Inspirational Motivational Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inspirational-motivational" Showing 1-30 of 56
Germany Kent
“No matter how dysfunctional your background, how broke or broken you are, where you are today, or what anyone else says, YOU MATTER, and your life matters!”
Germany Kent
tags: advice, advice-for-daily-living, advice-for-life, advice-for-men, advice-for-women, be-encouraged, believe, believe-and-achieve, believe-in-yourself, believers, better-on-the-way, breakthrough, breakthrough-experiences, breakthrough-is-coming, breakthrough-quote, breakthroughs, do-it-anyway, encouragement, encouragement-quotes, encouragement-today, future, future-focused, future-inspirational, future-plans, future-prediction, future-present, future-quotes, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, get-back-up, hang-in-there, hang-in-there-quotes, hang-on, have-hope, hope, hope-and-despair, hope-for-each-day, hope-guru, hope-quotes, hopeful, hopeful-and-encouraging, hopeful-quotes, inspirational-life, inspirational-life-guidance, inspirational-motivational, just-do-it, keep-believing, keep-hope-alive, keep-pushing, keep-pushing-forward, learn-from-failure, life, life-and-living, life-lessons, life-phases, life-philosophy-inspirational, life-philosophy-life-lessons, life-philosophy-lifelong-learner, life-philosophy-philosophy, life-philosophy-quotes, life-purpose, life-quotes, lift-others, live, live-and-learn, live-learn-quotes, live-your-best-life, live-your-life, live-your-life-mission, motivational-speaker, motivational-speaker-quotes, moving-forward, next-chapter, next-level, no-complaints, no-excuses, rise, self-help-authors, the-best-is-yet-to-come, the-hope-guru, think-positive, today, today-is-a-great-new-beginning, today-is-later, today-is-the-day, today-is-your-day, today-quotes, you-can, you-can-break-through, you-can-do-it, you-matter, your-life-has-value, your-life-matters

Thomas Fuller
“... One that would have the fruit must climb the tree... Great hopes make great men... Tis skill, not strength, that governs a ship... All things are difficult before they are easy.... ”
Thomas Fuller

Each day makes the difference !
“Each day makes the difference !”
Katerina Kostaki, Cosmic Light

Mitch Albom
“But all endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.”
Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven

J.R.R. Tolkien
“It matters little who is the enemy, if we cannot beat off his attack”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings Part One, The Fellowship of the Ring

Guillaume Musso
“Le travail, c'est le meilleur des médicaments.”
Guillaume Musso, La fille de papier

Marion Bekoe
“Just because we make plans and things don't go as planned doesn't mean it wasn't part of the plan.”
Marion Bekoe

“You are the director, producer, cameraman, hero, heroine, comedian, etc. You are everything. You don't need anyone to make your life; build your life yourself. Just look inside you and give a title to your film. m”
Harsh Suthar

“Good Morning, Beautiful Souls! Before you dive into this brand new day, I want to remind you of something powerful: our journeys & lives are filled with both sunshine & storms.

Sweetheart, there will be days where the climb feels steep & the path unclear. You might even stumble & fall, feeling lost & questioning everything. But hold on, because even amidst those moments, there’s a truth waiting to be embraced…

Golden Days are Coming: Remember – there will also be harvest days. Those glorious moments where the seeds you’ve sown, the battles you’ve fought.. all blossom into something beautiful. Days where success & recognition will find you, days where you fall in love with yourself, your life & where you find those special ones who guide you home & make your soul sing.

Darling listen – those blooming days, are not just possibilities – they are waiting for you.

I wish & hope that today is one of those extraordinary days for you. May you make this day a day you’ll look back on with pride & a smile. Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Gdmng, Sunshine! This morning, I offer a gentle reminder: even when everything sucks, pretend you’re a wildflower & push through anyway.

Isn’t it amazing how wildflowers just, like, grow anywhere & bring beauty to the space that they inhabit?? So inspiring!

Darling listen – this isn’t about blind optimism; it’s about embracing a spirit of wildflower. Let you truly believe you have a wildflower heart within you, meant to blossom freely, resiliently & untamed.

