Puppy Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "puppy-love" Showing 1-30 of 39
“I always knew there was no one who is going to accept my flaws and understand my brokenness.And i knew it very well that nobody would hold my hand when the wind of darkness overcome my life so i just pushed them,i pushed them all away.”
Bazil Carl W Chong Derek Friedman Daniel

Holly Black
“Whom have you fallen in love with?' I ask.

'Well, there was you,' the prince says. 'When we were children.'

'Me?' I ask incredulously.

'You didn't know?' He appears to be merry in the face of my astonishment. 'Oh yes. Though you were a year my senior, and it was hopeless, I absolutely mooned over you. When you were gone from Court, I refused any food but tea and toast for a month.'

I cannot help snorting at the sheer absurdity of his statement.

He puts a hand to my heart. 'Ah, and now you laugh. It is my curse to adore cruel women.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Ron Koertge
“The guys can't take their eyes off Colleen... one of them... probably sees her just like I do, she's the gatekeeper to another world.”
Ron Koertge, Now Playing: Stoner & Spaz II

Toba Beta
“Hard to forget first puppy love.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Margaret Peterson Haddix
“But it’d be nice to have someone who cared about me, someone I could talk to
about anything, someone who’d tell me I was really special.”
Margaret Peterson Haddix, Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey

“I used to like you. You liked me back. I knew you liked me. You knew I liked you. Why didn't you try for me? I always tried for you to notice me. You did. Don't be shy. I won't bite.”
Melanie Kay Taylor

Gail Carson Levine
“I’d never before been infatuated with someone living, someone real.”
Gail Carson Levine, The Two Princesses of Bamarre


...the passion contained merely kisses
placed upon lips, neck and cheek
these young lovers of the castle
of which our fairytale speaks...”

Jennifer Echols
“There’s a country song about this. Deana Carter sings about it. Lady Antebellum sings about it. Gosh, not just country artists. Katy Perry. Everybody has a song about it because everybody’s been through it. You find that person at eighteen and you lose yourself. And the tragedy is, it’s the person who’s completely opposed to everything you’ve ever wanted. You bond with that person, and that person breaks your heart. I’m that tragedy, and you’re mine.”
Jennifer Echols, Dirty Little Secret

Lisa Kleypas
“You're not supposed to be on the bed," he told the puppy. "It's contractually prohibited.”
Lisa Kleypas, Chasing Cassandra

Kathryn Littlewood
“Dia tidak pernah takut pada laba-laba, sepeda yang kotor, atau jemarinya terkena panas oven--dan dia sering mengalami semua itu. Namun, berjalan ke ruangan yang sama dengan pria yang ditaksirnya? Itu menakutkan.”
Kathryn Littlewood, Bliss

Leila Grandemange
“Puppies are a reflection of unconditional love, entrusted to us like precious seeds. We water them with praise, patience, and love, and watch them grow into full bloom.”
Leila Grandemange, A Story of a Promising Puppy

Thich Nhat Hanh
“As a culture, we place great stock in external appearance. Our attachment to physical beauty is something that we need to let go of, yet it seems that the majority of people are racing toward it.”
Thich Nhat Hanh, Fidelity: How to Create a Loving Relationship That Lasts

J.M. Barrie
“Oh, Maimie," he said rapturously, "do you know why I love you? It is because you are like a beautiful nest.”
J.M. Barrie, The Little White Bird; Or, Adventures in Kensington Gardens

“Riley Carlson: So I guess I know what you wanted to tell me. I mean, you made it pretty clear that you don't want to go out with an average girl.
Marc Hudson: That's right, I don't. I want to go out with YOU. There's nothing average about you, Riley.”
Megan Stine, Boy Crazy

Libbie Hawker
“Think carefully before you issue me a command, Zenobia. For I will do what you tell me, even if I'm the worst possible man for the job.”
Libbie Hawker, Daughter of Sand and Stone

Meg Donohue
“Once we'd balled up our burrito wrappers and tossed them into the trash, Jake and I walked several blocks from El Farolito to the home of Gus, a rescued shepherd mix that I walked a few afternoons each week. Jake sat on the stoop while I ran upstairs. As usual, Gus was waiting for me at the door of his apartment,; I could hear his tail pounding the floor as I turned the key in the lock. Once I got inside, he hopped around me, nipping delicately at my fingers, nails clackety-clacking at the floor, his tail an ecstatic black blur. I knelt down in front of him, pressed his floppy, expressive ears flat back against his head, and planted a kiss on the side of his long, black schnoz. He whined happily, his whole body shimmying. Gus was one of those dogs who had an entirely different personality at home, where his sense of security gave him the confidence to be joyous and goofy. Out on the street, the shelter pup in him came out and he turned skittish and sorrowful, his tan quotation mark eyebrows pressing together to turn his forehead into a series of of anxious wrinkles. Needless to say, I was gaga for Gus and his layered personality.
Downstairs, I could see right away that Jake loved dogs as much as I did. I had to warn him not to try too hard with Gus; too much attention from a stranger would only make Gus more nervous out there in the big loud world. Jake managed to restrain himself for half a block, but soon was cooing down to Gus, running his hand down the length of his silky black-and-tan coat, and passing him a little piece of chorizo from a napkin that he'd somehow slipped into his pocket at El Farolito without me noticing. Gus pressed himself against Jack's leg and looked adoringly up at him as he gobbled the meat, his tail for a moment wagging as freely as it did at home.”
Meg Donohue, How to Eat a Cupcake

Elaine Dundy
“We went to a movie and he kissed me for the first time. We kissed right through it...

