Realization Quotes

Quotes tagged as "realization" Showing 211-240 of 664
Pooja Agnihotri
“Most of the time, you’ll concentrate just on your website but when you take your focus off of it, you’ll realize that there’s more to a business than that.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Poppy Z. Brite
“So what do I do with the rest of my time? he thought. Live rent-free with my parents, write in my notebooks, go out dancing, catch a buzz, get laid? It doesn't sound so bad. But what if I only have, say, five more years to live?”
Poppy Z. Brite, Exquisite Corpse

“All my life
I lived in fear;
I was always blaming myself
For everything:
Even little things;
Now I realize
Nothing was my fault”
Jazalyn, vViIrRuUsS: I Never Forget

Germany Kent
“People who hurt you over and over again do not deserve to be a part of your life.”
Germany Kent

Robin S. Sharma
“I need to tell you that too many among us die at thirty and are buried at eighty. So, I do get you. You hoped things would be different. More interesting. More exciting. More fulfilling, special and magical.”
Robin Sharma, רובין שארמה, The 5AM Club: Change Your Morning, Change Your Life

Rutu Modan
“Just because you don't care about anyone doesn't mean everyone else is like that too!”
Rutu Modan, Exit Wounds

“The time of our delusion does not obstruct the time of our realization. Our practice is not in order to attain realization. Practice itself is the actualization of realization.”

Charles Yu
“...all his life, all he's ever wanted was to be Kung Fu guy. But when he finally got it, he realizes what his mother meant. 'You can be more.”
Charles Yu, Interior Chinatown

Pratik  Mishra
“You being here. This moment. It's perfection, and it's beauty. It surprises me that I wouldn't even have known to wish for it on a shooting star before today.”
Pratik Mishra, A Thousand Places

Christine Feehan
“He was beginning to realize life with another was lived in moments. Heartbeats of time, and this was one of them. A perfect moment.”
Christine Feehan, Dark Predator

Ruth Ozeki
“As I have not much time left in life, I am determined not to be a coward. I will live as earnestly as I can and feel my feelings deeply, I will rigorously reflect upon my thoughts and emotions, and try to improve myself as much as I can. I will continue to write and to study, so that when the time of my death comes, I will die beautifully, as a man in the midst of a supreme and noble effort.”
Ruth Ozeki, A Tale for the Time Being

Germany Kent
“When a relationship seems forced, eventually you just get tired of trying. ”
Germany Kent

“You will get it when you can handle it.”

Alberto Madrigal
“When you live in a country that speaks a language you don’t know, you learn a lot. You learn not to complain: too much of a hassle.”
Alberto Madrigal, Un lavoro vero

Émile Zola
“Her pride in self-abnegation had left her, and she accepted that her loved ones could find happiness without her help.”
Émile Zola, The Bright Side of Life

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Anyone can pursue great things. But, it is the wise person who, having exhausted themselves in the pursuit of great things, is able to surrender such a pursuit having finally recognized that small things are the great things.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Alex Paknadel
“If I let Gallowglass just pluck out my pain like a dead tooth, then I wouldn’t learn nothin’ from all those years on the needle. Eventually, I’d just find a way to fuck up all over again, twice as bad. Sometimes it’s our scars that hold us together, Noah.”
Alex Paknadel, Redfork

“Many seekers start "overdoing" it. They become like a fish that desperately wants to get out of ocean. Calm down. Fish can't get out of ocean. Ocean is all there is. And you're the ocean, not a fish.”

Abhijit Naskar
“Silence is the language of realization, action is the language of revolution.”
Abhijit Naskar, Martyr Meets World: To Solve The Hard Problem of Inhumanity

Abhijit Naskar
“Indifference is silent, so is realization, but the difference between the two is that the silence of indifference sustains a life of complacency, whereas the silence of realization pours in your veins such courage that you no longer are able to maintain indifference of any sort - wherever and whenever you see injustice and discrimination you leap in revolution - you leap with a strong conviction of equality and humaneness - you leap in an act of revolution.”
Abhijit Naskar, Martyr Meets World: To Solve The Hard Problem of Inhumanity

“Repentance begins deep sense of realization of departure from the right ways.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Michael Madhusudan Dutt
“হে বঙ্গ, ভাণ্ডারে তব বিবিধ রতন;
তা সবে, (অবোধ আমি!) অবহেলা করি,
পর-ধন-লোভে মত্ত, করিনু ভ্রমণ
পরদেশে, ভিক্ষাবৃত্তি কুক্ষণে আচরি।
কাটাইনু বহু দিন সুখ পরিহরি।
অনিদ্রায়, নিরাহারে সঁপি কায়, মনঃ
মজিনু বিফল তপে অবরেণ্যে বরি; —
কেলিনু শৈবালে; ভুলি কমল-কানন!
স্বপ্নে তব কুললক্ষ্মী কয়ে দিলা পরে —
"ওরে বাছা, মাতৃকোষে রতনের রাজি,
এ ভিখারী-দশা তবে কেন তোর আজি?
যা ফিরি, অজ্ঞান তুই, যা রে ফিরি ঘরে!"
পালিলাম আজ্ঞা সুখে; পাইলাম কালে
মাতৃ-ভাষা-রূপে খনি, পূর্ণ মণিজালে।”
Michael Madhusudan Dutt, চতুর্দ্দশপদী কবিতাবলী

“Realization is the key to everything.”
Baibhabi Nayak

Isaac Nash
“As long as you breathe, live strong as a mountain while being prepared to stop breathing anytime soon to be within God’s hands to continue living with him eternally.”
Isaac Nash, The Herok

Albert Camus
“Suddenly, far off at sea, I perceived a black speck on the steel-gray ocean. I turned at once and my heart began to beat wildly. When I forced myself to look, the black speck had disappeared. I was on the point of shouting, of stupidly calling for help, when I saw it again. It was one of those bits of refuse that ships leave behind them. Yet I had not been able to endure watching it; for I had thought at once of a drowning person. Then I realized, as calmly as you resign yourself to the idea the truth of which you have long known, that that cry which had sounded over the Seine behind me years before had never ceased, carried by the river to the waters of the Channel, to travel throughout the world, across the limitless expanse of the ocean, and that it had waited for me there until the day I had encountered it. I realized likewise that it would continue to await me on seas and rivers, everywhere, in short where lies the bitter water of my baptism. Here, too, by the way, aren't we on the water? On this flat, monotonous, interminable water whose limits are indistinguishable from those of the land? Is it credible that we shall ever reach Amsterdam? We shall never get out of this immense holy-water font. Listen. Don't you hear the cries of invisible gulls? If they are crying in our direction, to what are they calling us?

But they are the same gulls that were crying, that were already calling over the Atlantic the day I realized definitively that I was not cured, that I was still cornered and that I had to make shift with it. Ended the glorious life, but ended also the frenzy and the convulsions. I had to submit and admit my guilt. I had to live in the little-ease.”
Albert Camus, The Fall

Abhijit Naskar
“Theories, philosophies, ideologies, all later, first realization.”
Abhijit Naskar, I Vicdansaadet Speaking: No Rest Till The World is Lifted

“Until a man realize his immortality, only then can he be motivated to live for higher aim.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Christine Feehan
“The taste of terror was in his mouth. The horrifying emotion beat at his heart, and invaded his lungs so that his breath was trapped there.
"You are all right. Take a breath." He could barely get the words out.
Marguarita shook her head, never taking her gaze from his I am not afraid of you, Zacarias. I fear letting you down, but never that you will harm me. Her eyes never wavered, locked on his, forcing the truth into his mind. He feared losing her. He feared turning vampire. He - feared.
Christine Feehan, Dark Predator

Mark A.  Henry
“In a fight to the death, the winner is going to be the first one to realize that he is, in fact, in a fight to the death.”
Mark A. Henry, Lacking Evidence to the Contrary: A Lowbrow Novel of Questionable Necessity