Scifi Quotes

Quotes tagged as "scifi" Showing 31-60 of 740
Barry Kirwan
“Take it from me, kid, sometimes it’s okay to run. You run as fast as you damn well can.”
Barry Kirwan, The Eden Paradox

Iris Murdoch
“Perhaps when distant people on other planets pick up some wavelength of ours all they hear is a continuous scream.”
Iris Murdoch

P.D. Alleva
“Don’t make deals with your food. It may come back to haunt you.”
P.D. Alleva, The Rose Vol. 1

P.D. Alleva
“Vampires, nothing more than cockroaches scattering in fear at the first sign of the light.”
P.D. Alleva, The Rose Vol. 1

P.D. Alleva
“Vampires…always so overdramatic.”
P.D. Alleva, The Rose Vol. 1

Daniel O'Malley
“I’m not bipolar, I’ve just had a bipolar life foisted upon me.”
Daniel O'Malley, The Rook

Douglas Adams
“I think we have different value systems." —Arthur
"Well mine's better." —Ford”
Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

P.D. Alleva
“Humans, nothing more than food…for us cockroaches.”
P.D. Alleva, The Rose Vol. 1

J.L. Langley
“Not only did I manage to accidentally meet the man I’m investigating, I managed to accidentally have sex with him.”
J.L. Langley, The Englor Affair

Johnny Hart
“Science Fiction: Any scientific acclaim that omits God.”
Johnny Hart

Paul Di Filippo
“Science fiction at its best should be crazy and dangerous, not sane and safe.”
Paul Di Filippo, How To Write Science Fiction

Micaiah Johnson
“It is only one world in infinite universes where this impossible happiness exists, but that is what makes it so valuable.”
Micaiah Johnson, The Space Between Worlds

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“I have been a soreheaded occupant of a file drawer labeled "science fiction" ... and I would like out, particularly since so many serious critics regularly mistake the drawer for a urinal.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons

Sherrilyn Kenyon
“Goodnight baby, sleep in peace. After you kill that bitch!"

"Goodnight mom!”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Born of Ice

P.D. Alleva
“This isn’t some sick sci-fi novel.”
P.D. Alleva, The Rose Vol. 1

Cory Doctorow
“He had them as spellbound as a room full of Ewoks listening to C-3PO.”
Cory Doctorow, Makers

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“To try is to invite uncertainty. Where confidence goes, success usually follows.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman, Veterans of the Psychic Wars

Andrew R.  Williams
“Samantha sent in mercenaries so fingers could not be pointed at the Minton Mining Company,” Morley replied.
“Okay. Where is this leading?”
“The operation was a total disaster. The Fyfield Valley is the homeland of The Great Ones. They learnt of her plans and prepared an ambush. The only survivor is Claire Hyndman. She was the woman you just saw in the suspension unit.”
Andrew R. Williams, Samantha's Revenge

Andrew R.  Williams
“After running her eyes over pulsing LEDs on the suspension unit, Samantha glanced through a small port at Claire Hyndman’s limp body. She looked expectantly at Mih Valanson, one of her senior technicians. “Well? How’s it going? Are you succeeding?”
Valanson looked uncomfortable.
“I shouldn’t be doing this. Brain-stripping is illegal.”
“I do wish you wouldn’t call it that,” Samantha scolded.
After following Samantha’s gaze and looking at Claire Hyndman’s pale face, Valanson secretly hoped his efforts would be in vain.”
Andrew R. Williams, Samantha's Revenge

William Gibson
“Case shuffled into the nearest door and watched the other passengers as he rode. A pair of predatory-looking Christian Scientists were edging toward a trio of young office techs who wore idealized holographic vaginas on their wrists, wet pink glittering under the harsh lighting. The techs licked their perfect lips nervously and eyed the Christian Scientists from beneath lowered metallic lids. The girls looked like tall, exotic grazing animals, swaying gracefully and unconsciously with the movement of the train, their high heels like polished hooves against the gray metal of the car’s floor. Before they could stampede, take flight from the missionaries, the train reached Case’s station.”
William Gibson, Neuromancer

