Self Respect Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-respect" Showing 241-270 of 615
“Show kindness but never expect it. Show authenticity but never expect it. Only the wise are indifferent to things they can't control.”
Maxime Lagacé

Chidera Eggerue
“It's important to keep in mind that WE decide the value people have in our lives, which means we can significantly control how much they affect us. It also means we can decide on how much space they can take up in our minds.”
Chidera Eggerue, How To Get Over A Boy

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Don’t question the adjustments in your life. You have to trust what God allows.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Infinity Sign

Michael Bassey Johnson
“If love and friendship makes you unhappy, try solitude.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Infinity Sign

Emilie Pine
“For a long time I have had the recurring and sentimental wish that I could go back to the early 1990s and just hold onto my younger self, tightly, the way she needed, and not pay attention to her protestations that she was 'fine.' Because I know what I would say to her. I would embrace her and I would tell her that I know she is lonely, that I know she feels lost, that I know she feels worthless. And then, because she is not me, and because she is me, I would assure her that there is something about her, something amazing, something lovable, something special, something beautiful, something fragile, something strong, something worth fighting for.”
Emilie Pine, Notes To Self

Amit Kalantri
“Don't apologise for being yourself, but ask for apology if they want you to be something else.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Chidera Eggerue
“Relationships should be chosen, not settled for.”
Chidera Eggerue, How To Get Over A Boy

Chidera Eggerue
“Dating from a place of co-dependency, like a lot of us do, is immediately feeling as though the guy you went on a few dates with (who keeps ghosting you) is suddenly the one - just because he ticks a few of your boxes, texts you back sometimes and happens to be cute. But no, he's not being mysterious for intermittently disappearing on you. He's actually keeping you at a distance and playing on your need for validation, so that when he's done with his other options, he can return to you with minimal effort, knowing that you've been waiting for him all this time.”
Chidera Eggerue, How To Get Over A Boy

Chidera Eggerue
“The savior complex manifests differently for everyone, but for the most part it's a form of self-sabotage hidden in helping someone else...
A desperate need to be understood by people who continue to show you that they barely understand themselves will shackle you to the most emotionally debilitating situations. But it's often deeper than just wanting to be understood. A lot of us want to feel needed, because with that comes a sense of purpose outside of ourselves.”
Chidera Eggerue, How To Get Over A Boy

“Those with high self-esteem and self-knowledge take the plunge and trust. They realize life happens in the river, not the shore.”
Maxime Lagacé

Chidera Eggerue
“Our relationships and friendships often reflect where we are in life at the moment, and sometimes when you evolve sooner than you were prepared for, the only way to complete the process is to remove people from your life who only remind you of the version of yourself you have since outgrown...This is why I am strongly against helping to build men up in a world where they are averse to anything that reminds them of their struggle.”
Chidera Eggerue, How To Get Over A Boy

“The goal is not to show how great you are to others, but how vulnerable you are to yourself.”
Maxime Lagacé

“Self-knowledge will bring you calm. With calm, you'll do the right thing. Sometimes, by doing the right thing, you'll push some people. Do it anyway.”
Maxime Lagacé

“The wisest person in the world is the one who is indifferent to praise and criticism.”
Maxime Lagacé

Chidera Eggerue
“What does being understood do for you? It makes you feel safe and seen. It makes you feel like your flaws aren't 'that bad'. It enables you. But whilst being around people who make the effort to understand you is beneficial, you still need to inspect yourself. My way of releasing the unhealthy need to be understood by others often comes in the form of me accepting that I am a complex, multi-faceted being - it would be impossible for me to be entirely understood even by myself.”
Chidera Eggerue, How To Get Over A Boy

“Self-respect is the fruit of discipline.”
Abraham Heschel

“The best gift you can give to others is your presence. The best gift you can give to yourself is perseverance.”
Maxime Lagacé

“A tree doesn't have to be straight to be loved. Neither do you.”
Maxime Lagacé

Glennon Doyle
“Anger delivers important information about where one of our boundaries has been crossed. [...] When we restore the boundary that was violated, we honor ourselves. When we know ourselves and honor ourselves, we live with integrity, peace and power – understandingthat we are the kind of woman who will be wise and brave enough to care for herself. Good stuff.”
Glennon Doyle

Chidera Eggerue
“We exist in a world where in the US, the most developed country in the world, for every dollar a man makes, a (white) woman makes about 79 cents. Trying to create false 'equality' by splitting expenses with a man, or taking in a man like he's a rescue dog from a shelter, will always benefit him more than it benefits you, even if you find it 'empowering'. There's nothing empowering to me about sharing my resources with someone who has access to more than I do.”
Chidera Eggerue, How To Get Over A Boy

Rachel D. Greenwell
“Not having self-worth can be detrimental to your health, wealth, success, relationships, parenting ability, happiness, and probably a lot more. It ruins your experience of life. Worth is like a light switch. Low self-worth switches the light off. You live in the darkness and the shadows, unable to see all the beautiful things in the world around you. By increasing self-worth, the light switches on. Now you can see all the beauty life has to offer in all its colorful glory.”
Rachel D. Greenwell

“When you learn to close your eyes, wait and listen, silence reveals a beautiful thing: yourself.”
Maxime Lagacé

“Still your waters. If you're constantly busy, you can't learn about yourself. If you don't learn about yourself, how can you become peaceful?”
Maxime Lagacé

“Follow your heart. Once you find your deepest passion, work becomes play and learning becomes natural.”
Maxime Lagacé

“Thoughts are thoughts and you're beyond that. Let silence or your dreams do the talking.”
Maxime Lagacé

“Having beautiful plans is easy. Execution is hard. Will you be focused enough?”
Maxime Lagacé

Amit Kalantri
“A man with self confidence has natural smile on his face, sense in his mind and strength in his hands.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

Michael Bassey Johnson
“People treat you the way you treat yourself. So, when you humiliate yourself, they make sure you get the same treatment.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Infinity Sign

“&remember 1 thing

no one can hurt you

w/out your permission”
Malab, The Komorébi, The Breast Mountains Of All Time

Torron-Lee Dewar
“Why strain so hard to please someone else's society when you could create your own?”
Torron-Lee Dewar, Creativity is Everything