Life Wisdom Quotes

Quotes tagged as "life-wisdom" Showing 1-30 of 180
Eleanor Roosevelt
“Do whatever comes your way to do as well as you can. Think as little as possible about yourself. Think as much as possible about other people. Dwell on things that are interesting. Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

Marianne Cronin
“We have practiced for death every night. Lying down in the dark and slipping into that place of nothingness between rest and dreams where we have no consciousness, no self, and anything could befall our vulnerable bodies. We have died each night. Or at least, we have laid down to die, and let go of everything in this world, hoping for dreams and morning.”
Marianne Cronin, The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot

Etty Hillesum
“I know and share the many sorrows a human being can experience, but I do not cling to them; they pass through me, like life itself, as a broad eternal stream...and life continues...”
Etty Hillesum

Robert M. Pirsig
“Of the value traps, the most widespread and pernicious is value rigidity. This is an inability to revalue what one sees because of commitment to previous values. In motorcycle maintenance, you MUST rediscover what you do as you go. Rigid values makes this impossible.”
Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values

Dipa Sanatani
“I believe that when we come into this world, we are not promised glory, fortune, fame, a happy family or really anything at all. All we get is the journey. And in these pages, you will find mine. -Dipa to her Grandfather”
Dipa Sanatani, The Merchant of Stories: A Creative Entrepreneur's Journey

Bohdi Sanders
“When someone stabs you in the back and then apologizes, accept the apology, but don't give him the knife back to do it again!”
Bohdi Sanders, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior

Dipa Sanatani
“I had so much to learn back then. I thought that being a man meant putting yourself first and bullying others into following you, no matter what the cost. Now I understand that being a man means taking responsibility, and taking charge as a leader, so that others will follow you of their own volition. --Mars from The Little Light”
Dipa Sanatani, The Little Light

Judith Turner-Yamamoto
“Death can make you over if you let it."
--Loving the Dead and Gone”
Judith Turner-Yamamoto

“Sometimes it's good to be *a* difficult beloved than to be *in a* difficult relationship. It's good *to love* difficultly than to be *in love* difficultly. It's good to be loved *by all*, than to restrict it to one. It's good to be *liberated* rather than getting *bonded* all over again.”
Aarti Bhardwaj

“When things start to fall apart, they fall together perfectly. Like sand falling through your fingers, you have to let it fall, then come together naturally.”
Darice Carins

“Chasing riches and wealth for their own sake is empty and void; but if one seeks and pursues unselfish purpose, the riches and wealth will automatically be attracted to accomplish the assignment; and that is very satisfying and fulfilling.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

“Ott ül a két férfi, egy-egy csutakon, a tűz mellett. Rágyújtanak, s nézik a nyújtózkodó lángot,melynek kecses hajlatai alatt néha nagyokat roppanva sírdogál a fa.
Ülnek és várnak.
Hátuk mögött a csikó vidám és folytonos hersenéssel eszi a sarjút; a két kutya néha nagyokatszusszan, s olykor egymásra veti a szemét, de megcsillapodtak immár, mert nem mutatják azínyüket sem. A bojtár szétvetett lábakkal alszik, a kaliba tetejéről nagy cseppek pottyannak ahasára.
A felhők szakadoznak.
Éjfél is elmúlhatott már.
- Mit szeretnél? - kérdi az öreg.
- Fiút - mondja Benke.
Bólogat az öreg, de nem szól. Rápillant Benke, de nem tudja eldönteni, hogy a kívánság vajontetszik-e, vagy nem tetszik a vénembernek. Mély és rejtelmes az ilyen öreg arc; rajta azindulatok bölcsességgé száradtak már, ahogy a sarjú szénává szárad egyszer.
- Hát nem jobb a fiú? - kérdi Benke.
- A szülőnek talán - mondja az öreg.
A hold növekvő sarlója, ártatlan hetykeséggel, előtűnik az égen. A fák lassan felmerülnek az éjisötétből.
- Nem a szülőé a gyermek? - kérdi Benke.
- Mondják - szól az öreg.
- Csak mondják?- Igen, csak mondják. Mert a gyermek valójában a világé. A világban pedig baj van. Sok baj. Aférfiak okozzák majd valahányat. Mert a férfiak a napot és a csillagokat akarják, s ágaskodólábuk alatt romlik a föld. Pedig itt élünk a földön, mert ez az ember hazája. S ha ez a mihazánk, áldás kell nekünk rajta. Víg öröm, melegség és mosolygó gyümölcsök.
Elhallgat az öreg, s a derengés fátyla alatt harmat gyűl a szemében.
- Leány kell a világnak! - mondja végre.
Benke küszködik magában. Nem tudja, hogy miért, de jólesnék, ha sírni tudna.
De nem tud.
A tűz világlik; s a hold, mint egy cseperedő kislány, mosolyog.
Várnak.Végre mozgás hallik a házacska felől, majd Illa néni ujjongva kiáltja, hogy leányka született. Ahírre boldogság önti el az öreg arcát; Benke pedig felkapja riadtan a fejét, majd megerednek aszeméből végre a könnyek.
- Ne sírj, hécskám! - szól kedvesen az öreg.
- Nem sírok! - mondja Benke.
S felugrik menten, és szaladni kezd a ház felé.
Nem sántít semmit, amennyire látni lehet a hajnali derengésben; csak szaladva fut, mint akinagy rettenetben van, vagy megindító boldog örömben. A tűz feje fölött az öreg mosolyogvanéz utána, s ahogy a szeme egyre messzebbre követi, boldogan veszi észre, hogy az ég aljánmegmozdul a fény.
Gyermeki örömmel nézi a májusi pirkadatot, és tiszta szívét elönti a hit, hogy talán mégisboldog lesz a világ”
Áron Tamási, Világló éjszaka

