Stephen King Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stephen-king" Showing 121-150 of 817
Stephen         King
“Besides, finding out something like that would have killed my mother."
And then Jessie had known she was going to explode if she didn't get out of there. So she had gotten up, springing out of her chair so fast she had almost knocked the ugly, bulky thing over. She had sprinted from the room, knowing they were all looking at her, not caring. What they thought didn't matter. What mattered was that the sun had gone out, the very sun itself, and if she told, her story would be disbelieved only if God was good. If God was in a bad mood, Jessie would be believed... and even if it didn't kill her mother, it would blow the family apart like a stick of dynamite in a rotten pumpkin.”
Stephen King, Gerald's Game

Stewart Stafford
“Redrum by Stewart Stafford

A Winter's tale of horrors profound,
The haunted hotel's dark tapestry,
Supreme isolation's moonscape snowbound,
A father gripped by homicidal history.

He sought to write, heal, absolve sins,
Overlooked the hotel’s Redrum plans,
Vomiting up daymares of phantom twins,
His mind possessed by unseen hands.

Room Two Three Seven, malevolent,
Forbidden to enter its dark hole,
Where ageless ladies bathed decadent,
Luring caretakers to an adulterer's role.

His wife and son sensed the danger,
A bloody elevator with nowhere to run,
A father's warpath with axe and anger,
He became the monster, the devil's son.

It might horrify 42 ways from Sunday,
Only his shining son grasped the fact,
May as well be across the galaxy,
As in a labyrinth with that maniac.

He failed to kill, he froze, met his fate,
The hotel consumed his spirit as its own,
Purgatorial torture in damnation's bait,
He smiled in the photo, eternally alone.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Stephen         King
“Killing children for God, or ideology, or both—no hell could be hot enough for those who’d do such things. She thinks of Jerome’s frosty gray bird.”
Stephen King, If It Bleeds

Stephen         King
“Relatives are the one thing Amazon can’t deliver.”
Stephen King, If It Bleeds

Richard Bachman
“Brad looked at his wife with that expression of love that is the sole property of people who have been married over ten years.”
Richard Bachman, The Regulators

Stephen         King
“O quiza ni siquiera era un hombre, sus facciones eran toscas, como modeladas a puñetazos por un escultor ciego, y sus ojos eran pajas.”
Stephen King, The Outsider

Stephen         King
“Any writer who goes public with his work is courting danger. It's part of the allure. Look at me. I'm showing you what I am. My clothes are off.”
Stephen King, Billy Summers

Stephen         King
“The world's a hard place, Danny. It don't care. It don't hate you and me, but it don't love us, either. Terrible things happen in the world, and they're things no one can explain. Good people die in bad, painful ways and leave the folks that love them all alone. Sometimes it seems like it's only the bad people who stay healthy and prosper...That's your job in this hard world, to keep your love alive and see that you get on, no matter what. Pull your act together and just go on.”
Stephen King, The Shining

Stephen         King
“Monsters are real. Ghosts are too. They live inside of us, and sometimes, they win.”
Stephen King, The Shining

Stephen         King
“A fall wind always sounds like it's traveling somewhere. I like that.”
Stephen King

Stephen         King
“Everything was malleable. The mind could build a city, remodel it, then raze it, all while you were taking a shower or shaving or having a piss. Once you began, however, that changed. Every scene you wrote, every word you wrote, limited your options a little more. Eventually you were like a cow trotting down a narrow chute with no exit, trotting toward the—”
Stephen King, Rat

Stephen         King
“Averill thought that evil was a very strange thing. Strange, and sly. It found a way in, as a rat finds its way into a house, it ate whatever you had been too stupid or lazy to put away, and when it was done it disappeared, its belly full.”
Stephen King, Rat

Stephen         King
“Children only have one mother, no matter how she may have behaved.”
Stephen King, Mute

“The body was far smaller than the heart it had held.”
Stephen King, The Dark Tower

Stephen         King
“Name, name, what’s in a name?”
Stephen King, Rest Stop

Stephen         King
[I ask him what he means by “it.”]
The force! Remember Star Wars? “Use the force, Luke”?
[He laughs wildly.]
Except this is a case of don’t use the force! Stop the force! Imprison the force! The chaotic something that keeps driving at that thin place - and all the thin places of the world, I imagine. Sometimes I think there’s a whole chain of ruined universes behind that force, stretching back untold eons in time like monstrous footprints…”
Stephen King, N.

