Realization Quotes

Quotes tagged as "realization" Showing 151-180 of 664
“Apples and oranges, my therapist tells me. What if you're not the same as other women, what if you're an entirely different fruit? she asks gently. But everyone has a favorite fruit, I tell her. I feel a tear run down my cheek. Everyone prefers one over the other. That is how the world works; everything is ranked. One is always better than the other.”
Emily Ratajkowski, My Body

Emily Thiede
“She thought she'd sampled every flavor of loneliness, but this one was new. She should have felt less lonely, not more, but like flame appears brighter in the darkness, her isolation cut even deeper with a stranger filling spaces usually left empty.”
Emily Thiede, This Vicious Grace

“The real problem occurs using the information in a negative base, and the real solution occurs using the information in a positive base.”
Nr. M. J. K. Molai

Naoise Dolan
“I wondered which other phrases he´d plucked. I felt like a bird he kept for quills.”
Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times

Maggie Shipstead
“In life, beginnings are not fixed but ambient. They are happening all the time, without us noticing.”
Maggie Shipstead, Great Circle

André Aciman
“You could never stare long enough but needed to keep staring to find out why you couldn’t.”
André Aciman, Call Me By Your Name

“even before trees rocks I was nothing
when I'm dead nowhere I'll be nothing

all the bad things I do will go up in
and so will I

if there's nowhere to rest at the end
how can I get lost on the way?”
Ikkyu, Crow With No Mouth: Ikkyu, Fifteenth Century Zen Master

Elif Shafak
“Without understanding our past, how can we hope to shape our future?”
Elif Shafak, The Island of Missing Trees

Lauren Oliver
“You can live your whole life in one place and never really look at it.”
lauren oliver, Before I Fall

Kiersten White
“Everything I had known of him, everything we had shared, rose like the dead before me, rotted through to show the horror of what festered beneath the skin.”
Kiersten White, The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein

“Once you stumble across a fantastic, once-in-a-lifetime idea for a book, it’s hard to treat that story with the irreverent disregard needed to transform it from a great idea into a workable rough draft. When you give yourself just one month to flesh out your concept, you won’t have time to feel overly protective of your ideas. And you will therefore stand a much better chance of bringing them to life.”
Chris Baty, No Plot? No Problem!

“Perhaps all my shifts from room to room were just social camouflage, but that wouldn't convey the magic of catharsis. Every bed-bound woman saw in me what they needed most, mistaking a single part for a multifaceted whole. Of course for me that resulted in terrible frustration mottled with a wonderful joy. For who on Earth can shape-shift through such dramatic social roles if not the genderqueer? Everyone in the transgender revolution knows how it feels to be mistaken, their pronouns casualties of misassumption. And while I wish I could attest to some resolution, to be genderqueer is to be in the thick of it.”
Alex Stitt, Nonbinary: Memoirs of Gender and Identity

Cath Crowley
“A world without time is a terrible thing. There is no certainty.”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue

Cath Crowley
“The universe is all existing matter and space, ten billion light-years in diameter, consisting of galaxies and the solar system, stars and the planets. All of which simply do not have the capacity to cheat a person of anything.”
Cath Crowley, Words in Deep Blue

“Intelligence can be surpressed by the type of addiction.”
Jackson Taviri

Teju Cole
“It is amazing, he said, how little variation, too hot or too cold, can lead to complaints. We have efficient HVAC systems - that stands for heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning - and in the summer, we try to keep things ten to fifteen degrees cooler than it is outside. We are constantly checking them, so it is a big operation. But of course no one notices the temperature unless it becomes uncomfortable, when the nozzles get blocked, or there's a local break-down in the system. And, he added with a laugh, you don't ever notice your oxygen until it's gone: something goes wrong with the HVAC, even for fifteen minutes, and people are ready to riot.”
Teju Cole, Open City

