Stress Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stress" Showing 211-240 of 995
Johann Hari
“We live in a culture that is constantly amping us up with stress and stimulation.”
Johann Hari, Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention— and How to Think Deeply Again

“The less stuff you have, the less clutter you have, the less stressed you are.”
Maxime Lagacé

Matt Purcell
“Is it "stress" or "anxiety?"

Stress = natural response to present danger
Anxiety = the fear of losing something of having less of something in the future

Stress = Present Danger
Anxiety = Perceived Future Danger”
Matt Purcell, Life Hacks For Mindful Living

Sukant Ratnakar
“If stress can't give us anything, then why give stress our attention?”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

I had to do a whole entire two page--both front side and back--of exponets. finding the product and finding the quotient. My brain has never stopped functioning that quick in the span of one second. Didn't even need to pick up the pencil, the paper(s) itself sparked fear into my soul

“It's ok to do nothing when you're done with everything.”
Jan Lenarz

Sanjo Jendayi
“Flowers remind me of the beauty and brevity of life. They teach patience as you await some to bloom, enhancing their beauty. And then they're gone.

Moral of this story: Enjoy every single second of this life. Embrace the beautiful parts, don't stress the areas awaiting to bloom...enjoy the process. We are but a breath, so treasure each one.”
Sanjo Jendayi

“if I do everything perfectly and work my ass off, then I'll be ok.
That kind of thing, in the end, limits your ability to enjoy life; and it doesn't get the best out of you, it really doesn't”
Hugh Jackman

Stewart Stafford
“Going on stage always felt like being shot out of a cannon. My stomach would tighten as I got closer to the backstage area. You wondered why you put yourself through all the stress. Then BOOM! You're on, adrenalin pumping, and thinking: "THIS is why I do it!”
Stewart Stafford

Sukant Ratnakar
“Stress is a toxic residual of white-collar jobs that accumulate in the body in many invisible forms.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

Alex Korb
“The amount that you feel in control of a situation lowers your stress level.”
Alex Korb, The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time

Alex Korb
“Massage. Numerous studies have examined the effects of massage on everyone from babies and new mothers to breast-cancer survivors and people who suffer from migraines. The results are fairly clear that massage boosts your serotonin by as much as 30 percent. Massage also decreases stress hormones and raises dopamine levels, which helps you create new good habits.”
Alex Korb, The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“In many if not most cases, a psychologist is a glorified and paid shoulder to cry on.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Release. Engage in rejuvenating activities like yoga and meditation to release stressful emotions and to relax and reset your body, especially if it is tense. Trauma tends to get trapped within the body. Yoga and meditation can be useful outlets to “detox” from the impact of negative situations.”
Gary Thomas

Gina Simmons Schneider
“Calm is not merely the absence of stress, but the powerful presence of peace.”
Gina Simmons Schneider, Frazzlebrain: Break Free from Anxiety, Anger, and Stress Using Advanced Discoveries in Neuropsychology

“Stress comes from ignorance and understanding cures it.”
Debasish Deb Mridha, M.D.

Tim Harford
“A third lesson is to constantly remind yourself of the benefits of tension, which can be easy to forget when all you want is a quiet life.”
Tim Harford, Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives

Cookie O'Gorman
“Okay, I'm not fine," I corrected. There was no hiding the results of my stress baking. "But I will be, no need to worry.”
Cookie O'Gorman, Cupcake

“By reducing stress levels, yoga lowers the presence of glucocorticoids circulating throughout the body. The result is that you now have less to fight against. Your cravings change—you want junk food less and salad more.”
Jax Pax, How Yoga Really Works

“You have earned breaks without having to earn them to begin with.”
Jan Lenarz

Michael Lopp
“The key with a question offense is to move your freak from the emotional state to the rational one. I know I know and I know how good it feels when you’re stressed out to attack the source of that stress in what looks like a rational manner, but, um, you’re yelling, pointing your finger at me, and jumping up and down. Do you want me to react to the yelling or to the facts?”
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

“...the fast models of mechanization have taken over how we think about scholarship and ourselves. Slowing down is a matter of ethical import. To drive oneself as if one were a machine should be recognized as a form of self-harm.”
Maggie Berg, Slow Professor: Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy

Ethan Kross
“We often think of fight or flight as the main defensive reaction human beings turn to when faced with a threat. When under stress, we flee or hunker down for the impending battle. While this reaction does characterize a pervasive human tendency, researchers have documented another stress-response system that many people engage in when under threat: a “tend and befriend” response. They seek out other people for support and care.”
Ethan Kross, Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It

Cathy Burnham Martin
“Activity alone doesn’t get the job done nor relieve your stress. You need to take the right action.”
Cathy Burnham Martin, Healthy Thinking Habits: Seven Attitude Skills Simplified

“Put your problems on WhatsApp status
they Will disappear after 24 hours.”
Jordan Hoechlin

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“People often bemoan the demands in their lives. And in some sort of deeply lamenting tone they say, “Don’t you understand? My bucket is full.” But when you spend your life committed to a small bucket it might be full, but your life is not and neither is your rationale for complaining.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Mindfulness is the only doorway to the unhurried life.”
@Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Jim Brickman
“Please, allow yourself some king of release, even if it involves eating the whole tub of Cool Whip. A Snickers bar can be very therapeutic. Whatever works for you, whatever makes you feel as if a pin has been stuck inside the stress balloon you've been building up inside. ... Let it out.”
Jim Brickman, Jim Brickman -- Simple Things: Piano/Vocal/Chords

Jim Brickman
“Realize that stress doesn't happen because the world has made some pact against you personally.”
Jim Brickman, Jim Brickman -- Simple Things: Piano/Vocal/Chords

Jim Brickman
“So what can you do about your own manic moments? I tell myself, 'It's okay if I have no clue what to do. I will go through a few tough moments--I've gotten through worse moments before in my life. Every tough moment actually does make me stronger and smarter.”
Jim Brickman, Jim Brickman -- Simple Things: Piano/Vocal/Chords