Stephen         King
“I’m going now, neighbor, but consider this: you are suffering a true, you know, witchly fate. And like the man said: in the shithouse, no one can hear you scream.”
Stephen King, Just After Sunset

Stephen         King
“He thought they would stay here now, and that from time to time people would see them.”
Stephen King, Just After Sunset

“Too many of my men will ne'er again feel anything. Pain is a small price to pay for living.”
Robin Furth & Peter David, The Dark Tower: Fall of Gilead #5

Stephen         King
“Learning itself is a present, you know. The best one anybody can give or get.”
Stephen King, Doctor Sleep

Stephen         King
“I've only come to realize lately how often and how much we are moved by others, even when we are priding ourselves on our control and self-reliance...I'm going to be okay. Not today, not tomorrow, and not next week, but eventually. As okay as we mortals are privileged to get, anyway. It's good to know that - good to know that survival is still an option, and that sometimes it even feels good. That sometimes it actually feels like victory.”
Stephen King, Gerald's Game

Stephen         King
“The trouble with dogs (supposing you don't beat or kick them, of course) is they trust you. you're the food-giver and shelter-provider. You're the one that can fish the squeaky monkey out from beneath the couch with one of your clever five-fingered paws. You are also the love-giver. The problem with that kind of unquestioning trust is that it carries a weight of responsibility. Mostly that's okay. In our current situation it was anything but.”
Stephen King

Stephen         King
“De wereld had een bek vol tanden en als het zo uitkwam, kon je daar elk moment door gebeten worden.”
Stephen King, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon

Stephen         King
“In plaats van dat alles voelde ze een kilheid die eigenlijk nog veel erger was. Het leek op verdrinken, maar dan van binnenuit.”
Stephen King, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon

Stephen         King
Stephen King, Desperation

—Seguro que no hace falta —Interrumpió Theodore y le guiñó un ojo con complicidad —. Pasará el recreo con todos sus nuevos amigos, Dalma. Míralo, es demasiado guay para no tenerlos para entonces.
—Seguro —Añadió Nathaniel —. Pero no vuelvas a decir "guay", si lo dices tú ya no suena igual.
—¿Qué? ¿Prefieres que diga "cool"?”
Lucía Rodríguez Hermida, AETERNUM

—Seguro que no hace falta —Interrumpió Theodore y le guiñó un ojo con complicidad —. Pasará el recreo con todos sus nuevos amigos, Dalma. Míralo, es demasiado guay para no tenerlos para entonces.
—Seguro —Añadió Nathaniel deseando que así fuera, y continuó entre risas —. Pero no vuelvas a decir "guay", si lo dices tú ya no suena igual.
—¿Qué? ¿Prefieres que diga "cool"?”
Lucía Rodríguez Hermida, AETERNUM

Stephen         King
“If your past life can flash before your eyes when you're drowning, as some people say, is it not possible that you might live the unlived rest of your life in the second or two before you die?”
Stephen King, Hearts in Suspension

Stephen         King
“They say that if you grow up with a piano in your house, you think everyone has a piano in their house”
Stephen King, Hearts in Suspension

Stephen         King
“what comes to mind are the things I learned from my classmates, my friends-what we found funny, writers we loved and hated, drunken walks back to campus from downtown Orono in snowstorms and rainstorms, and talking, talking, talking.”
Stephen King