“Now let’s kiss somewhere else,” said Max.”
Elaine Dundy, The Dud Avocado

Alix E. Harrow
“Bella, Samuel explained, had recently produced a litter of burnished bronze puppies. The other Zappia children were busy selling most of them to tourists gullible enough to believe they were a rare African breed of lion-hunting dog, but Samuel had kept one. "The best one. I saved for you. See how he looks at you?" It was true: the puppy in my basket had stopped its squirming to stare up at me with damp, blue-sheened eyes, as if awaiting divine instruction.”
Alix E. Harrow, The Ten Thousand Doors of January

“Infatuation is knowing everything there is to know about fire, except that it burns”
Anan$i, 88

“I'd always catch the way you chewed
on your pencil as you focused,
your scent as you walked by,
or the way you made my name
sound different even though I
had been hearing it the same way
my whole life.”
Anan$i, 88

“Of course, everyone
Forgets their very first kiss
But I still remember
The one that ruined
My lips.”
Jennifer West, Jennifer Bares All

“Dia tidak tahu kalau setelah dia lewat di depan Nawang, wangi parfumnya yang manis seperti campuran vanila dan strawberry milkshake membuat Nawang menggigit kepalan tangannya sendiri dengan gemas.”
Ray Antariksa Yasmine, Planet Luna

Abhijit Naskar
“Painless love is puppy love,
Adult love is a circle of joyful disasters.”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşk Mafia: Armor of The World

Jesse Q. Sutanto
“You pretended you had to go get your laptop because you couldn't afford to buy dinner for yourself after swiping me through?”
Jesse Q. Sutanto, The New Girl

Farrah Rochon
“She made her way to her favorite area of the daycare. The smaller of the two playrooms' aesthetic was a nod to her Frenchie's white-and-black piebald coat, with splashes of purple to add a royal flare. Portraits of Duchess hung on the walls in gilded frames. Was it a bit over the top? Absolutely. But when it came to her baby there was no top.
Seconds after she entered the room, Ashanti was bombarded by a cadre of feisty canines with Napoleon complexes. This is what she missed the most. Having to devote so much time to baking, she didn't get to play with the dogs nearly as much as she wanted to.
"Hey, Lulu and Sparkle," she greeted the Pomeranians, giving each dog one of the dime-sized treats from her pocket. "And how is my favorite Chihuahua," she called to Bingo, who had been coming to the daycare since the first week it opened. She followed the treats with quick head rubs for each dog, then went in search of Duchess.
"Where's my dog?" Ashanti asked Leslie, who was running the Parkers' Cavalier King Charles through the agility maze. Leslie gestured to cushioned mats in the corner.
Ashanti walked over and found Duchess hugged up next to Puddin'. The two lay in a yin-yang pattern, with Duchess's head nestled against Puddin's chest, and her squat legs arcing around the puffy topknot atop the poodle's head.
"Kara was right. You two really do need a room."
At the sound of her voice, Duchess's stubby tail started wagging like a windshield wiper gone haywire, but she still didn't move away from Puddin'.
"If you don't get over here," Ashanti said. She reached down and lifted Duchess into her arms. "Don't forget who keeps you in tiaras and rawhide," she said, nuzzling the dog's flat nose with her own.”
Farrah Rochon, Pardon My Frenchie

Farrah Rochon
“Hey, so I know I said that Puddin' wouldn't be coming to the daycare anymore, but I was hoping you hadn't given his spot away yet," Thad said.
Her dog began to bark and twirl around like a chunky ballerina the minute he said Puddin's name.
"Duchess, sit," Ashanti ordered. The dog immediately plopped its butt on the floor.
Thad should not have found her commanding tone sexy, but apparently that's where his brain wanted to take everything when it came to Ashanti Wright.
Impressive. That's what it was. He couldn't get Puddin' to sit on command if he promised that little asshole every dog biscuit in New Orleans.”
Farrah Rochon, Pardon My Frenchie

Farrah Rochon
“Mark lifted the pop-up tent and unveiled Duchess and Puddin' sharing one of Duchess Delights' signature dog treats. They were eating it Lady and the Tramp--- style, each with an end between their teeth, their mouths nearly touching. The dogs looked up at Mark, then ran in opposite directions, like two teenagers who had been caught kissing under the bleachers.”
Farrah Rochon, Pardon My Frenchie

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