Self Respect Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-respect" Showing 121-150 of 615
“I do not yearn for the cloud for I am not the rain. I am the sheer cloud itself, without whose presence there is no existence of rain.”
Sanu Sharma, विप्लवी [Biplavi]

“I quietly hung up the phone. There was no point in me protesting.”
Sanu Sharma, एकादेशमा [Ekadeshma]

“मैले चुपचाप फोन राखिदिएँ । मेरो विरोधको कुनै अर्थ थिएन ।”
Sanu Sharma, एकादेशमा [Ekadeshma]

Uzma Jalaluddin
“I had filled my heart and hands with everyone else’s burdens, had accepted their worries as if they had been my own, assuming they were all doing the same for me—but they weren’t.”
Uzma Jalaluddin, Hana Khan Carries On

“Note to self #1:
Just because you’re always
willing to work harder
doesn’t mean you should.”
Vironika Wilde, Love and Gaslight

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Although what I see in the mirror often doesn’t fit who I believe myself to be, that person provides me with everything that I need to be everything that I am. And I have been granted the privilege of spending every minute of my tomorrow with that person.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Just because you’re always
willing to work harder
doesn’t mean you should.”
Vironika Wilde, Love and Gaslight

“It's not that I dislike you; it's only that in your presence I can't like myself.”
Ramesh Sood

“In your light, I see my shadows. So please, know that if I go away, it won't be your fault. It would only prove that I was weak.”
Ramesh Sood

“Thinking and believing myself as worthless, was my biggest mistake I made, and when I became worthless lastly, I got to know I am lovable, worthy and best of all. So, believe and you are”
Khursheed Ahmad dar

“Live the way you are, why change.”
khursheed Ahmad dar

Abhijit Naskar
“Better to get spine broken than bend it.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sapionova: 200 Limericks for Students

Sreena K.S.
“Do not tremble before an adversary armed with weapons, but rather, be wary of the one who lacks self-respect, for they hold a power far more formidable.”
Sreena K.S., The Unapologetical Abyss

Selin Senol-Akin
“Why doubt yourself due to the mere opinions of fellow humans who, also, by nature, doubt themselves?”
Selin Senol-Akin, Fire Up Your Flight

Abhijit Naskar
“Backbone is more than a stick to hang your head.”
Abhijit Naskar, Rowdy Scientist: Handbook of Humanitarian Science

Julie Mulhern
“People accord you exactly the amount of respect you accord yourself.”
Julie Mulhern, Watching the Detectives

“Happiness is the highest form of self-respect. The person who allows himself to be happy shows his self-respect.”
Marty Rubin

“Self-respect is knowing what’s not worthy of your time.”
Garima Soni - words world

Aiyaz Uddin
“Avoid working with a boss, manager, or individual who lacks trust in you, understanding of your capabilities, or recognition of your talent and abilities.

Their inability to see your potential, motivation, passion, and ambition will render your efforts futile, as they are essentially blind, deaf, and dumb to your true value.

Seek out opportunities to work with leaders who value your contributions, believe in your potential, and actively support your growth. Avoid working with those who fail to recognize your talents and abilities, as their lack of insight will hinder your progress and limit your opportunities for success!

Your present is the architect of your future. What you become in the future is the direct result of the effort you put in today. If you don't get the opportunities, trust, and growth you need today, you will never reach your full potential. The future you envision for yourself is within your grasp, but it requires dedication and hard work in the present.”
Aiyaz Uddin

“Please walk out of my life if you can't treat me right.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Love unrequited may linger, but rebuked love ceases in that very instance—never to be sought again.”

Pearl S. Buck
“I am amazed when sometimes an unperceptive foreigner tells me that Americans are proud. Bombastic sometimes, yes, and boastful, but this is because we are not proud, but secretly self-distrustful and doubtful of what we do and say and think. A man who knows his own worth does not boast, is not self-seeking, will not domineer or force his own opinion upon others, respects his fellow man because he respects first himself. When we Americans fail in these virtues it is because somewhere we have lost our faith in ourselves.”
Pearl S. Buck, My Several Worlds

“Holding on to someone who doesn't love me is akin to clutching fragile petals in the wind, yearning for a love that remains elusive.
In the quiet strength of letting go, I find the courage to embrace my own worth, like a delicate blossom unfurling beneath the sun.
For in releasing what cannot be, I discover the space for a love that echoes my own heartbeat—
a love that blooms authentically,
rooted in the fertile turf
of self-respect.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

Isaac Mashman
“Admiration isn’t flattery. Admiration is showing earned respect.”
Isaac Mashman

“Forget the labels. Expressing your needs and desires is a sign of strength, not strife. Setting boundaries isn't selfishness; it's self-respect. And those who can't embrace your authentic voice simply aren't meant to be heard.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

Abhijit Naskar
“Honor is not inherited, honor is earned.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Character, my identity;
Conscience, my guide.
Honor is my defense,
Heart is my tide.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

Tracy McMillan
“Here's the thing, you're not really ready for love until you have enough self-respect that if you met your exact self, but in a guy, you would totally, completely, absolutely want to be with him.”
Tracy McMillan

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Identifying myself as a fishing pole will not catch any fish.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough