Reign Quotes

Quotes tagged as "reign" Showing 1-30 of 47
Dorothy L. Sayers
“It is extraordinarily entertaining to watch the historians of the past ... entangling themselves in what they were pleased to call the "problem" of Queen Elizabeth. They invented the most complicated and astonishing reasons both for her success as a sovereign and for her tortuous matrimonial policy. She was the tool of Burleigh, she was the tool of Leicester, she was the fool of Essex; she was diseased, she was deformed, she was a man in disguise. She was a mystery, and must have some extraordinary solution. Only recently has it occrurred to a few enlightened people that the solution might be quite simple after all. She might be one of the rare people were born into the right job and put that job first.”
Dorothy L. Sayers, Are Women Human? Astute and Witty Essays on the Role of Women in Society

Elizabeth I
“As for my own part I care not for death, for all men are mortal; and though I be a woman yet I have as good a courage answerable to my place as ever my father had. I am your anointed Queen. I will never be by violence constrained to do anything. I thank God I am indeed endowed with such qualities that if I were turned out of the realm in my petticoat I were able to live in any place in Christendom.”
Elizabeth I, Collected Works

Ana Claudia Antunes
“The weakest ones are the wickedest cruel
When the strongest ones in gentleness rule!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, The Witches Of Avignon

Elizabeth I
“[I]n the end this shall be for me sufficient, that a marble stone shall declare that a Queen, having reigned such a time, lived and died a virgin.”
Elizabeth I, Collected Works

Michael G. Kramer
“The Scottish scout called Hamish Plenderlief spoke to his superior saying, “Sir, I have just returned from a patrol around Tynemouth Priory. My second scout and myself observed that the English King Edward II has been joined in his illegal invasion of Scotland by his queen, Isabella!”
Michael G. Kramer, Isabella Warrior Queen

Samantha    Shannon
“They raise us to be soft as silk, distract us with luxury and wealth beyond measure, so we never rock the boat that carries us. They expect us to be so bored by our power that we let them do the ruling in our stead. Behind every throne is a masked servant who seeks only to make a puppet of the one who sits on it.”
Samantha Shannon, The Priory of the Orange Tree

Jeff Mach
“May you reign supreme but never unchallenged.”
Jeff Mach, There and Never, Ever Back Again: Diary of a Dark Lord

C.S. Lewis
“These two Kings and two Queens governed Narnia well, and long and happy was their reign. At first much of their time was spent in seeking out the remnants of the White Witch's army and destroying them, and indeed for a long time there would be news of evil things lurking in the wilder parts of the forest- a haunting here and a killing there, a glimpse of a werewolf one month and a rumor of a hag the next. But in the end all that foul brood was stamped out. And they made good laws and kept the peace and saved good trees from being unnecessarily cut down, and liberated young dwarfs and young satyrs from being sent to school, and generally stopped busybodies and interferers and encouraged ordinary people who wanted to live and let live. And they drove back the fierce giants (quite a different sort from Giant Rumblebuffin) in the North of Narnia when these ventured across the frontier. And they entered into friendship and alliance with countries beyond the sea and paid them visits of state and received visits of state from them. And they themselves grew and changed as the years passed over them. And Peter became a tall and deep-chested man and a great warrior, and he was called King Peter the Magnificent. And Susan grew into a tall and gracious woman with black hair that fell almost to her feet and the kings of the countries beyond the sea began to send ambassadors asking for her hand in marriage. And she was called Queen Susan the Gentle. Edmund was a graver and quieter man than Peter, and great in council and judgement. He was called King Edmund the Just. But as for Lucy, she was always gay and golden-haired, and all the princes in those parts desired her to be their Queen, and her own people called her Queen Lucy the Valiant.”
C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When the sun goes down, the moon becomes the king of the sky.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

“It’s time to start ruling and reigning on earth”
Sunday Adelaja, No One Is Better Than You

Nenia Campbell
“You are mine,” he hissed, “and through you, I will reign forever.”
Nenia Campbell, Dragon Queen

D.C.   Thomas
“We are pawns of life, in dreams,
Queens and kings of fate, it seems -
In our earthly realm we dare to think,
But instead of reigning, we fall to sleep.”
D.C. Thomas, Her Suns And Their Daughters: Daughters Of The Universe Seen

Anthony T. Hincks
“Let 2022 be the year that truth reigned supreme.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Tabitha Harding-Chestney
“Long live the Queen, long may she reign”
Tabitha Harding-Chestney, Ashen Rose

“Hükümdarlar düştü babalardan payımıza. Şanssızız cici prenses. Onlar bize gelene kadar çok başka kişilere önem verir. Ülkeleri, vezirleri, başka kralların oğulları, bir kaşının yayı güzel diye soysuz cariyeleri... hepsini çocuklarından daha çok severler. Biz babalarımız ne derse yaparız. Savaşırız, ölürüz, satılırız ve bür gün tahta geçmek için kardeşlerimizi keseriz. Mesele biz değiliz. Mesele hiçbir zaman biz olmadık.”
Deniz Canan, Larende’nin Varisleri Larende’nin Aynası Kısım -2

“God’s benevolent reign requires the principles of love”
Sunday Adelaja

“No one can fulfill the calling to extend the reign of love alone”
Sunday Adelaja

“Lust for power, greed, false religions reign today because of lack of vision and passion to redeem nations”
Sunday Adelaja

“Only people that have faith in themselves reign on earth”
Sunday Adelaja, No One Is Better Than You

Zuzana Strachotová
“Můj milý hochu, vždycky jde o státní záležitosti. Brzy zjistíte, že udržet vládu stojí značné úsilí. Dodržování zákonů se dá docílit mnoha způsoby, ale jen jeden je efektivní a trvalý. (Otec Felebius)”
Zuzana Strachotová, Devět dní

Zuzana Strachotová
“Říkalo se, že demokracie byla jedním z důvodů konečné
války. Ale vláda hlupáků bude špatná, ať bude její forma jakákoli.”
Zuzana Strachotová, Devět dní

“Leadership is about discipline, expurgation and sublimation ,not suzerainty and reign.”
Prof.Salam Al Shereida

Steven Magee
“Now is the time to end the Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) reign of biological terror on their unsuspecting summit workers health.”
Steven Magee

Gift Gugu Mona
“Be still, for God remains the same. Even when you are not strong. He still reigns supreme. He will give you strength.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

Gift Gugu Mona
“Be still, for God remains the same. Even when you are not strong, He still reigns supreme. He will give you strength.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

Nicetas Choniates
“And should there exist someone endowed with the beauty of a statue and the lyrical eloquence of a nightingale in song, gifted, moreover, with ready wit, then the wearer of the crown can neither sleep nor rest, but his sleep is interrupted, his voluptuousness suppressed, his appetite for pleasure lost, and he is filled with grave apprehensions; with wicked tongue he curses the creator nature for fashioning others suitable to rule and for not making him the first and last and the fairest of men.”
Niketas Choniates, O City of Byzantium: Annals of Niketas Choniates

Gift Gugu Mona
“Great leaders do not mind swallowing their pride and humbling themselves for peace to reign.”
Gift Gugu Mona, The Effective Leadership Prototype for a Modern Day Leader

Gift Gugu Mona
“Even in the rain, an authentic leader will continue to reign.”
Gift Gugu Mona, The Effective Leadership Prototype for a Modern Day Leader

Gift Gugu Mona
“A Special Prayer For Mothers

To all the Mothers
Who stand for what is right
They work so hard
Never let the weather dictate
How they love their children
Always there whenever needed
Do what is best for loved ones

Yes, they guide leaders on how to reign
Cry out to God to save future generations
As they plead for true liberation
A reliable source of inspiration
Not ordinary humans
But special women
Whom we call Moms

Fighters of hunger
Seekers of wellbeing
Promoters of longevity
Providers of stability
Pioneers of societies
Pillars of many countries
Teachers of morals and values

We pray for their blessings
And breakthroughs in all they do!
This is our special prayer for Mothers”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

David Passarelli
“A crown of feathers amidst the rugged terrain, an eagle's kingdom takes its reign.”
David Passarelli, Mountain poems: Musings on stone, forest, and snow

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