Show Off Quotes

Quotes tagged as "show-off" Showing 1-30 of 86
Terry Pratchett
“Sometimes glass glitters more than diamonds because it has more to prove.”
Terry Pratchett, The Truth: Stage Adaptation

“The better you feel about yourself, the less you feel the need to show off.”
Robert Hand

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Don't pretend to be what you're not, instead, pretend to what you want to be, it is not pretence, it is a journey to self realization.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The more you try to impress, the more you become depressed, and the more they get tired of your coercion. It doesn't make them love you, instead, they'll see you as a little child, trying to draw a senseless picture on a piece of paper, begging people to look at it and admire it by force. You can persuade someone to look at your face, but you can't persuade them to see the beauty therein.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Toba Beta
“We need arrogant people who like showing off.
They can cover us from bullets in the line of fire.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Expensive clothing is a poor man’s attempt to appear prosperous.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Toba Beta
“Rookies tend to show off.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Amy Tan
“Why do you have to use me to show off? If you want to show off, then why don't you learn to play chess."
- Ch. 5”
Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“You know you made it, when your friends tell their friends that you are their friend.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Toba Beta
“ there anything you can't do?”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Howard Mittelmark
The Puffer Fish: Wherein the author flaunts his vocabulary.

His father was IRA and his mother was Quebecois, and they had reliquished their mortal coils in the internecine conflagration that ended their conjoined separatist movement, IRA-Q. The appellation he was given by his progenitors was Ray O'Vaque ("Like the battery," he'd elucidate, with an adamantine stare that proscribed any mirth). In his years of incarceration, however, he had earned the sobriquet "Uncle Milty" for his piscine amatory habits.
He had been emancipated from the penitentiary for three weeks, and now his restless peregrinations had conveyed him to this liminal place, seeking compurgation in the permafrost of the hyperborean tundra, which was an apt analogue of the permafrost in his heart. He insinuated himself into the caravansary with nugatory expectations, which were confirmed by the exiguous provisions for comfort. But then the bartender looked up from laving the begrimed bar, his eyes growing luminous as he ejactulated, "Milt!”
Howard Mittelmark, How Not to Write a Novel: 200 Classic Mistakes and How to Avoid Them—A Misstep-by-Misstep Guide

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“You know you made it, when people you know, tell people they know, that you know them.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Abhijit Naskar
“When your shadow grows bigger than you, know that your downfall is near.”
Abhijit Naskar, Şehit Sevda Society: Even in Death I Shall Live

Abhijit Naskar
“Cutting edge on the outside, stoneage on the inside, that’s how we spend our life as imitation humans.”
Abhijit Naskar, Handcrafted Humanity: 100 Sonnets For A Blunderful World

T. Kingfisher
“It struck Marra, watching, as an extravagance of grief. Someone wanted the world to know how sad he could afford to be.”
T. Kingfisher, Nettle & Bone

Ryan Gelpke
“What I find hilarious is that these people looking for ego death, who want to become so enlightened are usually those with the most enormous egos. The huge egos seeking the egolessness, in order to show off how enlightened they are, all they want is to post on social media or write books about their journey. They actually want to find in it a way to seem selfless while still getting some selfish pleasure out of it. And then they have the guts to lecture you on selflessness!”
Ryan Gelpke, Peruvian Nights

Abhijit Naskar
“Wanna know about people's character? Walk around in shabby clothes.”
Abhijit Naskar, Giants in Jeans: 100 Sonnets of United Earth

Abhijit Naskar
“Those who focus on attention never attain ascension, those who live for ascension don't have time for attention.”
Abhijit Naskar, Either Reformist or Terrorist: If You Are Terror I Am Your Grandfather

J.S. Dirga
“I quite know that humans tend to suffer when they have nothing to show off”
J.S. Dirga, Saga Moon Poem

Tehmina Durrani
“The Pakistani elite has not even observed, leave alone adopted the crucial aspects of modem western culture, whereby eighty percent of their problems were resolved through social welfare. Our people absorb their flair for fashions and their methods of entertainment, whereas the basics by which the West is exemplary remain unnoticed. They should see them plumbing, painting, cooking and struggling very hard to earn a living.”
Tehmina Durrani, Edhi: A Mirror To The Blind

Tehmina Durrani
“[During childhood,] My friends would laugh at me [at my appearance] as well as for my big plans. They began to call me, Shaikh Chilli, a legendary character with big dreams and no action. They joked, "When all the matter in your head dries up it will shrivel like stale bread. Think a little, about a little. It is better for your future." I was never discouraged and smiled back at them, “l can begin small, but why should I think small.”
Tehmina Durrani, Edhi: A Mirror To The Blind

Abhijit Naskar
“No matter the karats on a person's body, without kindness all karats cause extinction.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

Sarah J. Maas
“I could feel the full weight of Tamlin's undivided attention on me- on every breath and movement I took. I studied the candelabras atop the mantel beside the table. I had nothing to say that didn't sound absurd- yet for some reason, my mouth decided to start moving.

'You're so far away.' I gestured to the expanse of table between us. 'It's like you're in another room.'

The quarters of the table vanished, leaving Tamlin not two feet away, sitting at an infinitely more intimate table. I yelped and almost tipped over in my chair. He laughed as I gaped at the small table that now stood between us. 'Better?' he asked.

I ignored the metallic tang of magic as I said, 'How... how did you do that? Where did it go?'

He cocked his head. 'Between. Think of it as... a broom closet tucked between pockets of the world.' He flexed his hands and rolled his neck, as if shaking off some pain.

'Does it tax you?' Sweat seemed to gleam on the strong column of his neck.

He stopped flexing his hands and set them flat on the table. 'Once, it was an easy as breathing. But now... it requires concentration.'

Because of the blight on Prythian and the toll it had taken on him. 'You could have just taken a closer seat,' I said.

Tamlin gave me a lazy grin. 'And miss a chance to show off to a beautiful woman? Never.' I smiled down at my plate.'

'You do look beautiful,' he said quietly. 'I mean it,' he added when my mouth twisted to the side. 'Didn't you look in the mirror?'

Though his bruise still marred my neck, I had looked pretty. Feminine. I wouldn't go so far to call myself a beauty, but... I hadn't cringed. A few months here had done wonders for the awkward sharpness and angles of my face. And I dared say that some kind of light had crept in to my eyes- my eyes, not my mother's eyes or Nesta's eyes. Mine.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Staci Morrison
“Alaina turned. “You dirty dog. You have been looking for an excuse to take that helicopter since I told you about it, haven’t you?”

He shrugged, adopting a boyish innocence. “What, what? This helicopter, it is for us to use, no? The Prince wants the girls’ parents safe. We get them safe. It is good.” He swaggered off to finish shaving.

Alaina called after him, “You just want to show off for Kayah and prove you can fly a helicopter.”

He stopped and turned over his shoulder, his strong nose in profile, the bulge of his muscles on full display. “I am Mossad, is sexy, no?” He winked and then disappeared into the bathroom.

Alaina let out an unsteady breath. Heat crept up her neck, and she fanned her face, murmuring, “Yes, you are, and that woman would kill me for even noticing.”—Reuben ben Judah and Alaina ben Thomas”
Staci Morrison, M5-Circle of Trust

“I like Tango. Why? People who tango don’t do it from the place of ego. They do not come to show off like people who twerk. My point is, finding people in the truth and integrity of their sensuality is very rare. There’s so much performative sensuality today and it’s empty.”
Lebo Grand

Vikrant Adams
“True greatness lies in the act of giving without the need for constant reminders, for a genuine gesture of kindness speaks louder than any words seeking validation.”
Vikrant Adams

Christopher Manske
“In our race to show off our wealth, we are more like a rat on a wheel consuming material goods while trying
to keep up with the Jones family.”
Christopher Manske, Outsmart the Money Magicians: Maximize Your Net Worth by Seeing Through the Most Powerful Illusions Performed by Wall Street and the IRS

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