Scifi Quotes

Quotes tagged as "scifi" Showing 181-210 of 740
C.A. Knutsen
“He wasn’t being arrogant. It wasn’t self-confidence that a human would have because they had been successful in the past. GERI was simply certain he would be successful because he was what he was—a superlative intellect, perhaps the only one of his caliber.”
C.A. Knutsen, Tom and G.E.R.I.

C.A. Knutsen
“What? Are there two of them?” she asked. “Are we being invaded?” I laughed, but it was an understandable question given what she had just learned. “No, there is only one GERI. It’s something else. On Wednesday, when I let GERI out of the barn, I started the process of cleaning out the house. I found a ton of money under the floor in old Simpson’s closet.”
C.A. Knutsen, Tom and G.E.R.I.

C.A. Knutsen
“When I lamented the sale of the gold bars, GERI said it wasn’t a problem because there was a more than enough of the metal below the floor of the barn where I was sitting.”
C.A. Knutsen, Tom and G.E.R.I.

C.A. Knutsen
“I didn’t know what question to ask first. GERI’s announcement surprised me. My friend from outer space had become a property developer.”
C.A. Knutsen, Tom and G.E.R.I.

Crystal Raven
“I already knew it was related to blinding the GODs, those ever present sentinels above that creep me out more than if it was an actual deity watching my every move.”
Crystal Raven, Virtual Mirrors: First Journal

Crystal Raven
“Doug’s entire speech was landing like a series of jabs to my gut, but that last sentence hit me like an actual slap in the face. Doug was truly dead to me. Dead and buried.”
Crystal Raven, Virtual Mirrors: First Journal

C.A. Knutsen
“I always thought fondly of Eleanor and was a little shy around her when I checked into the Boarding House. Her smile still warmed me, but now as a woman her smile also made me a little wobbly in the knees.”
C.A. Knutsen, Tom and G.E.R.I.

C.A. Knutsen
“Why are you not having me take you there?” GERI asked. “I could have had you there in twenty minutes.” “I appreciate the offer, GERI. I don’t know what I’m getting into. I don’t want to have to explain to someone how I got to South Carolina so fast. I need to have this trip well documented.”
C.A. Knutsen, Tom and G.E.R.I.

Crystal Raven
“And what is this whole concept of freedom in the first place? The masses willingly traded that away many years ago for the security and protection of the State. Now they have their simple needs provided for them and are usually content until a few morons try to stir them up.”
Crystal Raven, Virtual Mirrors: First Journal

Christian Warren Freed
“Roland McMasters knew what people said behind his back. Knew and ignored it. Let those smaller individuals worry over petty names or whispers of what might have happened.”
Christian Warren Freed, The Lazarus Men

Isaac Asimov
And there was light --”
Isaac Asimov, The Last Question

Crystal Raven
“How he must feel his own needs upon him as he sees how the black lingerie enhances every feminine curve that is waiting for him to explore.”
Crystal Raven, Virtual Mirrors: First Journal

L. Ron Hubbard
“I know the world is an evil, capricious place and that men are basically bad and so, knowing that, I am always pleased to find some atom of goodness and only bored to see something evil.”
L. Ron Hubbard, Fear

Eliot Schrefer
“Wow, that was salty. I kind of like it,” I say, smiling up at the disembodied voice, my hands punching into my pockets, to show off the muscles of my arms. Am I flirting with my operating system? I think I’m flirting with my operating system. That voice.”
Eliot Schrefer, The Darkness Outside Us

Frank Herbert
“I'm sorry, Grandfather," Alia said. "You've met the Atreides gom jabber.”
Frank Herbert, Dune

Jordi Balaguer
“…y el mundo dejó de funcionar. Todo… Todo se fue al garete, o todo se salvó. Según como se mire.”
Jordi Balaguer, Hanami

Isaac Asimov
“It all had a beginning in the original cosmic explosion, whatever that was, and it'll all have an end when all the stars run down. Some run down faster than others. Hell, the giants won't last a hundred million years. The sun will last ten billion years and maybe the dwarfs will last two hundred billion for all the good they are. But just give us a trillion years and everything will be dark. Entropy has to increase to maximum, that's all. (Lupov)”
Isaac Asimov, The Last Question

H.G. Wells
“The Medical Man smoked a cigarette.”
H.G. Wells, The Time Machine

“You’re only twenty- two. Trust me, in ten years you’d be a completely different person anyway.”
David Wong

Lauren Beukes
“Cannibal Penguin FTW!!”
Lauren Beukes, Zoo City

Bruce Coville
“You earthlings! You never know what you want. If you'd stop trying to hold on to everything, you'd be a lot happier.”
Bruce Coville, My Teacher Glows in the Dark

Eman Nabil
“As the cloth suffocating her freedom aged,
with pieces of it burnt and torn by her rage,
Truth managed to win the war of the decades,
and sprinted out in wild ire.”
Eman Nabil, The Result Of A Change

Eman Nabil
“Yet, I do sense hope when I see the little flames rising up and listen to the music of the children jumping on the dirty water puddles and laughing as if their life depended on it. Their parents watch them with watery eyes and a smile that hide their misery.”
Eman Nabil, The Result Of A Change

H.G. Wells
“No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own”
H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds

Isaac Asimov
“Sure you are. You're weak on logic, that's the trouble with you. You're like the guy in
the story who was caught in a sudden shower and who ran to a grove of trees and got
under one. He wasn't worried, you see, because he figured when one tree got wet through,
he would just get under another one. (Lupov)”
Isaac Asimov, The Last Question

Isaac Asimov
“If the stars must someday die, at least some could yet be built.”
Isaac Asimov, The Last Question

Isaac Asimov
“The stars are dying. The original star is dead. (Zee Prime)”
Isaac Asimov, The Last Question

Tony Del Degan
“Emotion brings dissonance with the purpose.”
Tony Del Degan, Ceres

Tony Del Degan
“The Death Tree grew from Orus’ blood-orange sand, its branches yellow-white - the hue of rotting bone.”
Tony Del Degan, Ceres

Tony Del Degan
“Great Sun. I thank you, fiery master, in your heavenly domain, for your warmth and light, and for your protection against the dark evil of the desert. We are servants to your will.”
Tony Del Degan, Ceres