May this unearth the hope that lies within you. Sweetheart, in this season of growing, I want you to learn to embrace this beautiful characteristic & the tough sides of yourself. No matter how chaotic it is, let you spring up, grow & expand in the middle of nowhere like a wildflower.

May you bloom in a way you are meant to & bring beauty to this world simply with your thoughts, words & actions.. Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“There’s a profound beauty in the power of blessings & the ripple effect of positive intentions.

Starting with my first training company, I made a conscious choice to bless my colleagues, partners & each student who would take a course at my centre. This practice gradually evolved into a habit, extending blessings to everyone I encounter, regardless of their disposition & circumstances.

Sweetheart, imagine a world where we actively send silent (or even spoken) blessings & prayers to those around us, big or small, easy or challenging. What if we embraced the power of these positive vibrations, radiating God’s love towards our fellow beings? In turn, wouldn’t these very prayers soften our own hearts & cultivate a more beautiful world?

Darling listen – It’s a simple yet powerful experiment worth trying. wouldn’t you agree? Let’s make this new week a testament to that.

May this new week be filled with hope, overflowing with blessings for you & your loved ones. Stay healthy, happy & keep radiating the positivity you wish to see in the world…”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Today I wish you to know that you can’t manipulate the Universe with your fake niceness, fake kindness, fake positivity or fake smiles… It might fool some, but the Universe sees right through it.

Darling listen - Universe doesn’t care about your Instagram pictures or your forced cheer for that person you secretly loathe. So ditch the facade, Sweetheart. The Universe appreciates a natural sparkle, not a disco ball effect.

*Sweetheart, be real, not fake...*

May your journey be filled with real connections, uplifting spirits & heartfelt smiles. May it be filled with meaningful moments & substance, not just superficial shine! Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“As the world around us constantly changes, let’s use this impermanence as a superpower! Every day offers a fresh opportunity to choose who we want to be. Didn’t like yesterday’s you? No worries, today’s a brand new chance to rewrite the story.

Darling listen – just like the unstoppable sunrise, your light has the power to break through any darkness. But true radiance starts within. Focus on cultivating positivity – speak kind words, fill your mind with good thoughts & let your actions reflect your inner beauty. This inner strength will pave the way for your outward success.

As you wind down today, I hope you find something that makes you proud, something that sparks laughter & brings a smile to your face. Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Gdmng, everyone, Happy New Week! This week, I want to remind you of something awesome: YOU! You’re an amazing human being with a beautiful body, free will & the power to do incredible things..

Sweetheart, the point is, you are blessed 24/7, rain or shine. Super blessed. Like, ridiculously so. In fact we’re all so special, with unique talents & gifts. But the real question is: are we using our awesomeness & blessedness in the real sense? Are you living each day allowing yourself to reach higher, dig deeper, expand beyond the ordinary?

Darling listen – today, ditch the “same old, same old”… Use this day to break free! I want you to imagine yourself like a racehorse, bursting out of the gate & charging forward with all your might. Feel the wind in your hair & the ground beneath your feet as you chase your dreams! Hope you have understood the metaphor..

So, what are you waiting for? Make this week EPIC. Be all that you came here to be & do the thing you were born to do.. Happy Not-Another-Boring-Week!

Stay Happy, Healthy & Fulfilled! Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Gdmng, Beautiful Souls!

Here's to a day filled with love, good vibes & a chance to make your world a little brighter.

Darling listen - we are all our worst & best selves combined. I wish & hope that today you Get a deep feeling for both so that you can choose to become a better self....

Sweetheart, use this day to spread love, make a difference, unleash your creativity & make it your BEST day.

May your day be... filled with opportunities to shine! Blessings ”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Gdmng everyone! Welcome to another dose of “Level Up Your Life”! Today’s topic might sting a bit, but hear me out – we’re talking about responsibility… Or rather, the lack thereof.

You know, that cozy little place called “I don’t care” land. It’s comfy, familiar, maybe even fun… for a while. But let’s be honest, it’s a dead end. Nevertheless, maybe you like that?

Maybe being irresponsible, unreliable & thoughtless is your thing. If that’s the case, well…more power to you.. You can keep on – keep on, blaming the world for your problems. You think, life loves rewarding people who play the victim, right?

Of course not! Sweetheart, life rewards those who take responsibility. Those who show up, who follow through, who build a life they can be proud of.

Is it easy? Absolutely not. But guess what? It’s worth it. Don’t Wait for life to slap you in the face. Take responsibility for your actions, words & start building something beautiful & better..

Darling listen – the universe has a funny way of giving you exactly what you ask for. It gives us what we ask for. Just like it responded to your irresponsible thoughts & choices, trust me – it will respond tenfold to your responsible behavior.

Remember, responsibility isn’t a burden, it’s your superpower.

So ditch the excuses & step up! Your world is waiting to see that responsible YOU & guess what? You’re totally capable of it.

Stay Responsible & Blessed!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“This beautiful morning is reminding me of a saying: “Sun for the mind, moon for the soul.” It is really amazing to see how Universe conspires in our favor? Sunshine to boost our brains for the day, moonlight to soothe our souls at night… Talk about a 24/7 support system!

Sweetheart, this Universe, in all its cosmic glory, is basically your own personal cheerleader. Every single thing around you is actually designed to help you to be what you came here to be.

Darling listen – the only pressure you have is to be your awesome selves & make the most of what you’ve got, everyday. The rest is practically cosmic room service ”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Hello, friends, it’s a brand new day & guess what? We get to own it! Let’s ditch the dreaminess (slothfulness) & charge out of the starting gate like the champions we are!

Darling listen – you weren’t born to just exist, to wait for each minute to unfold. You Were Born To Conquer, To Be Consequential & Champion!

Therefore, sweetheart, ditch the “wait & see” attitude & start doing things not bcoz they feel ‘good’ or are “easy” but bcoz they represent who you can be & want to be.

Today I wish & hope that you have the opportunity to fully explore your real potential & to be ALL you came here to be. Wishing you continued success & happiness. Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Hey friends, ever feel like life’s passing you by & there’s more behind you than in front? Now, if that’s because you’ve gracefully transitioned into the “wise elder” stage of life, all power to you! But if you’re still young at heart, hold on a sec!

Hold that thought, because guess what? Science says it might all be in your head!

Here’s the thing: age is just a number (a stubborn number, but a number nonetheless). What matters more is your spirit! So, ditch the age filter & embrace your inner youthful self!

Sweetheart, Practice Feeling Younger Not Older !

Darling listen – while it’s impossible for a person to actually make themselves younger, it is possible to practice feeling younger! Try some of these ideas to unlock the fountain of youth (well, the feeling of it, anyway): Stop just talking about doing things, go out & do them! Figure out quickly what you like & try to become the best in the world at it. Get Ahead of The Curve. Experience & Travel. Smile More. Learn New skills.. (at least to delay gratification) & embrace every experience life throws your way.

Wishing you all a life filled with endless youthful energy & endless fun! Here’s to feeling fantastic, friends! Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Today I want you to be willing to be a beginner every single morning..

Sweetheart, by Being a “beginner” I mean:

Ditch the Expert Hat: we all have knowledge and experience, but sometimes that can make us close-minded.

Open Arms for Newness: Be willing to try something completely new or revisit old skills with fresh eyes.

Fresh Start Every Day: Whether you’re burnt out, failed or it’s just time to do things differently, a daily reset is powerful.

Darling listen - whatever you did yesterday or didn’t do, just become a beginner today, approach the day with a sense of possibility, revisit the fundamentals & try doing whatever you can, once again..

Let’s savor each experience, learn & grow together.

Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Delhi’s scorching sun reminds us of the power of light. It actually nourishes life & illuminates the world. But did you know we each have an inner light, just as powerful?

Sweetheart, this summer solstice, let’s reflect on that inner brilliance. We are all born with it, a spark waiting to be ignited. Sometimes, life dims that spark & sometimes it gets buried by self-doubts, confusions & uncertainties or negative influences.

But the truth is, our light never truly goes out. It’s always there, waiting to be rediscovered. It’s awakened by self-love, by recognizing our unique beauty, magnificence & potential.

Darling listen – also don’t be fooled by the dazzling lights of others. Their brilliance is there to inspire you, not to overshadow you. It’s the same light that burns within you, waiting to be ignited & shared with the world.

