bucato a una corda che correva da una parte all’altra della stanza. Come biancheria ad asciugare.
«Sono meravigliato» esclamò guardandosi intorno. «Una camera oscura in piena regola! Non posso credere che con la comodità del digitale tu ti dia tanta pena a far tutto da sola…»
«Al contrario, adoro farlo. È il mio hobby segreto. E poi, solo così ottengo esattamente ciò che voglio. O quasi. Non nego che spesso qua dentro combino dei veri pasticci, ma chi non ne combina?»”
Viviana Giorgi, Vuoi vedere che è proprio amore?

“Oglądając prace jednego z moskiewskich fotografów, pomyślałem, że u nas liczni fotografowie zostali malarzami, a malarze fotografami. O ile to dobre dla fotografów, o tyle złe dla malarzy. Z wszystkich "-izmów" w sztuce najmniej godny jest fotografizm.”
Romuald Karaś, Szukam raju

Amit Chaudhuri
“Photographers are the new Brahmins: we have no volition when they rule us.”
Amit Chaudhuri, Friend of My Youth

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If your photo looks happy while you are unhappy, then the photo has no meaning! If your photo looks unhappy while you are happy, again the photo has no meaning! Only if a photo captures your true emotions, it will be meaningful!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Seddik Jelouane
“And poets are but photographers, with papers and pens.”
Seddik Jelouane, The Field of Desire

Harlan Coben
“Norm looked out over the court. The workers involved in the [model] shoot darted about like trapped particles under sudden heat.”
Harlan Coben, One False Move

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Who is the creator of a beautiful photo? Is it just a photographer? No! If the thing photographed is not there, that photograph would not exist! The creator of a beautiful photo is both the photographer and the thing being photographed!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“I conceived the idea from my personal everyday experience, so what's better than to capture myself in the perfect mood.”

“I feel like flying when I take my drone out into the desert or over the tall skyscrapers in the UAE (Dubai) to capture beautiful imagery.”

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Sometimes you see a photograph, a long novel pops up in your mind! A photo that draws you into a world of thoughts and dreams is undoubtedly a good photo!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The beauty of the subject often deceives us into thinking that someone is a great photographer.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

E.B. White
“It was a familiar pantomime--the free press, deplored yet admired. Under their vests the senators were secretly glad that they were unable to dislodge a couple of American photographers. It was what the hearing was about, really--the photographers, squatting imperturbably in front of the men who were plotting to win a war that would preserve for photographers the right to squat imperturbably.”
E.B. White

Mehmet Murat ildan
“We can put forward a conspiracy theory about people wearing red dresses: They are photographer hunters!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

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