Margaret  Rogerson
“Elisabeth își imaginase că vrăjitoria se produce pe loc, ca atunci când scoți o sabie din teacă. Acum, văzând expresia imobilă de concentrare așternută pe fața lui Nathaniel, s-a întrebat, pentru prima dată, cum o fi să faci o vrajă. Efortul pe care îl cerea - nu al trupului, ci al minții”
Margaret Rogerson, Sorcery of Thorns

Liz Braswell
“Life wasn't like TV, and she had definitely not been whisked away to her Happily Ever After. No one could do that, she realized. Not even an ancient, hidden race of people with powers like lions who gathered in prides.
There were no real superheroes.”
Liz Braswell, The Nine Lives of Chloe King

Liz Braswell
“Oh, Alyec seemed surprised by this. What a dickhead.”
Liz Braswell, The Stolen

Margaret  Rogerson
“Cu totul înfricoșător, era cât se poate de logic.”
Margaret Rogerson

Margaret  Rogerson
“Oare, asta făceau oamenii - renunțau, pur și simplu? Când există pe lume atâtea de iubit, atâtea pentru care merită să lupți?”
Margaret Rogerson

Margaret  Rogerson
“Gardienii au tendința să uite că nu toate bătăliile sunt purtate prin săbii.”
Margaret Rogerson, Sorcery of Thorns

“I am at the point where my Irk for lust has me lost for words.”

Robert J. Tiess
“the universe / is not just you."

(from Personal Copernican Revolution)”
Robert J. Tiess, The Humbling and Other Poems

Ashley       Clark
“Life didn't come until Ezekiel spoke to the breath."
"What does that mean?" Harper hesitated. She had the strangest sensation of breathlessness, like after a long hike into high altitude just before cresting a mountain.
"Well, it's resurrection. From the ashes. From the dust. From the dead things. Your problem is, you're looking at the bones instead of breathing." Daddy sighed. "Maybe your dream was never about a shop at all. Maybe there's a second command, Harper Girl. Another place where you're supposed to breathe life."
Harper looked down to the blouse in her lap. To the thread and the needle.
She thought of Millie's buttons.
And then hope---glorious and beautiful hope---filled the landscape of her heart as the sunrise scatters new light over the mountaintops.
Of course! Why hadn't she seen it before? All this time, she had been focused on the store. But her gifting, her dream, was so much more than that.
Her gifting was repairing the broken places. Mending forgotten tears and weak seams. Breathing life back into the fabrics that told stories, into the buttons that bind them.”
Ashley Clark, The Dress Shop on King Street

Natasha Ngan
“Now the truth hits me the way thunder strikes the earth - hard and fast, and with a flash that tears the sky apart.”
Natasha Ngan, Girls of Paper and Fire

Saroj Aryal
“Sansaara is Brahman disguised.”
Saroj Aryal

Julie Abe
“I can’t hide my secrets anymore. Not when it feels like they’re stealing my breath, not when these truths feel like they’re consuming me.
Realization fills me, certain as the rain pours down. It’s my time to stop being such a damn nobody. Hiding from what I really want.
Just because I can't talk about magic, it doesn’t mean that I can’t be me. Because there’s more to me than a spell or charm. Because I’m more than that. I’m the girl who’s Lia’s best friend. I’m Remy’s best—and only—sister. I had surgery at three damn weeks old and I’m a survivor. I’m calm and resilient when people comment about my scar. There’s so much more to me than what any of them see, and they’re not the kind of people whose opinions I care about.”
Julie Abe, The Charmed List

Abhijit Naskar
“A “smirt” guy once said, if you don't read books you have no advantage over those who can't read. Well, I can't even spell “smirt”, and I say, read all you like - if you don't have the basic capacity to listen, you have no advantage over the animal.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mucize Misafir Merhaba: The Peace Testament

Robert D. Putnam
“As a matter of fact, mankind now possesses for the first time the tools and knowledge to create whatever kind of world he wants...”
Robert D. Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community