Embrace your inner sun! Here’s how:

Find your source of power: What makes you feel alive? Pursue it with passion.

Ditch the negativity: Don’t let others dim your light. Focus on your own journey, your own choices.

Focus on Your Inner Radiance: every choice, everything you say or do, the way you show up & present yourself defines you. So, move towards the light, choose positivity & let your inner brilliance illuminate the world.

Shine brightly: Share your gifts, your beauty, your talents with the world..

Let today be that day. So, as you step into your day, remember the sun within. Let it illuminate your path & the paths of those around you. Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Let’s be honest, merely wishing to be a rockstar, to be at center stage & a dream life isn’t exactly a bulletproof plan (unless you have a Genie in your control). The truth? You’ve got the power to transform your life, but it takes effort.

Darling listen – no one in this world & for that matter, the Universe isn’t against you, but they won’t do the work either. So stop blaming others & start focusing on your own actions, thoughts, routine & habits.

Become the best version of yourself. Sweetheart, I know, It won’t happen overnight (sorry!), but the journey is amazing. Imagine the best you, then watch yourself become that reality!

Life’s too short for “shoulda, woulda, coulda". Make amends, tie up loose ends, release what no longer serves you, finish what you started & start working mindfully on things that you want to achieve… & make those wishes come true! That’s the only way & secret I know….

This is your time for a mind, body & soul upgrade. Blessings to you on your journey to becoming the most incredible YOU.

Today I wish & hope that soon you’ll end up where you need to be, with who you’re meant to be with & doing what you should be doing.”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Gdmng, friends! As part of my mission to keep you present & mindful everyday, today’s reminder hits close to home: Don’t Leave Anything For LATER.

We’ve all been there. You say, “I’ll do it later” & suddenly, later turns into never. Later, the coffee gets cold. Later, the day turns into night. Later, weeks turn into months (Wait, it’s already June). Later, you realize you never got around to it. Later, you might find yourself filled with regret (Wishing you’d taken that chance)

Darling listen – Later, you might simply run out of “LATERS”. The chance is in your hands. Take action today & watch your “Laters” transform into amazing “DONES”…!

Sweetheart, the point is, don’t wait! Remember, you had the chance & you still do! Take a moment today to think about something you’ve been putting off & make it happen!

Here’s to a fantastic June filled with action, not “laters”! I wish & hope that you grab life by the horns & make it a day to remember. Happy New Month! Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“In our day, friends, there weren’t fancy computers or the internet telling us how to be a man. We just…were men. We figured things out, took responsibility & got the job done. We never needed some motivation or a fancy coaching program to do that.

Sweetheart, This isn’t to brag about a bygone era, but to remind you that you too possess that same potential.

But yes, now the time has changed. Maybe you need a little help figuring out what it means to be a Man today. Being a man means – having the ability to make yourself do the things that should be done, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not!

There are a few things that make a real man. Go on my blog to read the full list of things that you must do become a real man. (rajeshgoyaldotin)

Darling listen - Become the Man You Want to Be! I wish you to know that becoming a man is not a one-time decision or event: it’s something you have to choose every day. It’s like shaving; just because you do it once doesn’t mean you’re done; you still have to wake up & do it again in the morning.

Remember, dear – you are supposed to become an honorable man & not just a man; it’s not enough to know you need to act, you also need to know what actions to take. What should you start doing? Where do you hope your actions will lead you?

Here’s to all the strong, confident men out there, young & old!

Stay Classy, Sassy & Fabulous! Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“The wise ones say, it’s easy to be critical, find fault & stir up the negative. That’s being a Crow. But, you’re an Eagle.

Stop being a grumpy crow – spread your wings & be the Eagle you are – full of beauty, bravery, courage, honour, pride, determination & grace…

Darling listen – if there is something that is stopping you from being an Eagle, it is you, yourself. Make a promise to yourself (& to your world) today, that from this moment on, you will forever be the Eagle NOT the Crow…

Sweetheart, Keep Fit & Keep Flying High! Don’t wait to fill this moment with good times, action & adventure!

Happy Saturday! May your day soar as high as an eagle’s wings, but without the whole needing-to-catch-a prey thing...”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“The silence between the lines is where the people speak their true intent.”
Geta Anton

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