Troublesome Quotes

Quotes tagged as "troublesome" Showing 1-20 of 20
Pseudonymous Bosch
“Books can also provoke emotions. And emotions sometimes are even more troublesome than ideas. Emotions have led people to do all sorts of things they later regret-like, oh, throwing a book at someone else.”
Pseudonymous Bosch, The Name of This Book Is Secret

Criss Jami
“The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Just as the unwanted pregnancy, there are unwanted people in your life you should strive to abort, and such abortion is not sin, nor harm, but the eradication of a destructive foetus.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Keep your problems to yourself, if its too much for you, kill it slowly till it disappears from your life.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Yūji Kaku
“Love can be so troublesome. At times, it's a source of strength. At others, it's a weakness.”
Yūji Kaku, 地獄楽 10 [Jigokuraku 10]

Israelmore Ayivor
“The worst ever offence you can commit against your time is to think that “time spent making plans is time being wasted!” Leaders don’t think that way!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords

Pam Malow-Isham
“If you always trust God, you will live with a peaceful center that can’t be shaken during troublesome times.”
Pam Malow-Isham, Brilliant Words to Grow By: A Devotional Celebrating the Duality of Life

Ian Gregoire
“You can try to keep the apprentice out of trouble, but you can’t keep the trouble out of the apprentice.”
Ian Gregoire, The Apprentice in the Master’s Shadow

C.S. Lewis
“The phenomenon which is troublesome, which doesn’t fit in with the current scientific theories, is the phenomenon which compels reconsideration and thus leads to new knowledge, Science progresses because scientists, instead of running away from such troublesome phenomena or hushing them up, are constantly seeking them out.”
C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics

Steven Redhead
“Waiting never makes things easier or less troublesome.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is Simply A Game

Christina Engela
“For Commander Ripley Jones, it was becoming more and more troublesome. It had been said that nothing is infallible, Antares apparently being the proof. After hastily recalling all crew and leaving Spacedock 7 thirty hours ago, there had been nothing but problems. Breakdowns in the sensors and telemetry, system failures of a wide variety and finally – the Last Straw: a coupling seal in the stardrive engine failed. Fortunately the cut-out worked, or the whole of engineering would’ve disappeared in a flaming ball of anti-matter. Five crewmen were seriously injured as it was. Commander Smith, the Chief Entech, had the offending unit stripped down and under repair. They were currently on conversion drive - which could only propel them at sub-light speeds – and Ripley was currently in an elevator with a very pissed Captain Falconer.”
Christina Engela, Blachart

Ana Claudia Antunes
“How I'm glad to go back home!
Once I truly have no more worry.
Many of those who are in a hurry
Endure setbacks in the outcome.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, ACross Tic

Leslie Connor
“I'm an All-Point Bulletin
--alerting and alarming--
Both sides of town line.”
Leslie Connor, Dead on Town Line

Ehsan Sehgal
“Why should anyone marry if the wife becomes the problem and expensive, she even makes life the hell while a call girl is not costly, not troublesome and takes to the seventh paradise too. It is easy and free life. One can every week, travel to the seventh paradise than hell.”
Ehsan Sehgal

“The troubles are there in the path to make you better, but if they make you bitter, you are becoming troublesome..!”
Mahendar Singh Jakhar

Colleen Hoover
“Jag tittar på honom och undrar om bedrövelsen jag ser i hans ögon beror på att han har gjort mig besviken eller om han bara spelar teater igen.”
Colleen Hoover, November 9

“It is the desire and longing of God to move us from troublesome times into a fresh, new life in Jesus.”
Robert Henderson, Breaking Demonic Cycles from the Courts of Heaven: Step Into Your New Season Now!

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Well, I suppose being aware of your troublesome behaviour is one half of the battle.'

'It would only be a battle if I found my behaviour to be troublesome.'

'At least you're honest,' I muttered, twisting the ribbon.

'One of us has to be.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Fall of Ruin and Wrath

Steven Magee
“I like Oregon, USA, but I do avoid their troublesome downtown areas.”
Steven Magee