Rommance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rommance" Showing 1-13 of 13
Pidi Baiq
“Kalau saya adalah ini, yang membuat senyummu
Maka dia adalah orang lain yang membuat air matamu
Jangan marah kepadamu yang sudah membuat lingkungan jadi indah, tentram dan damai.
Sekarang, kamu ingin siapa yang datang menghiburmu?
Kepala sekolah membawa risoles dari kantin?
Menteri Pendidikan membawa kunci jawaban?
Malaikat membawa buah-buahan dari sorga?
Pengusaha Muda membawa yang harum pewangi?
Ahli nujum? Tukang Pijit? Tentara? Penari?
Atau saya saja yang datang membawa kata-kata pilihan
Saya akan senang mengatakannya dan kamu senang

Jangan nangis, nanti kamu sakit kepala,
Ada yang perlu saya bantu?”
Pidi Baiq, Milea: Suara Dari Dilan

Nicholas Sparks
“I realize that I don’t know where to start. Not because I’m unsure of my story, but because I’m not sure why I feel compelled to tell it in the first place. What can be achieved by unearthing the past?”
Nicholas Sparks, A Bend in the Road

Colleen Hoover
“While he spends all of his time trying to remember, I spend all of my time trying to forget.
I don’t want to remember how it feels to love him.
I want to forget everything in this world that reminds me of him.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three

Colleen Hoover
“Until then, never lose hope.
Never stop loving me.
Never forget.

Never Never”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Two

David Levithan
“I didn’t mean to fall in love with you. But it happened. And I can’t erase it. I can’t ignore it. I have lived my whole life like this, and you’re the thing that has made me wish it could stop.”
David Levithan, Another Day

Jessica Madden
“She needed to know that I cared for her.”
Jessica Madden, Right Here Waiting For You

M.A. Kane
“God and his angels have conspired to send you love.” Monroe said”
M.A. Kane, Zuzu's Petals

“Love is like a cigarette we all know it kills but don't deny.”
abhishek vicky

“i will not loves you for who you are, i can only do so if you can change your situation to one that fitted me.”

Tessa Bailey
“to save him from the middle of the ocean where he'd been existing without her for so long.”
Tessa Bailey

Tessa Bailey
“There she was. Safe and alive. Gorgeous and all-knowing and merciful and perfect.”
Tessa Bailey

“Her black hair shines bright,
Earrings adorning each ear just right;
Innocent cuteness fills her gaze,
With an English fiction book that amaze;
Tiny red lips speak words so sweet,
Crazy cheeks bring joy complete!”
Syed Rehman Hayder