Jim Butcher
“Investigate the faeries. Great. That was absolutely guaranteed to get complicated before I got any useful answers. If there was one thing faeries hated doing, it was giving you a straight answer, about anything. Getting plain speech out out of one is like pulling out teeth. Your own teeth. Through your nose.”
Jim Butcher, Proven Guilty

Margaret Atwood
“Nature full strength is more than we can take, Adam One used to say. It's a potent hallucinogen, a soporific, for the untrained Soul. We're no longer at home in it. We need to dilute it. We can't drink it straight. And God is the same. Too much God and you overdose. God needs to be filtered.”
Margaret Atwood, The Year of the Flood

Douglas Adams
“One of Zaphod's heads looked away. The other turned round to see what the first was looking at, but it wasn't looking at anything very much.”
Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Sophia Elaine Hanson
“May your song guide you home.”
Sophia Elaine Hanson, Vinyl

Andrew R.  Williams
“Watching the lecture hall fill for a while longer, Rummings picked up the gun, rested the barrel on the parapet and waited expectantly. A senior mining executive walked up to a rostrum and began to talk to the waiting audience.
Rummings took careful aim and squeezed the trigger. A large hole appeared in the curtain glazing surrounding the building and the executive staggered sideways.
After pumping a few more bullets into the dying man’s body, Rummings abandoned the rifle, ran back to the exit door, paused long enough to strip off the coveralls and then raced down the stairs. Once in the corridor, he deliberately slowed himself down, calmly called a lift and went down to the ground floor again.”
Andrew R. Williams, Samantha's Revenge

Andrew R.  Williams
“This time they picked up their hand luggage and moved away from their son, following Lieges towards the air-van. But instead of changing his stance, Alain Pen just dug in hull-down. “They won’t go without me,” he told Morley confidently. “So what are you really up to, eh? I know we’re not going to Bull Crater on holiday.”
“You’ve got a vivid imagination, kid.”
“Stop calling me kid,” Alain objected. “I know something’s going on and I’ve reported it to my section leader.”
Andrew R. Williams, Samantha's Revenge

Andrew R.  Williams
“Doing as he was told, Lars called out, “I’m looking at a woman in a suspension unit. I think she’s dying.”
He ripped the helmet off again and glared at Morley. “Why do I have to watch somebody dying?”
“The person you saw was Claire Hyndman. Her father is Alan Hyndman. He’s a big wheel on Arden.”
“The RTTC suggests the real Claire Hyndman died and Samantha brain-stripped her and created a substitute.”
Andrew R. Williams, Samantha's Revenge

Frank Herbert
“Fragmentation is the natural destiny of all power.”
Frank Herbert, Dune
tags: dune, scifi

Andrew R.  Williams
“Coming back, he took the tracker out of Morley’s hand, slid back into the car and flipped a switch. An internal Mannheim, a force shield, flared into life, dividing the front of the car from the rear. Once he was satisfied the Mannheim would prevent the sound of their voices being picked up by any undiscovered bugs he spoke. “I have a plan, a way to turn the tables on them.”
“How?” Instead of explaining, Lieges waved his hand at the stray dog. Thinking it was going to be fed, the mutt came over. Lieges grabbed it, removed some of the gum he was chewing, fixed the bug to it and stuck the gum under the dog’s collar. Picking the dog up, he placed it in the front of the air-car.
Morley hissed. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Thinking laterally,” Lieges replied. “We’ll fly a few kilometres from here and push the dog out. The BlackClads will then lock onto the dog and not us. No doubt they’ll realise something is wrong after they’ve been tracking it for a while, but it will probably buy us some time.”
Andrew R. Williams, Samantha's Revenge

Darin C.  Brown
“It was 3:57 AM. An explosion hit me from beneath my bedroom floor like an atomic bomb, jolting me awake. Its concussive wave carried horrible colors, smells and textures, but among them floated a familiar purple. I sat up, shivering with revulsion while the aftershocks flowed over me. As I focused on the warm, sweet purple buried inside the frigid, choking grey, my eyes widened with recognition. Mom!”
Darin C. Brown, The Taste of Despair