Positive Thinking Quotes

Quotes tagged as "positive-thinking" Showing 241-270 of 4,025
Gina Lake
“A lot of things are inherent in life -change, birth, death, aging, illness, accidents, calamities, and losses of all kinds- but these events don't have to be the cause of ongoing suffering. Yes, these events cause grief and sadness, but grief and sadness pass, like everything else, and are replaced with other experiences. The ego, however, clings to negative thoughts and feelings and, as a result, magnifies, intensifies, and sustains those emotions while the ego overlooks the subtle feelings of joy, gratitude, excitement, adventure, love, and peace that come from Essence. If we dwelt on these positive states as much as we generally dwell on our negative thoughts and painful emotions, our lives would be transformed.”
Gina Lake, What About Now?: Reminders for Being in the Moment

Roy T. Bennett
“Goals are the road maps that guide you to your destination.
Cultivate the habit of setting clearly-defined written goals; they are the road maps that guide you to your destination.”
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Mandy Hale
“Consider the fact that maybe…just maybe…beauty and worth aren’t found in a makeup bottle, or a salon-fresh hairstyle, or a fabulous outfit. Maybe our sparkle comes from somewhere deeper inside, somewhere so pure and authentic and REAL, it doesn’t need gloss or polish or glitter to shine.”
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Roy T. Bennett
“Nobody is exempt from the trials of life, but everyone can always find something positive in everything even in the worst of times.”
Roy T. Bennett

Norman Vincent Peale
“The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism”
Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Positive Thinking

Roy T. Bennett
“Your beliefs affect your choices. Your choices shape your actions. Your actions determine your results. The future you create depends upon the choices you make and the actions you take today.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“Dedicate yourself to what gives your life true meaning and purpose; make a positive difference in someone's life.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“The more you believed in yourself, the more you could trust yourself. The more you trust yourself, the less you compare yourself to others.”
Roy T. Bennett

Stephen Richards
“If the great internet connects us all ... then why are so many of us becoming increasingly isolated?”
Stephen Richards

Roy T. Bennett
“Finding the lesson behind every adversity will be the one important thing that helps get you through it.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“Stop comparing yourself to others. Always strive to improve yourself to become better today than you were yesterday to serve those around you and the world.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“We don’t truly appreciate what we have until it’s gone… We don’t really appreciate something until we have experienced some events; we don't really appreciate our parents until we ourselves have become parents. Be grateful for what you have now, and nothing should be taken for granted.”
Roy T. Bennett

Mandy Hale
“Be a bit of a challenge; not because you're playing games but because you realize you're worth the extra effort.”
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Roy T. Bennett
“Remember that things are not always as they appear to be… Curiosity creates possibilities and opportunities.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“Focus on making choices to lead your life that aligns with your core values in the most purposeful way possible.”
Roy T. Bennett

Mandy Hale
“There are some places in life where you can only go alone. Embrace the beauty of your solo journey.”
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Roy T. Bennett
“The most important thing is this: to be able at any moment to be free to choose a life that makes you happy.”
Roy T. Bennett

Erik Pevernagie
“When relationships lose their pitch through lack of interest and become stale or unbearable through enduring stealthy backbiting, the emotional house of cards is under attack. A painstaking reshuffle, however, may brand a new choice of life and create energy for positive thinking, whereas remaining bogged down in dispiriting situations and staying clogged up with immaterial hassle may only spawn forlorn deadlocks.. ("Mes cliques et mes claques")”
Erik Pevernagie

Victoria Addino
“Never run from the enemy, tackle them”
Victoria Addino

Mandy Hale
“To live, to TRULY live, we must be willing to RISK. To be nothing in order to find everything. To leap before we look.”
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass