Never Never Quotes

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Never Never: Part Three (Never Never, #3) Never Never: Part Three by Colleen Hoover
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Never Never Quotes Showing 1-30 of 37
“Trust your gut. Not your heart, because it’s a people pleaser, and not your brain, because it relies too heavily on logic.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“Fate is the magnetic pull of our souls toward the people, places, and things we belong with.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“Adults like to pretend that our feelings aren’t as big and important as theirs—that we’re too young to really know what we want. But I think what we want is similar to what they want. We want to find someone who believes in us. Who will take our side and make us feel less lonely.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“I could spend every day getting to know you all over again, Charlie, and I don’t think I’d get sick of it.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“The only thing I have room for in this head of mine right now is the firm belief that fate absolutely exists. Fate…soul mates…time travel…you name it. It all exists. Because that’s what her kiss feels like. Existence.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“We can’t take back who we’ve been in the past, Charlie. But we can control who we are in the present.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“We want to find someone who believes in us. Who will take our side and make us feel less lonely.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“You, my dear, have already found your meaning. All there is left to do now…is dance.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“I’d rather trust the versions of ourselves we don’t remember than trust people who don’t know us at all.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“Why do I feel like love and irritation go hand in hand with you?”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“I somehow have more feelings for this girl than will fit inside of me.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“I like that he doubts us, but his loyalty to me trumps his reasoning. I’m sure very few people have that quality.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“But I’m not that girl. I never want to be that girl. For the rest of my life, I want to be the girl dancing with Silas in the street.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“I would rather have lost my memory again with her than to have her be alone in this.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“I just don’t see anything ever happening in this life that could make me not want you all over my skin”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“Okay, so how does this work exactly?" I ask as we walk toward his car. "Do we float down the bayou in rowboat while little critters sing 'Kiss the Girl'.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“Te amo. Lo suficiente como para camuflarte en mi piel. Nunca pares. Nunca olvides.”
Colleen Hoover, Tarryn Fisher, Never Never: Part Three
“I like making him smile. It doesn’t take much to make the corners of his mouth twitch, but to actually get his lips to curve all the way up, I have to be extra sassy.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“I don’t know if I normally believe in soul mates,” I tell her. “But for the next twenty-four hours, I’d bet my life for it to be true.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“Okay, it’s late. I’m about to call you and tell you goodnight, but true to form, I had to get all my thoughts out to you in a letter first. I know I’ve said it before, but I love that we still write letters to each other. Texts get deleted and conversations fade, but I swear I’ll have every single letter you’ve ever written me until the day I die. #SnailMailForever”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“He says things with laughing eyes and a grin, but his words lash out like a whip.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“While he spends all of his time trying to remember, I spend all of my time trying to forget.
I don’t want to remember how it feels to love him.
I want to forget everything in this world that reminds me of him.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“hand her the notebook and pen and then back out of the driveway.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“Cuando su boca se abre para la mía, se siente como si perforara un agujero directamente a través de mi pecho y hace un puño alrededor de mi corazón. Duele, y a la vez no, es hermoso, es aterrador. Quiero que dure para toda la eternidad, pero me quedaré sin aliento si este beso se prolonga durante un minuto más.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“Silas says go into that store and ask for a hotdog. When they tell you they don’t have hotdogs, stomp your foot really hard and scream like you did in the hotel this morning.” “What the—” He crosses his arms over his chest. “Silas says.” Why the hell am I even doing this? I give Silas the dirtiest look I can and stomp off in the direction of the store he pointed me to. It’s an insurance agency. I swing open the door and three grouchy-looking adults raise their heads to see who has walked in. One of them even has the audacity to scrunch up their nose at me, like I don’t already know I’m dripping water everywhere. “I’d like a hotdog with everything,” I say. I’m met with blank stares. “Are you drunk?” the receptionist asks me. “Do you need help? What’s your name?” I stomp my foot and let out a bloodcurdling scream, at which all three of them drop whatever they’re holding and look at each other. I take their moment of surprise to run out. Silas is waiting for me outside the door. He’s laughing so hard; he’s bent over at the waist. I punch him on the arm and then we both run for the Rover.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“No podemos retractarnos de lo que hemos sido en el pasado. Pero podemos controlar lo que somos en el presente.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“Confía en tus instintos. No en tu corazón, porque eso es complacer a la gente, y no en tu cerebro, ya que se basa demasiado en la lógica.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“El destino es la atracción magnética de nuestras almas hacia las personas, lugares y cosas a las que pertenecemos.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“¡Me hizo querer casarme con ella! ¡Me hizo querer comprarle un avión mágico y llevarla lejos, a un lugar donde nada malo pueda suceder nunca! ¡Me hizo querer echarme pegamento por todo mi pecho y luego echarme encima de ella así estaríamos pegados, y entonces dolería mucho si alguna vez tratamos de separarnos!”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three
“Cuando caminamos, pasando lo que pretende ser una librería. Ella se da la vuelta y coge mis manos.

—Vamos —dice, tirando de mí en la tienda—. Estoy bastante segura de que el camino a mi corazón está aquí.”
Colleen Hoover, Never Never: Part Three

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