“People are of two types: (1) Those who can follow a plan; they build their life like a wall. (2) Those who can't follow a plan. They grow in life like a tree. If you're second type, do what is to be done in the present moment and leave the rest on the universe.”

“Find a way to laugh about it and the sting will miraculously diffuse; joke about it and the pain will be no more. Just learn to take it easy and have life.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

Aiyaz Uddin
“There is a phase in which we believe in others,

What they have got to say, an opinion of them on us, for us or of other things in the world.

And there is you who would believe everything been said and opinionated.

And then one day you realize that all these things which you were made to believe are not actually the reality, or a part of it is distorted or the wholesome is.

Then you begin to think and come out of that belief and believing.

You set your paths right and clear, you believe what you experience and what is to be believed with certainty.

You come out of your shell and explore the sun above your head.

You start believing yourself, your intuitions, and yourself!”
Aiyaz Uddin, Science Behind A Perfect Life

Aiyaz Uddin
“You create your own happiness by creating your own moments and cherishing them to the core. In life, we rarely project ourselves and reflect which is where we miss ourselves. There is no other moment than now to hold tight to yourself otherwise time keeps on moving and you lose yourself to the world. Life isn’t a destination but a journey you decide for yourself through a deeper visualization and planning. Time is an ultimate currency that should be traded wisely with the deserving and no matter what and no matter how much you try to control things, meeting people’s expectations somewhere somehow you will be written wrong. Life is a precious gift from god! Celebrate yourself!”
Aiyaz Uddin, Science Behind A Perfect Life

Aiyaz Uddin
“To be successful in your life you don't need to have all the ideas in the world but only one idea that clicks and you are done for your life”
Aiyaz Uddin, Science Behind A Perfect Life

Aiyaz Uddin
“We are the time we must live up to otherwise like the sun we will set one day without shining.”
Aiyaz Uddin, Science Behind A Perfect Life

Aiyaz Uddin
“When you have an empty wallet,
When you have an empty stomach,
When you become hopeless and helpless,
That's where you will know what life is all about, and that's where you know who all are with you or pretended they are with you. Your real test in life is when you are at the edge of life.”
Aiyaz Uddin

Rachel Rueckert
“I wanted to please everyone-an impossibility. The noise of everyone else's expectations and concerns drowned out whispers of my own inclinations.”
Rachel Rueckert, East Winds: A Global Quest to Reckon with Marriage

Aiyaz Uddin
“We not only learn from the knowledge we acquire and experiences we gain but sometimes in order to learn deeper lessons in life we put ourselves out there and learn from the wounds and damages we receive ourselves.”
Aiyaz Uddin

“Cruel? Do you mean to the hunchback?”
“I mean—Of course the man himself was quite indifferent; no doubt, it is to him just a way of getting a living, like the circus-rider’s way or the columbine’s. But the thing makes one feel unhappy. It is humiliating; it is the degradation of a human being.”
“He probably is not any more degraded than he was to start with. Most of us are degraded in one way or another.”
E L Voynich

Stephen         King
“Everything was malleable. The mind could build a city, remodel it, then raze it, all while you were taking a shower or shaving or having a piss. Once you began, however, that changed. Every scene you wrote, every word you wrote, limited your options a little more. Eventually you were like a cow trotting down a narrow chute with no exit, trotting toward the—”
Stephen King, Rat

Ritu Negi
“The way a flower blooms from inside out, It doesn't have to put any effort to attract the bees, birds, and moths, It just bloomed and everything else was taken care of.
Similarly, you don't need to attract or chase things, you just need to bloom from within and everything else will transcendently fall into place for you.”
Ritu Negi

Romain Gary
“He didn’t believe in God, but he believed even less in cheapness. Besides, life’s never been anything else except a brief, frightened, bewildered shopping expedition.”
Romain Gary, The Gasp

Mike Chen
“Mission parameters can always be changed—in politics, military missions, or life—and the truly wise know when to make those changes.”
Mike Chen, Brotherhood

Claudia Gray
“We won’t always be free to travel wherever we will. We won’t always be able to take the time to attend elaborate parties. We won’t always have the chance to dance with the ones we love… So dance now.”
Claudia Gray, Leia: Princess of Alderaan

Claudia Gray
“Self-doubt will cripple you more surely than fear ever could.”
Claudia Gray, Lost Stars

Charles Soule
“If there’s one thing this war has taught me… love while you can.”
Charles Soule, Star Wars, Vol. 2: Operation Starlight

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