Put Downs Quotes

Quotes tagged as "put-downs" Showing 1-29 of 29
“Are you in great physical pain, or is that your thinking expression?”
G.A. Aiken, What a Dragon Should Know

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“If your brains were dynamite there wouldn't be enough to blow your hat off.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Timequake

Rick Riordan
“Right before the game, she strolled up to me. "Hey, Seaweed Brain."
"Will you stop calling me that?"
She knows I hate that name, mostly because I never have a good comeback. She's the daughter of Athena, which doesn't give me a lot of ammunition. I mean, "Owl-head" and "Wise Girl" are kind of lame insults.”
Rick Riordan, The Demigod Files

Patrick Rothfuss
“I’d heard you were dead.”
"I heard you wear a red lace corset,” I said matter-of-factly. “But I don’t believe every bit of nonsense that gets rumored about.”
Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man’s Fear

Jasper Fforde
“Her majesty is one verb short of a sentence.”
Jasper Fforde, Lost in a Good Book

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“People who repeatedly attack your confidence and self-esteem are quite aware of your potential, even if you are not.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Dani Alexander
“Peter to Austin:
"Hard-ons don't make you think less. They make you think stupid. Which makes me think you must have one 24/7.”
Dani Alexander, Shattered Glass

Erin Hunter
Erin Hunter

Raymond Chandler
“I don’t mind if you don’t like my manners. They’re pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings.”
Raymond Chandler, The Big Sleep

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“The sun never has an inferiority complex. It shines the same whether above or below.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

V.C. Andrews
“Cathy, don't look so defeated. She was only trying to put us down
Maybe nothing did work out right for her, but that doesn't mean we are
doomed. Let's go forth tomorrow with no great expectations of finding
perfection. Then, expecting only a small share of happiness, we won't
be disappointed."
If a little hill of happiness would satisfy Chris, good for him. But
after all these years of striving, hoping, dreaming, longing-I wanted a
mountain high! A hill wasn't enough. From this day forward, I vowed
to myself, I was in control of my life. Not fate, not
God, not even Chris was ever again going to tell me what to do, or
dominate me in any way. From this day forward, I was my own person, to
take what I would, when I would, and I would answer only to myself. I'd
been kept prisoner, held captive by greed. I'd been betrayed,
deceived, tied to, used, poisoned ... but all that was over now.”
V.C. Andrews, Flowers in the Attic

Arthur Conan Doyle
“I should prefer that you do not mention my name at all in connection with this case, as I choose to be only associated with those crimes which present some difficulty in their solution.”
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Cardboard Box - a Sherlock Holmes Short Story

“You are mean because inside you’re tiny. So tiny you cannot hold up the weight of your own body. You must inflate your ego just to fill the skin. You float around like a helium balloon. Blown up and bloated and gassy and empty.”
Rivers Solomon, An Unkindness of Ghosts

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Little people need to belittle.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Margot Asquith
“[Jean Harlow] 'Say - aren't you Margot Asquith?' (pronouncing the hard 't')
[Margot Asquith] 'Yes Dear, But the 't' is silent, as in Harlow.”
Margot Asquith

Julia Mills
“I'm not sure I've turned your Commander inside out, but I can assure you if that iron skillet was empty, I would bring him down a peg or two.”
Julia Mills, Her Dragon To Slay

V.C. Andrews
“Cathy, don't look so defeated. She was only trying to put us down
Maybe nothing did work out right for her, but that doesn't mean we are
doomed. Let's go forth tomorrow with no great expectations of finding
perfection. Then, expecting only a small share of happiness, we won't
be disappointed.”
V.C. Andrews, Flowers in the Attic

Richelle E. Goodrich
“The greater self-confidence an individual possesses, the less inclined he is to put down others. This says a lot about those who constantly belittle.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a Few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year

Shannon L. Alder
“I was never weighed down by beauty in my lifetime. However, I was beaten down by the sad fears of my gender- women who didn't allow you to feel pretty or rejoice in who you are, unless it fell beneath how they thought about themselves.”
Shannon L. Alder

Jim McGrath
“What he lacks in intelligence he makes up for with ego.”
Jim McGrath, A Death in Spring: 1968

Richelle E. Goodrich
“Why is it that people would sooner make you feel small in order to feel big by comparison when if they reached a little higher it would actually make them grow big in the effort?”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

Michael Bassey Johnson
“A joke sounds like a joke.
An insult sounds like an insult.
Most people, nowadays, trying to be funny, smuggle insult into jokes.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Book of Maxims, Poems and Anecdotes

“Your perfume. . .' His tone held a faint hint of surprise. 'I'd somehow expected you to wear something more. . .sultry. I don't recognize this fragrance.'
'It's new," Courtenay said tersely. 'It's called Get Lost. You've probably never encountered it before.”
Grace Green, Winter Destiny

“In my experience, insecure people constantly need to show that they are superior to others, whether they are or not, and they will often stoop to unscrupulous tactics to achieve this, the most common being to persistently mock, criticize, and put others down, the objective being to lower the status of the other person in the eyes of others, thus easing their own feelings of insecurity, and inadequacy. Secure people, on the other hand, do not have this need.”
Robert Black, Laowai

“...And where's Margaret Pier? I know she's not dead, even if she's almost as old as I am and twice as stubborn."

"She said she'd never set foot inside this house again. Not after what you said the last time."

"Did I say something dreadful?"

"You said blind Republicanism like hers was an inherited social disease, like syphilis. You said it. I heard you myself.”
Helen Hudson, The Listener and Other Stories

George Orwell
“He is simply a hole in the air.”
George Orwell

Holly Black
“Do you think he will protect you now? You're useless. The heir to Elfhame has no reason to spend any further time with an untutored savage of a girl. But think, you wouldn't remember him. You wouldn't even have to remember yourself.'

'I'm not half as practical as you suppose,' Oak says. 'I like many useless things. I've been called useless myself from time to time.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Tom Holt
“I should hate to be employed and have no time for my needlework and my painting and playing the piano and seeing people. I find I have little enough spare time as it is." "Rubbish, caro, one can find time for important things if one makes an effort." conversation between Georgie and Lucia”
Tom Holt, Lucia Triumphant

Stewart Stafford
“Critic vent spleen to eviscerate the more competent.”
Stewart Stafford