Self Respect Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-respect" Showing 211-240 of 615
Wayne Gerard Trotman
“When you tolerate disrespectful people you disrespect yourself.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Joan Didion
“To do without self-respect, on the other hand, is to be an unwilling audience of one to an interminable documentary that details one's failings, both real and imagined, with fresh footage spliced in for every screening. (...) To live without self-respect is to lie awake some night, beyond the reach of warm milk, phenobarbital, and the sleeping hand on the coverlet, counting up the sins of commission and omission, the trusts betrayed, the promises subtly broken, the gifts irrevocably wasted through sloth or cowardice or carelessness. However long we postpone
it, we eventually lie down alone in that notoriously uncomfortable bed, the one we make ourselves. Whether or not we sleep in it depends, of course, on whether or not we respect ourselves."
To protest”
Joan Didion, On Self-Respect

“You will get love and respect from others when you stop craving for it.”

Bianca Sparacino
“You don’t need to look for the kind of love that patches your wounds and builds you a new home within your body. You can do that on your own. You have fallen and you have risen time and time again; you are the living, breathing fragments of your triumphs and your tragedies, stitched together through hurt and hope, and you still shine. You still shine.”
Bianca Sparacino, The Strength In Our Scars

Richelle E. Goodrich
“The most important form of respect is self-respect. Not only does it show others how to treat themselves, it teaches them how to treat you.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“You can’t keep a good woman down who sucks at being subservient.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Philip K. Dick
“Nietzche is right about christianity. It's the fucking hair shirt syndrome: always made me feel shame, guilt, always responding to duty and obligations to others --I view myself as weak, at the beck and call of others, obligated to them. Bullshit. "I am a man" -- as that book on judaism puts it. I need no one's permission anymore. I need not account to anyone. I owe them nothing; they are pushing old buttons, long out of date. I have proved my worth and earned my reward.”
Philip K. Dick, The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick

Jennifer DeLucy
“Most women learn the hard way never to let a man treat you like worn out old house slippers, only good for taking to bed or for comfort while he watches tv. If he wouldn't take you into the world, proudly, for everyone to see, he can do Netflix alone.”
Jennifer DeLucy

“You have to have self-respect and faith in yourself to cultivate the courage to commit to your endeavours even when no one, including family members, is by your side and neutralizing the negative influences in your life.”
Itayi Garande, Broken Families: How to get rid of toxic people and live a purposeful life

Ljupka Cvetanova
“Never melt with the average. You will not improve it.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

“Be you and only you. You came into this world alone and will leave alone. You just get the opportunity to have amazing company while you're here. Enjoy it everyday and remind yourself of this fact daily.”
Major Mike Russell

“When they can no longer use your craft they call you a witch.”
Sabrina Newby

Sarvesh Jain
“Learn to read between the lines to understand where you are not invited anymore.”
Sarvesh Jain

Amit Kalantri
“Society will question your reputation, but it will believe your defamation without question.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Aryan Jain
“There's a precisely fine line between ego and self-respect and the line is not actually hard to find.”
Aryan Jain

Joan Didion
“(...) the day that I did not make Phi Beta Kappa nonetheless marked the end of something, and innocence may well be
the word for it. I lost the conviction that lights would always turn green for me, the pleasant certainty that those rather passive virtues which had won me approval as a child automatically guaranteed me not only Phi Beta Kappa keys but happiness, honor, and the love of a good man; lost a certain touching faith in the totem power of good manners, clean hair, and proven competence on the Stanford-Binet scale. To such doubtful
amulets had my self-respect been pinned, and I faced myself that day with the nonplused apprehension of someone who has come across a vampire and has no crucifix at hand.”
Joan Didion, On Self-Respect

Donna Goddard
“Some things are not meant for giving away.”
Donna Goddard, Pittown

“But the problem is if you accept yourself the way you are at the age of 16 what the hell are you going to do in the next 60 years?”
Cave Man

“We actually have a word for people who loves them no matter what. We call them narcissist.”
Cave Man, Modern Human's Handbook

“Listening to the music of fountain
Humming after its melody
You must have split the chains
You must have left home.”
Geeta Tripathee

“Self-Respect and wisdom are the only symbols of human beings.”
Periyar E.V.Ramasamy

Anupam S. Shlok
“Neither I have golden Luck nor I could earn a hell of a lot of money. I also won't consider myself handsome, never had girls around me. I am hardly skilled in any domain in demand.

The only thing that I got is a Spine made of Tungsten. And I am absolutely proud of it, no matter If I have lost everything else because of it.”
Anupam S Shlok

“CREDIBILITY is about MANAGING COMMITMENTS. It is about having SELF-RESPECT enough to FOLLOW-THROUGH on your decisions, commitments and destiny. It is the ULTIMATE PRICE for GREATNESS”
Asuni LadyZeal

“The thing with me is, I don't believe in turning the other cheek.”
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

Jason Evert
“In time, I was able to learn that as long as I could respect and love myself, I wouldn't settle for less from others.”
Jason Evert, How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul

Amit Kalantri
“Some people will continue to hate you even when they mistreat you.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Amit Kalantri
“Some people think you mistreated them, when you interrupt them from mistreating you.”
Amit Kalantri

Sarvesh Jain
“The one who wants to live with their heads up should learn to bow their heads down.”
Sarvesh Jain

Sarvesh Jain
“Even if you're hungry, have some self-respect. Even if you're lonely, have some self-respect. Even if you're nothing, have some damn self-respect.”
Sarvesh Jain

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Know your weaknesses and respect them.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman