Smith Quotes

Quotes tagged as "smith" Showing 1-20 of 20
L.J. Smith
“I don't need to kill goats to say things. I CAN talk.”
L.J. Smith, Daughters of Darkness

Patti Smith
“I refuse to believe that Hendrix had the last possessed hand,
that Joplin had the last drunken throat,
that Morrison had the last enlightened mind.”
Patti Smith

Abigail Roux
“Good kitty"
"Why do you encourage them?"
"They're good kitties."
"They're your minions."
"Everyone needs a minion or two"
"You won't be so pleased when you find me ground up in their food bowl one day.”
Abigail Roux, Stars & Stripes

Ali Smith
“Then I saw her smile so close to my eye that there was nothing to see but the smile and the thought came into my head that I’d never been inside a smile before. Who’d have thought being inside a smile would be so ancient and so modern both at once”
Ali Smith, Girl Meets Boy

Patti Smith
“Secretly I knew I had been transformed, moved by the revelation that human beings create art, that to be an artist was to see what others could not.”
Patti Smith, Just Kids

Alexander McCall Smith
“She remembered love, though, and a feeling of warmth. It was like remembering light, or the glow that sometimes persists after a light has gone out.”
Alexander McCall Smith, Emma: A Modern Retelling

Cynthia Leitich Smith
“Each second neared our last.
We danced.
“Kieren . . .”
“Shhh . . .”
We danced.
“I’ll be okay.” Was that me lying? Or him?
We danced.
“Close your eyes,” he whispered, brushing his lips
against mine. “Know that I’m missing you already and
that you’ll always be in my prayers.”
When I opened my eyes, I stood alone in the middle of
the dance floor.”
Cynthia Leitich Smith, Blessed

Cynthia Leitich Smith
“I like it,” I said. “The material’s so heavy, though. I
may turn into a sweat monster.”
Cynthia Leitich Smith, Blessed

“Bond holders have to account for a variety of risks including interest rate risk and inflation risk.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

Ralph Smith
“Salvation is about restoration--not merely restoration to the original state in Eden, but to the attainment of the goal of Eden.”
Ralph Smith

“The profit function is an enabler of economic prosperity in cities.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“Nature indeed plants the seeds of religion--fear and ignorance; kingcraft and priestcraft water and tend it.”
W.G. Pogson Smith, Leviathan

Diana Wynne Jones
“When your surname is Smith, you need to make very sure everyone knows just which Smith you are.”
Diana Wynne Jones, A Tale of Time City
tags: smith

William Edmund Barrett
“I'm Homer Smith."
Mother Maria Marthe formed his name silently with her lips, then uttered it as it translated in her mind: "Homerus Schmidt."
"Oh, ja! Schmidt!"
Broad smiles broke across the faces of the three women. This was something they could understand, a stranger named Schmidt.”
William Edmund Barrett, The Lilies of the Field

Christina Engela
“For Commander Ripley Jones, it was becoming more and more troublesome. It had been said that nothing is infallible, Antares apparently being the proof. After hastily recalling all crew and leaving Spacedock 7 thirty hours ago, there had been nothing but problems. Breakdowns in the sensors and telemetry, system failures of a wide variety and finally – the Last Straw: a coupling seal in the stardrive engine failed. Fortunately the cut-out worked, or the whole of engineering would’ve disappeared in a flaming ball of anti-matter. Five crewmen were seriously injured as it was. Commander Smith, the Chief Entech, had the offending unit stripped down and under repair. They were currently on conversion drive - which could only propel them at sub-light speeds – and Ripley was currently in an elevator with a very pissed Captain Falconer.”
Christina Engela, Blachart

Darrell    Smith
“Protest is not a sign of rebellion or disconnection—at least, it shouldn’t be. Quite to the contrary, protest should demonstrate love and investment. It should be a sign that we are so invested that we are not willing to settle or surrender.

We protest because something or someone we care about is being hurt or diminished. Protest is not the action of an outsider or someone who is walking away. It is the responsibility of relationship—those who refuse to disconnect.”
Darrell Smith

Darrell    Smith
“Can I go to heaven if you don't? And if I do go someplace where my paradise is detached from your eternity, where the hell am I?”
Darrell Smith, Faith Lies: Seven Incomplete Ideas That Hijack Faith and How to See Beyond Them

Giorgio Agamben
“But the analogy is even stronger and deeper than the image of the “invisi- ble hand” allows us to infer. Didier Deleule has magisterially analyzed the link between Hume and Smith’s thought and the birth of economic liberalism. He opposes the “naturalism” of Hume and Smith to the “providentialism” of the Physiocrats who are direct tributaries, as we have seen, of a theological paradigm. To the idea of an original divine design, comparable to a project developed in the brain, Hume opposes, as we have seen, that of an absolutely immanent prin- ciple of order, which functions instead as a “stomach,” rather than as a brain. “Why,” he makes Philo ask, “can an ordered system not be woven out of a stom- ach rather than a brain”? (Deleule, pp. 259 and 305, note 30). If it is probable that the Smithian image of the invisible hand is to be understood, in this sense, as the action of an immanent principle, our reconstruction of the bipolar machineof the theological oikonomia has shown that there is no conflict between “provi- dentialism” and “naturalism” within it, because the machine functions precisely by correlating a transcendent principle with an immanent order. Just as with the Kingdom and the Government, the intradivine trinity and the economic trinity, so the “brain” and the “stomach” are nothing but two sides of the same apparatus, of the same oikonomia, within which one of the two poles can, at each turn, dominate the other.”
Giorgio Agamben, The Omnibus Homo Sacer

Steven Magee
“Will Smith showed the world what can happen when a man stays with an unfaithful woman.”
Steven Magee

Holly Black
“Tell your king that if he declares war, I will make him armour of ice to shatter every blade that strikes it and that will make his heart too cold to feel pity. Tell him I will make him three swords that, when used in the same battle, will fight with the might of thirty soldiers.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King