Poisonous Quotes

Quotes tagged as "poisonous" Showing 1-21 of 21
Steve Maraboli
“Most haters are stuck in a poisonous mental prison of jealousy and self-doubt that blinds them to their own potentiality.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Shannon Hale
“..giving into despair was like eating poisonous berries to keep from feeling hungry.”
Shannon Hale, Forest Born

A.P. Sweet
“runaway my phantom bride
and take your bouquet of poisonous flowers
float away specter
and take the rest of my desire”
A.P. Sweet, The Abattoir of Silence

“I guess he was right; I’m just a scorpion without wings,
God created me this way, no wings, just a poisonous sting,
The one I loved knew my true nature
She knew I could sting her heart, and poisoned her soul,
My lover knew me well, she knew my truth,
She could see my poisonous soul,
My ego bowed to her beauty, always ready to strike
She knew my true nature, she saw the scorpion,
She saw the venom in heart, she loved me still,
I struck her heart multiple times,
I poisoned her soul with my sting,
I guess he was right; I’m just a scorpion without wings
She knew me well; she saw the lethal sting,
She saw her wounded heart, she loved me still
She you loved the scorpion to the end,
She fell in love, and now she’s dead,
The scorpion cries, in agony,
He wishes he wasn’t a venomous beast,
The scorpion suffers; he misses his loved one,
The one he killed, the one he stung,
The one who loved him to the end”

Israelmore Ayivor
“Pure gold does not rust. Only gold alloys do so. You may have golden dreams. But if you go in the company of toxic people, your become "a gold alloy" and what that means is that you can rust at any time!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Let fascism find not even a single passage to power or else that poisonous snake will infiltrate into the every vital corner of the country and kill the future of the nation!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Ljupka Cvetanova
“Even poison has an expiry date.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

أنيس منصور
“كلامها سام أي إما أن يكون ساميا أو ساما”
أنيس منصور, قالوا

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Poison is not merciful towards people who have consumed it unknowingly.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Matt Goulding
“To understand how seriously the people of Noto take the concept of waste, consider the fugu dilemma. Japanese blowfish, best known for its high toxicity, has been a staple of Noto cuisine for hundreds of years. During the late Meiji and early Edo periods, local cooks in Noto began to address a growing concern with fugu fabrication; namely, how to make use of the fish's deadly ovaries. Pregnant with enough poison to kill up to twenty people, the ovaries- like the toxic liver- had always been disposed of, but the cooks of Noto finally had enough of the waste and set out to crack the code of the toxic reproductive organs. Thus ensued a long, perilous period of experimentation. Locals rubbed ovaries in salt, then in nukamiso, a paste made from rice bran, and left them to ferment. Taste-testing the not-quite-detoxified fugu ovary was a lethal but necessary part of the process, and many years and many lives later, they arrived at a recipe that transformed the ovaries from a deadly disposable into an intensely flavored staple. Today pickled fugu ovaries remain one of Noto's most treasured delicacies.”
Matt Goulding, Rice, Noodle, Fish: Deep Travels Through Japan's Food Culture

Stewart Stafford
“In the forbidden zone of interpretation, the tyranny of language becomes the poisoned-tip of the bureaucratic spear.”
Stewart Stafford

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Do not rely on the old enemy, because it is a poisonous ally.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Richelle E. Goodrich
“The fact that some clutched at their throats suggested death by asphyxiation or poisoning. But what about the persons standing? They seemed unaffected. Why? Had only a few taken a sip from the vial? Had anyone but the woman sipped from the vial? Was there a trick to being unaffected?”
Richelle E. Goodrich, The Tarishe Curse

“Selective listening is more poisonous than the snake bite.
Either you listen or you don't listen.
Choice is yours!!!”
Santosh Adbhut Kumar

R.J. Intindola
“Love is often described as a fruit you can just reach out with your hand and pluck. However, one should beware, that although glowing in color, the fruit could be poisonous, tainted, or rotten.”
RJ Intindola— (Gandolfo) – 1986

Margot Berwin
“Mandrake is medicinal because the root contains an alkaloid that belongs to the atropine group. It's a powerful narcotic and analgesic, and, in larger doses, a superb anesthetic. It's magical because of the bizarre shape of the root, which looks like a human being, sometimes male, sometimes female. This root can and will exercise supernatural power over the human body and mind. It's both an aphrodisiac and a strong hallucinogen. Think about it. Those two things together can create the most mind-bending sex you're ever likely to have. And babies, too. In the book of Genesis, the barren Rachel eats the root and becomes pregnant with Joseph. The plant produces out-of-body experiences in some susceptible people, and a vastly increased sex drive in almost all men."
"Sounds good to me."
"A lot of people think so. Folks love to experiment with the mandrake. The problem is that it's poisonous in the wrong doses, and, too often to mention, people end up sick, or worse. They forget that the mandrake is in the family Solanaceae, similar to deadly nightshade.”
Margot Berwin, Hothouse Flower and the Nine Plants of Desire

“Some food for thought might be a poison.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

“Some knowledge is poison for your soul.”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Steven Magee
“Too little or too much metal in the diet can make you sick!”
Steven Magee, Pandemic Supplements

Steven Magee
“It is important to know which supplements you are taking are associated with toxicity to the human.”
Steven Magee, Pandemic Supplements

Steven Magee
“When taking nutritional supplements, it is important to know which ones have toxicity associated with them.”
Steven Magee, Pandemic Supplements